Prem Rawat's Teachings about Peace - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat or Maharaji ("the Ultimate Ruler") as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's has always taught that he is the only source of Peace in this world. In the early stages of his career he openly declared he was the Perfect Master, God manifest in a human body, and that he had incarnated with more power than ever before and would bring world peace. He became more circumspect as he aged but still declares he has the unique power to enable his followers to experience the possibility of peace, the possibility that only exists through practicing his "Knowledge." He has spent 40 years claiming he is the source of peace in the world.

Durga Ji (Prem Rawat's wife, Marolyn Rawat nee Johnson), Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee Florida, November 10, 1978
These days he still says, "I still want you, I still need you, please: give me your love." And not like give me your love and you won't get anything back; but you get everything. Give me your love and I'll give you peace. Give me your love and I'll give you peace. Give me your love and I'll give you myself. I am the source of peace in this world. What more can our ears hear? What more could we ask for? For every human being in this world, Guru Maharaj Ji is. But we, right now, all of us who are hearing this satsang, who have come together, who have come to see Guru Maharaj Ji, to hear his satsang, to have his darshan, we are his lovers.
The Golden Age, February 1979, Number 51 and Affinity, January 1979 and Divine Times, January/February, 1979, Volume 8, Number 1 (heavily edited)

"Peace Bomb" speech, 8 November, 1970 in front of 1 million people at India Gate, Delhi
Give me your love, I will give you peace. Come to me, I will relieve you of your suffering. I am the source of peace in this world. All I ask of you is your love. All I ask is your trust. And what I can give you is such peace as will never die. I declare I will establish peace in this world. But what can I do unless men come to me with love in their heart and a keen wish to know peace and Truth? … But when the Lord saw that the troubles His devotees were having to endure had reached the final point, He said, "My devotees can bear it no longer", and then manifested Himself in a human body. So He has now come to reveal the lost Knowledge and to restore true peace. The Lord, the True Saint, the True Guru Maharaj Ji has incarnated in this world.
He who learns to love Guru Maharaj Ji, Guru Maharaj Ji gives him peace. Subash Chandra Bose used to say, "Give me your blood and I will give you independence." Likewise, I too have a slogan: give me your love and I will give you peace. Surrender the reins of your life unto me and I will give you such peace as will never die. Come to me, and I will give you liberation. Place the reins of your life in my hands, and I will relieve you of your suffering. First, be capable of giving the reins of your life to me, then give them. And if I do not give you peace, I will give them back to you. Why do you search in the world? Peace is not there, peace is with me. To have peace, come to me; I will show you the way to peace. If no one else can give you peace, I will give it to you. Those who are lost can come and those who are fond of roaming can roam about in arrogance. Those who come to me, those who are lost, I will give them peace. …
Take from me, but what will you give me? Will you give me love? The love that you will give me, that love is also mine, so what is yours? Did you just happen to fall from the sky without the help of Guru Maharaj Ji and without the Lord? No, the Lord has created you and Guru Maharaj Ji has put love into you. Oh, give what is mine back to me, and I will give you such a thing, such peace, that not even a pistol or a gun will be found in the country. Not one leader will stand and shout slogans, not a single man of the army will remain and, dear premies, there will be peace. I will give you this peace because it is in my possession and I can give it. … Therefore, dear premies, the time has come. See how peace will be established in the world. There will be peace on earth. That peace which disappeared shall prevail again. It will come, and once again the world will understand. So listen to me and act accordingly. Bow down before Guru Maharaj Ji! … Love flows from the Lord who has given me wisdom; will He not also give me strength to establish peace on this earth? … Therefore, dear premies, the time has come for restlessness to be destroyed and the Kingdom of Peace to be established. Whether you take it as my prophecy or anything else, the Kingdom of Peace will be established soon. … I swear by my mother who has give me birth, that I will give you peace. If with a true heart you give me the reins of your life, place them in my hands, you will be saved.
The Golden Age November 1978 Number 49

