Prem Rawat was the pudgy, teenage Lord of the Universe of the 1970's - 2024 - Eldest Son Accuses Rawat of Child Sexual Abuse
Prem Rawat attained brief public notoriety and ridicule as "Guru Maharaj Ji" the teenage Godboy ice-cream guzzling guru whose youthful following in the early 1970's had journalists in the USA and Great Britain, astonished and eager to write about his Divine Light Mission. This period ended with the failure of the "most Holy and significant event in human history", Millenium '73. The debts left by this failure and his personal extravagance nearly bankrupted the organisation.
There are references in this site to
Prem Rawat being f*t, even obese.
These are not meant as insults
but to highlight his poor life-choices
whether caused by hedonism
or anxiety and depression, he is
not a "realised" person
He does not teach
and epitomise the
Supreme Knowledge
nor even peacefullness
No Unsupported Assertions - This Website Has Full Documentation
For another few years stories about Rawat became more derisory as knowledge of his bleeding ulcer, his materialistic and extravagant life style, claims to Divinity and his worship by his followers became common. His marriage to a much older and taller devotee in 1974 was followed by his own mother disowning and disinheriting him in 1975 for his meat-eating, drug abuse and general "playboy" lifestyle. Since the early 1980's, he has continued to minister to his core of devotees in self-imposed obscurity until this century when he has attempted to become known as an internationally respected teacher of peace and renowned philanthropist through the use of phony public relations publicity. See the Real Prem Rawat, Read His Magazines, See His Posed Photos, Watch His Videos:
Prem Rawat was born on December 10, 1957. His father's self-proclaimed title was Shri Hans Ji Maharaj. Prem Rawat claims he was a descendant of Indian Royalty, and Hans also claimed to be the living incarnation of God of his time from whom Prem inherited his position. The process of Prem's incarnation, as he described it often, began on July 19th, 1966 when his father left his body in samadhi (died) and ended on August 1st to the ecstatic recognition of him as the new Perfect Master by thousands of his father's followers in the party of the century. After a decade in the West as the Lord of the Universe He went underground and later became Prem Rawat.
Present Day
Prem Rawat or Maharaji (his translation: "Ultimate Ruler" formerly known as "Guru Maharaj Ji") now claims to be a mild-mannered inspirational speaker and wealthy private investor living in well-deserved luxury in Malibu. He claims to work tirelessly to bring people the possibility of inner peace and bliss, a possibility that is completely unique and absolutely "the best thing happening" and that only he can reveal and inspire. His face and body show the effects of a hard drinking and smoking lifestyle and reveal the emptiness of his claims to provide the supreme Knowledge to his "students" who seem to have forgotten the hopes they had for enlightenment and perfect bliss that the young guru promised them. Still the wealthier ones get together most years at his compound at Amaroo in Australia to kiss his feet and renew the ties of devotion to their Master, for whatever that's worth.
As of 2022 Rawatism is continuing it's slide from obscurity to history. Rawat - showing all his 59 years and 10 more no matter how professionally his photos are lit - can only hope the magic of expensive modern medicine can keep him going as his followers begin their bell curve slide into the grave. While some lady devotees probably still have decades of increasing grey haired irrelevance their male compatriots who are already thin on top will be thin on the ground or in it within 10 years. I have already heard of the death of half a dozen premies * I knew.
Links to Prem Rawat's "Spiritual Teachings" In His Own Words
Prem Rawat Talks About The Four Techniques of Meditation
- The Divine Light or First Meditation Technique
- Divine Music or 2nd Meditation Technique
- The Word or 3rd Technique of Meditation
- The Divine Nectar or 4th Meditation Technique
Over the past 50 years the word 'guru' has been used for many evil and twisted people who have used their power over others to commit heinous crimes. Although Prem Rawat was one of the most publicised and reviled gurus of the 1970s he did not commit any heinous crimes or do unspeakable evil acts upon any of his followers as far as I know and I make no such accusation. He made grandiose claims of his Divinity and powers and fools enough people to fleece them of enough money to live in luxury. There is strong evidence that he had illicit sex with some of his worshippers and he fraudently claims to be a great philanthropist and International Master of Peace but while he can fly around in a personal jet plane, placate his germophobia and receive regular adulation from a small group of people he's not likely to commit any major crimes.
There are some statements made about Prem Rawat on this site that could be considered offensive, rude and vilification. They are made in the spirit of satire and sarcasm though Rawat's life and career is really beyond satire.
*What to call those who Believe in Prem Rawat
When Prem Rawat first came to the West his followers were called 'premies.' This was because it was said to be the Hindi word for 'lover.' At that time the name "Prem Rawat" was never mentioned. After 1980 Rawat told his followers to cease and desist using the word 'premie' and all other Hindi words they had been using. He has settled on the word 'student' but I find this a ridiculous and inappropriate word so I use whatever word spings to mind: premie, student, devotee, follower, true believer …