Perfect Master Audio tapes

In the 1970's audio tapes of the speeches of Prem Rawat, then known as Guru Maharaj Ji aka The Perfect Master aka The Lord of the Universe, were sold to his followers. Edited versions of these speeches were also printed in Divine Light Mission magazines. Listening to these tapes reveals what a terrible public speaker he was as a young man and how unlikely someone whose sole mode of teaching and recruitment was through these impromptu speeches could have achieved any success as the leader of a New Religious Movement. However the young Rawat inherited the position of Divine Incarnation of a relatively large and successful Indian religious infrastructure (Divya Sandesh Parishad or Divine Light Mission) from his father and became worshipped by some of the less sophisticated "hippies" looking for enlightenment in India and came to the West in 1971 looking for followers at the right time when a window of opportunity had opened for Asian gurus. Unfortunately some of the sound quality of the 2nd and 3rd copies of these 40 year old tapes is too poor for accurate trancsription.

PMT 001 - DUO Proclamation and Satsang, February, 1973; Hans Jayanti, Ramlila Grounds, Delhi, India, 10th November 1972
PMT 002 - Monterey California, 27th June 1972; Los Angeles, 24th June 1972
PMT 003 - Guru Puja, Montrose, Colorado, 27th July 1972
PMT 004 - Central Hall, Westminster, London, November 2 1971, Q&A, Boulder Colorado, August 21 1971
PMT 005 - Airport Greeting, 17th June, 1973, Father's Day (Return to USA), Embassy Hall, Los Angeles, 17th June 1973
PMT 006 - On Service, Denver Colorado, 26th September, 1973
PMT 007 - 3rd World Peace Tour, New York, 28th July 1973
PMT 008 - Chicago, Illinois, 17th August 1973; listen to the out-takes of the Stoned Satsang by Giggling Guru, from his rehearsals for a recorded Studio Satsang 7th August 1973
PMT 009 - 3rd World Peace Tour, Palace Of Peace, London, 21st September 1973
PMT 010 - "The Love Crisis," Embassy Hall, Los Angeles, 27th January 1974
PMT 011 - "The Missing Link," Denver, Colorado, 15th February 1974
PMT 012 - "Three Days Of Grace", Los Angeles, 19th April, 20th April and Unitarian Church 21st April 1974
PMT 013 -
PMT 014 - "Only One Source," Phipps Auditorium, Denver, Colorado, 2nd May 1974
PMT 015 - "I Can Take You There," Denver, Colorado, 6th May 1974
PMT 016 - "Concept Bomb" or "Darshan Satsang" Denver Colorado, 12th May 1974, Los Angeles Meditation Retreat, 1st June 1974
PMT 017 - "I Am A Road," Boulder, Colorado, 28th August 1971, Toronto (continued from PMT001, 24th September, 1971
PMT 019 - "The Beautiful Movie Inside," Los Angeles, 14th June 1974; Chicago, 18th February 1974
PMT 020 - "Our Puzzle Is Solved", and the play "Mama Maya and the Three Gunas" Denver Colorado, 17th July 1974
PMT 021 - Guru Puja '74 Guru Maharaj Ji complete unedited speech 8th July Durga Ji unedited speech 8th July, Arti, Songs
PMT 022 - Dedication Guru Puja '74 Expression, Guru Maharaj Ji, Tim Gallwey, Mahatma Rajeshwar, Rennie Davis, Kathy Sisler, Songs
PMT 023 - Dedication Guru Puja '74 Dedication, Guru Maharaj Ji, Bob Mishler, Roger Robinson and Andy Glanzman, Durga Ji, Rick Berman, Songs
PMT 024 - "Paramount Satsang", Denver, Colorado, 12th October 1974
PMT 025 -
PMT 026 - Hans Jayanti, Toronto, Side A: Krishna Lila, Roger Robinson, Jiva, Durga Ji, Side B Guru Maharaj Ji, 9th November 1974
PMT 027 -
PMT 036 - "The Missing Peace," Public Program Hans Jayanti, Orlando Florida, Sunday Afternoon 9th November 1975
PMT 040 Pacific Guru Puja transcript - Prem Rawat (Maharaji) speaks at Capitol Theatre, Sydney Australia, October 18, 1975.
PMT 041 Pacific Guru Puja transcript - Prem Rawat (Maharaji) speaks at Sydney Opera House, October 19, 1975.