Guru Puja festival in Montrose, Colorado on July 25th, 1972
People ask me, "How can there be a kingdom of peace on this earth?" Because they have only seen the way governments work, and governments only know one thing and that is to take a gun, put it against the head, and say, "Do this or else next moment you will be shot," and if they don't do it, they are shot dead; they are finished. They use a kind of force to make people do something. And that's the problem.
You can take the horse to water but you cannot make him drink. You can put him on a truck and drive him to that river but you can't make him drink. So that's it. You can make a man change the direction of his body but you can't change the direction of his ideas. If his ideas are pure then he thinks purely and lives purely and for him there is the kingdom of peace on this earth. But this is only possible if there is a Master who can give this Knowledge which can make us pure and put us on the path of purity. And this is what is happening. It is very easy to have peace in the world and the kingdom is coming. This Knowledge is so much that I can't actually describe it in words. It is a matter of practical experience.
And It Is Divine magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1

Montrose, Colorado on 17th September, 1972
Remember Jesus prophesied that there will be famine and thunders before the Kingdom of Heaven comes, but remember at the same time that God is very merciful. He is complete mercy. And probably, if He has mercy on you the world won't explode, and I am working on that. I am increasing spiritual Knowledge like anything to stop the bombs destroying the whole world and I need your cooperation. If you don't cooperate with me, okay, then let the bombs explode. They won't wait for me, but if you want real peace, cooperate with me, and really, I will bring it along very fast, because God is merciful, all merciful.
No politician has ever brought peace to his country. Even now many wars are going on in the name of peace. Yet if all politicians worked in harmony and cooperation with the great Spiritual Master and with the Truth, then world peace would be obtained in one millionth of a second. A second, not a minute. I issue this challenge! I am not a political leader and have no right to talk about or criticize politicians. True Spiritual Knowledge is my subject and this is the highest Knowledge. From this Satguru obtains His authority. Once you know the Name there is nothing left to know.
And It Is Divine magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1

Boulder, Colorado on June 28, 1973.
So what is the means to get this true thing, how to get this peace? There are so many scriptures in the world, and they
are still making "keys" to scriptures, like a small booklet, an "Introduction to the Scripture," and this and that. Why?
Because people are not satisfied with scriptures, and they will just make more and more of
these things. So it's just not scriptures. It's not religion either, because religions have existed in the world for a very, very long time. At the time of Hitler there
was a religion, and now there is a religion. It didn't do any good. You know it didn't do any good. It didn't do any good
to Hitler, it hasn't done any good to people today either. Now you know this, you understand this, you have practical
proof of this, and you can't put it out of your mind for some reason: religions weren't able to bring peace; scriptures
weren't able to bring peace. That's why always a Messiah has to come into this world -- to bring peace. I don't say I am a Messiah, mind you. I just
say I am a servant of God trying to preach this Knowledge to you.
What is the Real Thing?

Interview with John Wood of the Boston Globe Interview in 1973
Reporter: You were saying before, that you expect to see peace on earth in your lifetime.
Maharaj Ji: You will be able to see peace in this world on people's faces. This is one thing a London newspaper wrote, that if you see a well-dressed man who has got a glow on his face, if he's really shining, it means he's from Divine Light Mission. They have realized peace, and peace can't hide itself. It just comes out. And when everybody is going to realize it, it's going to be -
Reporter: Will everybody realize this then?
Maharaj Ji: It's not a hard job. For sure to the people who see this world and see us, it might seem a hard job because they only see five or six people around me. But that's not it. There's six million people reaching at least. It's not hard for one man to reach two people a day - you understand? And six million people are reaching two people a day - how much does that count to? That's it. That's how we are growing so fast.
Light Reading, published June 1980

Public Program, Boston, Massachusetts, August 4, 1973
Now, I have realized, and six million people have realized, this inner Peace, this inner Knowledge that is within inside of us all, this primordial vibration, this supreme energy, this kinetic energy that is also making us alive. You see, what I see life as is: When kinetic energy enters, it becomes life. Because what this body is -- its a potential body. And then there is some kinetic energy that is within inside of us making this potential body into kinetic. Because once that kinetic energy gets out of this body, we are six feet under the ground. Because now there is no use of the body. No matter who he is.
The world has been searching for Truth for such a long time. And they think it's just not available. So they go, and they are sitting, and then somebody comes to them and says, "Do you want Peace?" And they say, "What? Now beat it; don't joke with me. It's nothing doing. This Peace is just not available." But when somebody reveals this Peace, this primordial vibration, this supreme energy within inside of us, then it is something. It's
really something. Because it's right there but we do not know it. We do not have the proper method to realize it.
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 2, Summer 1978

