The Young Prem Rawat: A Cheat, A Glutton, A Liar, A Fraud - Terrified of His Parents
Prem Rawat's Childhood in His Own Words
Nearly all the available information about Prem Rawat's childhood comes from hagiographical sources (see Here) except for the truth about the real childhood that sometime comes from himself, despite himself. All of Rawat's speeches before 1984 were meant to embellish a fairytale of a person, Guru Maharaj Ji, who is a normal human being who has "realized the Knowledge" through meditation (ie become enlightened or whatever spiritual fantasty you hold); he was the Perfect Master who had been appointed by the last Perfect Master in an infinite line of Perfect Masters; and at the same time, He was an Incarnation of God (the Lord of the Universe) who can bring peace to the world and provide the Divine Grace so that those who trust and obey Him can also "realize the Knowledge." After 1984, 2 of of the 3 stories, were dropped and, where possible, they were denied. This left Maharaji as the unique person who has realized the Knowledge (called Self-Knowledge at different periods) and, somehow, can reveal and help others realize it too. There was no backstory, the proof was in the fact that he had the followers.
Rawat was neither enlightened nor realised or any other mythical state and this was apparent to anyone who listened to his speeches, or examined his life, critically. To His followers, anything goes, once he came as a carpenter, now he's come as a king. He continually revealed his poor character but to his followers, it was all Divine Play. Despite the pretence, there were times when he revealed more then he wanted, evidence of the phoniness of his fairytale childhood. In some of his speeches he began to reminisce and he revealed the truth despite this demolishing the myth of Prem Rawat's childhood Divine Perfect Masterhood.
Prem's public, well-rehearsed story is that he was "revealed the Knowledge" by his father when he was six and "realized it" in about a month. He Became the Divine Perfect Master, the Guru Maharaj Ji and Lord of the Universe at the age of nine when his father died.
- because His father had announced it beforehand and He was the Perfect Master of His time
- because he was the only person to have "realized Knowledge"
- through a supernatural miracle when the Spirit descended upon him
When Does Prem Rawat Tell the Truth?
With 50 years' hindsight we can see that Prem Rawat has no regard for the truth so how can we tell if he is telling the truth at a particular time and place? Prem Rawat is probably telling the truth when he says discreditable things about himself. So we know his childhood was not the life of a blissful Perfect Master which he proclaimed many times because at times he revealed how fearful and unhappy he was. We can accept he never believed in his Perfect Master, Lord of the Universe hype because he said so in this conversation with Tim Freke and that basically says "My Whole Life is a Lie."
Prem Rawat was a Fraudulent "Perfect Master" and Always Knew It
From 1984 on, he dropped the part of his biography about being a Divine Incarnation and went on as if there was "no elephant in the room," no explanation required. After thirty years of silence he began to use part of his childhood story in his current bio but omitted most of the relevant data.
In a talk with Tim Freke (who was polite) Rawat revealed the truth of his earlier fraudulent claims to be the Perfect Master while still lying and attempting to create a more acceptable story that fit his post-1984 persona.
Freke: It's like what was happening for you when you were all of these people were adoring you and like what's that like? what was inside you? At that time did you believe your own hype or not? I mean did about the you know the the whole Perfect Master and all the Lord of the Universe and
PR: No! Look! I had to go to school every day. (TF: No, I mean when you were here) No. No, but in India too. I was already hailed a Perfect Master and I have to go to school and I was no Perfect Master in school so already this duality existed. Where you could be and you couldn't be. So I come out, I come home, I'm not a Perfect Master, my mother is telling me, you didn't do this, you didn't do this, do this, do this. I go in on weekends or on school holidays out there and there's thousands of people cheering and going yay yeah yeah of course you are and I was like well which one is it? Is it that one? or is it that one? See, and I realized I have to be me. I wasn't a student nor I was the Perfect Master.…
I had just come from India and literally everybody around and it was also the period of time where it was like look towards the east for answers so I was the perfectly situated for that. Here I had come from the East and the young boy who has come with this message and everything else and we will sort this out by literally taking on a part of a behaviour that had nothing to do with knowing yourself nor it had anything to do with experiencing the divine. It was literally Indian religion.