PMT 173 - "Caracas Venezuela, 4th February 1981
PMT 253 - "Maharaji Public Program (Hans Jayanti?), New York, November 10, 1982

PMT 028 - "Three Way Connection," Los Angeles California 8th February 1975
PMT 029 - 'Now You Are Ready," Holi, Miami Florida, 29th March 1975
PMT 032 - Guru Puja '75, Caracas Venezuela, 23rd/24th July 1975
PMT 033 - Guru Puja '75, Caracas Venezuela, 24/25th July 1975
PMT 034 - Guru Puja '75, Essen Germany, 30th August 1975
PMT 035 - Guru Puja '75, Essen Germany, 31st August 1975
PMT 037 - "Here We Go Again," Orlando, November 7, 1975 (Item #0420037)
PMT 038 - "A Surprise Visit," Orlando, November 8, 1975 (Item #0420038)
PMT 039 - "Peace is Coming Along," Orlando, November 9, 1975, evening (Item #0420039)

PMT 043 Guru Maharaj Ji and Durga Ji in Montreax, Switzerland on 21st May, 1976.
PMT 044 Guru Maharaj Ji in Leicester, England, 13th June, 1976.
PMT 045 Guru Maharaj Ji in Berkeley, California. 17th July, 1976.
PMT 046 Guru Maharaj Ji, Questions & Answers in Denver, I lth September, 1976.
PMT 051 Guru Maharaj Ji and Durga Ji, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 18th December, 1976.
PMT 052 Guru Maharaj Ji in Atlantic City, New Jersey, 19th December, 1976.
PMT 057 PEACE FLIGHT '77 Guru Maharaj Ji in Montreal, 29th April, 1977.
PMT 058 PEACE FLIGHT '77 Guru Maharaj Ji in Montreal, 1st May, 1977.
PMT 059 GURU MAHARAJ JI IN ROME, ITALY Guru Maharaj Ji's satsang on 28th March, 1977 (final evening).
PMT 060 GURU MAHARAJ JI IN MUNICH, GERMANY Guru Maharaj Ji's satsang on April 10, 1977 (final evening).
GURU PUJA '77 Guru Maharaj Ji in Miami, Florida, 29th July, 1977.
GURU PUJA '77 Guru Maharaj Ji in Miami, Florida, 31st July, 1977.
PMT 064 "COURT OF LOVE RETREAT" Guru Maharaj Ji in Pennsylvania, U.S.A., September 5th, 1977.
PMT 065 SHRINE AUDITORIUM Guru Maharaj Ji in Los Angeles, September 18th, 1977.
PMT 066 GAINESVILLE RETREAT Telephone call from Guru Maharaj Ji and Durga Ji to the Gainesville Retreat, Florida, U.S.A., October 2nd, 1977.
PMT Guru Maharaj Ji's satsang at Kansas City, Missouri, on January 20th, 1978.
PMT 053 Guru Maharaj Ji and Durga Ji, Portland, Oregon, 30th January, 1977.
PMT 054 Guru Maharaj Ji in Denver, 20th February, 1977. PMT 055 Guru Maharaj Ji in Denver, 19th February, 1977.
PMT 056 Guru Maharaj Ji at Holi '77, Florida, 18th-20th March, 1977.
DIT 038 Guru Maharaj Ji's phone call to Atlanta, Georgia, on 7th January, 1978.


Divine Times, Volume 9 #1 $1 50
Divine Times, Volume 8 #6 - Hans Jayanti Special $2.00
Divine Times, Volume 8 #2, #3, #4, #5 $1.00
The Living Master book $2.00
Light Reading - introductory satsang in a small magazine format $1.00
Introductory Question & Answer brochure 25¢

ELAN VITAL - $3.50

ELAN VITAL, Volume III #1, #2, #3 and #4, and Volume IV #1 are available. All previous issues of Élan Vital are sold out.


Élan Vital is published quarterly. The subscription rate for the U.S. and Canada is $ 15 per year. The rate for all other countries is $20, air printed matter rate.


Divine Times is available for subscription at $10 per year in the U.S. and Canada. Subscription for 1 year covers up to 8 issues. For all other countries the yearly rate is $20, air mail.


Perfect Master Videos (PMV's) are available in ½'' VHS and Beta Max I and II formats. Prices are: $50 for a 60-minute tape, $75 for a 120-minute tape. Please specify format and tape number when ordering. Video subscriptions are also available, see insert card.
PMV 065* - Denver, Colorado, 2/25/79 PMV 067 - Denver, Colorado, 2/24/79
PMV 066 - Live Telecast Satsang, Ventura, California, ½1 /79 PMV 068 - Denver, Colorado, 2/20/77 PMV 069 - Holi, Miami, 4/8/79
PMV 070 - Holi, Miami, 4/7/79
PMV 071 - Albert Hall, London, England, 5/28/79
PMV 072 - Guru Puja, London, England, 6/23/79
PMV 075* - Guru Puja Special (Europe), 6/20-23/79
PMV 073 - Guru Pula, Miami, 7/22/79
PMV 074* - Guru Puja Special (Miami), 7/19-22/79
PMV 077 - Kissimmee, Florida, 9/2/79
PMV 080 - US Tour, Miami, Florida, 9/29/79
PMV 084* - US Tour, Los Angeles, California, 10/14/79
PMV 085 - US Tour, Wildwood, New Jersey, 10/6/79
PMV 086 -- US Tour, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 10/10/79
PMV 087* - US Tour, Portland, Oregon, 10/12/79
PMV 088* - US Tour, Colorado Springs, Colo., 10/21/79
PMV 081 - Hans Jayanti, Monday Afternoon, 11/5/79
PMV 083 - Hans Jayanti, Saturday Afternoon, 11/10/79

All videos are 120 minutes, except those marked with an *, which are 60 minutes.