Millenium '73 Invitation Letter, Bonn, Germany, September 31, 1973
In the world there is suffering, hatred and dissatisfaction. That fact does not need proof. It is understood by all that the world is passing through a great moment. No one has satisfaction of mind nor can they find the solution to this. The world is looking for the Perfect Master to come and reveal the Perfect Knowledge of God. There is a supreme energy constantly vibrating in everything making it survive and all the Perfect Masters come to reveal this Knowledge to people. We can attain all materialistic things and still not have peace, for peace lies inside not outside in materialism.
As you all know Millenium '73 is being prepared for now. This festival has been organized by Divine Light Mission each year since 1967, in the memory of the late Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaji on His birthday. This year the most Holy and significant event in human history will take place in America.
Special Millenium '73 Edition, Divine Times

Proclamation For 1975
I still sincerely think that this Knowledge, the Knowledge of God, the Knowledge of our Creator is our solution. Many people might not think so
… I do not claim to be God but do claim I can establish peace on this earth by our Lord's Grace and everyone's joint effort.
The Golden Age No. 17 January, 1975

Orlando, Florida, November 9, 1975
You see, there was a point my life my life when I had not received Knowledge. I was a very little kid, I was in third grade, and I used to have opportunities to go and listen to satsang, to go and listen to discourses. Well, they used to talk about peace, and about this Knowledge. Being in the environment that I used to be in with everybody talking about peace and everybody talking about that perfect energy, it occurred to me that there had to be something like that or all these guys were crazy. But I knew one thing. I had love, I had faith, I had trust in my Guru Maharaj Ji and I wanted that Knowledge. Because I knew it existed. I wanted that peace because I knew it existed.
Light Reading, 1980

Malaga, Spain, Sunday, 26 March 1978
And this world would just completely collapse if Perfect Master stopped coming. I can't possibly even imagine or foresee what this world would be like. Because it would be completely incredible to just see the beginning and the end of the world in the same minute, in the same second, in the same hour. It'd be just gone! Finished! I mean, with the Perfect Master in this world there's enough problems. And with him not here, it just feels like the whole thing would just go and that would be it. And when Perfect Master comes into this world, what does He try to do? When Jesus came into this world, did He say, "Oh, My
children, go to moon and you will find peace"? Or did Mohammed say, "Go to Mars, and there you will see the scene that you've never seen before"?
So every time the Perfect Master has come into this world, where has he directed that attention? Why has he said, "What we need to do is to bring peace into this Earth?" It's "bring peace into this Earth." Why has it been always "peace into this Earth"?
Golden Age, April 1978 Number 44 and Divine Times, Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Interview, published in the June, 1979 edition of Miami Magazine
To me, peace is really the inner contentment. War is only a by-product of man not being content within one's self. When I say peace,
I mean the peace which is within us and which comes when man is in harmony with his Creator, the Almighty Lord God.
When one has experienced inner peace, then and only then can absence of war really manifest.
To be here, to be alive, is such a grace, such a gift, from that Almighty Lord God. And that is all the more reason why we have to realize Him, recognize Him and experience Him within.
The struggle in this world to exist goes on more and more day to day. And yet it is so obvious that the Creator, Who created us, and Who sustains us, has not created us or the Creation for discontent, anger, hate and darkness. The threat of war grows every day. We don't have to choose war when we can choose the love of God and the Peace of the Kingdom of Heaven within. Undoubtedly, to me, that is what we should experience.
I feel I have something through which you can experience the Peace and the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, within and thus experience that love of our Creator, the Almighty who has created us all
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54

Rome, Italy, Ashram Satsang June 25 1980
"Those ideas aren't going to be any good if there isn't some substance that can replace the darkness in everyone's heart. That's what's needed, a real solution, not talk, you know. Oh there's enough talk, there's plenty of talk and what we need is that real solution and always has been, always will be, and is now. Knowledge is the only solution, really Guru Maharaj Ji is the only solution to bring that peace into this world. That's why Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world."
Ashram Satsang video, June 25 1980

Kansas City, Missouri, November 28, 29, 30, 1980
Believe in God? No, not until you show me, you know (slightly more applause). Do you believe in happiness? No, not until you show me. Do you believe in peace? No, not until you show me. And you know, the thing is, all those things can be shown. They can be experienced by every human being. Those things are to be experienced, the Creator is something incredible to experience, is something incredible to see. The peace is incredible to enjoy, it's so satisfying, the truth, the consciousness that keep us alive. Sure, it can be seen. I can show it and here we are in show me state and it can all be done.
Eyes of Faith, © 1981 Élan Communications video