So even at a young age he knew he was not a Perfect Master but he played that role in public for almost 20 years, gathering deluded followers who believed his lies, who gave him everything, their lives, their money, worship, obdedience, devotion, surrender. Gifts including a wife, a palace fit for a Perfect Master, chariots fit for gods in which he could fly, in which he could speed down streets at dangerous speeds, stereo systems he could play at ear-splitting levels and gopi whores.
Rawat had this conversation in 2021(?) and his excuse was that he believed in his heart that he was a Master that talked about perfectness "and I said I need to take this message of peace to everyone." If you can believe that then you can also believe he is the Perfect Master and Lord of the Universe with a nod and a wink for those in the know. Its what those who left Rawat's bandwagon claim is exactly what his long-time believers do believe and its what I observed in my decades living amongst those premies as they aged into PWKs on the outside while remaining premies in private and amongst themselves.
Prem Rawat Was a Liar, a Cheat and Terrified of His Parents
In later life he returned time and again to the same theme. His miserable childhood and school life. Sundays were full of fear and tension as on Monday he would have to show his teacher his completed homework and if he couldn't produce it he faced the terror of having his parents informed of his failure. He recalled those tension filled moments just before the bell rang at end of class waiting to see if the teacher would remember to give some homework. Rawat makes no mention of remaining calm and blissful through meditation on the Holy Name, just the desperate wish for the bell to ring. He even recalls being involved in a homework cheating ring in which he bribes other students with buns and samosas so he could copy their homework. He did attain satisfaction and bliss, not through meditation, but when the teacher didn't ask about the homework the young Satguru hadn't done. He talks about the negative Kundalini, the chill of fear running up his spine when his teacher says "I wanna talk to your parents."
The young Prem Rawat was a Glutton.
"I had this experience I when I was growing up in Dehra Dun we used to have mango trees and these mangoes were just so sweet so incredible that I would eat them and I mean I would eat them till I was ready to pop and it would become stupid almost then I had to sit down because it's just like Oh my God. So people so people knew that I like mangoes and so wherever I go somebody if mangoes are in season they'll bring one for me, and I was very thankful that they did but I was always say no no that wasn't as good as the one in Dehra Dun."
It doesn't require Prem Rawat to talk of his gluttony, that was always obvious to the crassest critic and after all a kid making himself sick eating mangoes isn't a crime even if other children in India are starving to death. So why discuss it? Prem Rawat claimed and still claims that he "realized Knowledge" as a six year old and claimed he was "enlightened." Whatever this exalted state may be it can't be worth much if among any effects it doesn't affect gluttony.
Was Prem Rawat an Abused Child?
Over the years on the ex-Premie Forum many people who were formerly devotees of Prem Rawat have wondered, can Prem Rawat's childhood be considered child abuse?
They were not referring to his father's propensity for violence nor his mother's propensity to criticise him for failure to do what she ordered. They were not criticisng his upbringing in a relatively rich Indian household with many servants who all considered the young Prem to be God incarnated in his cute but fattening body. They were not referring to his being sent to a private school, St Joseph's Academy in Dehra Dun, ranked one of the top 5 schools in India. They were not referring to his fear of punishment for not doing his homework as they hadn't studied his recorded speeches and assumed his childhood was one of bliss and unparalleled joy. They were not referring to his being allowed to eat so many delicious mangoes that he would vomit leaving the servants to clean up the mango smoothies splattered everywhere.
They were referring to his being appointed as the next Perfect Master and Lord of the Universe at his father's death and the attendant work involved gaining the necessary knowledge and experience to be able to carry out his duties correctly.
There were Indian children starving, being beaten, used as child sex workers, scrounging a living in giant rubbish tips, living in shanty towns, using the street as a kitchen and a toilet, begging, working 12 hours a day to stay alive, stealing, eating out of garbage bins … the list is endless.
So no, I don't consider Prem Rawat's childhood to be child abuse especially as according to the photos and films of the day he took to the stage like a duckling to water. He actively colluded in his appointment as Incarnation of God and played the Indian Guru Festival Circuit as if he was born to it. Furthermore he never believed the hype but used it for his own advantage swindling His true believers of tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars for very little reward and indulging in a spectacular round of conspicuous consumption, deceit and lies to this day.