The following films are also available on video. The price is $90 (VHS and Beta Max) and $100 (3/4")

Satguru Has Come
Power of Love
Birthday Film Montreal, May 1, 1977
Holy Holi Leicester, England, 1976
Festival: Peace Flight Shrine Auditorium, September 1977
Family of Love Who is Guru Maharaj Ji


PMT 113 - Guru Puja, London, England, 6/21/79
PMT 114 - Guru Puja, London, England, 6/22/79
PMT 115 - Guru Puja, London, England, 6/23/79 (2 tapes; price is $5)
PMT 116 - Guru Pula, London, England, 6/24/79
PMT 117 - Guru Puja, Miami, 7/19/79
PMT 118 - Guru Puja, Miami, 7120179
PMT 119 - Guru Puja, Miami, 7/2 1 /79 (2 tapes, price is $5)
PMT 120 - Guru Puja, Miami, 7/22/79 - afternoon
PMT 120N - Guru Puja, Miami, 7/22/79 evening
PMT 121 - Kissimmee, 9/2/79: 9/3/79 early morning
UST 1D - Miami, Florida, 9/29/79 - afternoon
UST 1N - Miami, Florida, 9/29/79 - evening
UST 2D-- Wildwood, New Jersey, 10/6/79 afternoon
UST 2N - Wildwood, New Jersey, 10/6/79 evening
UST 3D - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 10/10/79 afternoon
UST 3N - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 10/10/79 evening
UST 4D - Portland, Oregon, 10/12/79 - afternoon
UST 4N - Portland, Oregon, 10/12/79 - evening
UST 5D - Los Angeles, California, 10/14/79 - afternoon (2 tapes, price is $5)
UST 5N - Los Angeles, California, 10/14/79 - evening
UST 6D - Colorado Springs, 1 0/2 1 /79 - afternoon
UST 6N - Colorado Springs, 10/2 1 /79 - evening; and New Orleans, 10/22/79 - evening
UST 7D - New Orleans, 10/22/79 - afternoon
PMT 122 Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, 1 1/3/79
PMT 123 Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, 1 1/4/79
PMT 124 - Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, 1 1/5/79 (2 tapes; price is $5)
PMT 1 25N - Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, 1 1/6/79 - evening
PMT 126 - Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, 1 117179 - afternoon
PMT 126N - Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, 1 1/7/79 - evening
PMT 127 - Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, 1 1 /8/79 - afternoon
PMT 127N - Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, 1 1/8/79 - evening
PMT 128 - Hans Jayanti. Kissimmee, 1 1/9/79 - afternoon
PMT 128N - Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, 1 1/9/79 evening
PMT 129 - Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, 1 1/10/79 afternoon
PMT 129N - Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, 1 1 /10/79 - evening
PMT 130 - Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, 1 1/12/79
PMT 131 - Miami, Florida, 12/25/79
PMT 132 - Cancun, Mexico, 1 / 16/80
PMT 133 - Cancun, Mexico, 1 / 17/80
PMT 134- Lima, Peru, 1/21/80
PMT 135 - Lima, Peru, 1/22/80
PMT 136 - Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1/30/80
PMT 137 - Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1/31/80
PMT 138 - Caracas, Venezuela, 2/6/80
PMT 139 - Caracas, Venezuela, 2/7/80
PMT's are $2.50 each. All other PMT's available are listed in previous issues of Divine Times. For subscription information please see insert card.

PMT 173 - Wednesday, February 4, 1981, Caracas, Venezuela

PMT 216 - Follow-up Program, Thursday, November 26, 1981, Washington D.C.


All music tapes are $6.00

SLT 007 - One Foundation "Only One Love"
SLT 008 - One Foundation "Brand New Love"
SLT 009 - One Foundation/Holi - "Teach Me Devotion"
SLT 010 - One Foundation/Rich Neel - "I Love You"
SLT 011 - Holi - ''Everybody Needs You"

Please send only check or money order, payable in U.S. dollars, to DLM Sales, 31149 Via Colinas 4610, Westlake Village, California 9 136 1 As a result of increased postage and shipping costs, only minimum orders of $5 will be handled. Please add 10% shipping costs for videos & cassette collections, and 20% shipping costs for all other items. This is not required on subscriptions. California residents please add appropriate sales tax on all individual orders. Mail order items, cassette tapes and tape subscriptions are not available outside the U.S. and Canada. However subscriptions to Élan Vital, Divine Times and video tapes are available internationally. Bulk orders for communities may be called in by community coordinators. Call (213) 99 1 -5180.