Millenium 2000 festival
By putting all the other things aside and focus on the one way, you don't need to run anywhere else, the human being starts to run in that one direction where his Creator truly resides, where his Creator truly resides, where his true bliss is there. He doesn't know what's in front of him, what's behind him, what's above him, what's below him, that person goes to that place, he's in that place where everything is still, everything is beautiful and there's nothing else besides that bliss, besides that peace and the Master (Hindi: Guru Maharaj Ji) has opened that door, opened that path for the person to go to that place. What a beautiful thing, what is the difference? Truly, for that person who has this Knowledge (Hindi: premie) when he realizes that every step is so precious and he makes the effort to try and understand this, the world doesn't even try to understand this but people who have this knowledge can try to make this effort, even a little bit of effort every single day that they want to fulfil their lives. Therefore the Saints and Masters have said "Blessed are those,
blessed are those whose focus is in that direction of where there is that truth, consciousness and bliss where there is that Supreme Bliss, where is that,
where there is that peace but also walk in the remembrance of that.
Élan Vital '4 Days in November' video, 2000

The Thank You 2003 CD
"And yes I have this dream that all civilisations, that all people of then face of this earth will be in peace and people say to me "Isn't that reaching too far? Isn't that an impossible ideal?" Then I say to myself, if that is true, then it is the only ideal worth having because if people think it's impossible then yes it must be something that I can try to help with. And that's what I do and the amazing thing is to have peace on the outside, you have to have peace on the inside and you know this. This is not new news, everyone knows this that to have, to have peace on the outside you have to have peace on the inside. And to find peace on the inside is the most simplest process of all because it is already there, it does not have to be created, it does not have to be manufactured. … "I'm very excited because I think peace is a reality in this world. There's too many people to debunk that. That's too ambitious they say. Is it really possible they question but all those people who think it too ambitious are not of the people who are even remotely trying to bring peace in this world. Al least however minor my efforts might be or however great my efforts might be, regardless of that at least I am making an effort. This is not peace that is signed by ink on a piece of paper between two countries saying they won't kill each other. This is not the peace that I am talking about. The peace that I am talking about is a peace that is felt in the heart of human beings."
Thank You 2003 CD

September 2004
We need peace in this world as we are. We need peace in this world with all our problems. We need peace in this world with everything that goes on. We need peace in this world because our heart desires it. Something very fundamental wants that peace. There has been an attraction to that peace since time immemorial. When it comes to peace in my life, it begins with being ready and able to stand on my own feet. It doesn't end there, but it begins there. For too long, we have looked to world leaders. They try, but succeeding is another story. The noblest gesture we can make is to recognize the possibility of peace in our life and to find ourselves to be the source and the resource.
The Young People's Initiative, downloaded 11 July 2009

The Peace 2004 CD
Track 1: "Be excited to know that peace is within you and always will be within you. Be excited to know that this is your opportunity. Be excited to know that
the greatest of all miracles has taken place, you are alive."
Peace 2004 CD

October 2006
Without peace, whatever structures are built, they crumble. The fighting decimates. These conflicts are a disease. And like any disease, they affect anyone involved with them. The solution does not come from words, ideas,
debates. The solution comes from within the heart of each human being. This is our humanity. There is a cry from within every single person that has been there since time immemorial, wanting to reach out and say,
"Let there be peace." Personal peace. Individual peace. The peace that is for everyone.
The Voice of Maharaji website and Inspire Volume 3,
Issue 111, downloaded 29 April 2009

May 2007
Is the hunger for peace an illusion? Or is it real? Is the hunger to be content an illusion? Or is it real? A very good question. And the answer is: It's not an illusion! It touches every single human being on the face
of this earth, and it has been an issue since time immemorial. What people have done is to learn how to evade the issue - not tackle it but evade it.
Inspire Volume 4, Issue 124 and The Voice of Maharaji
website, downloaded 29 April 2009

20 September 2007
So is peace something innate that resides in the heart of every single human being? Or is it a state that can be manipulated and brought about? When I talk about peace, I mean the desire for peace that has resided within
human beings from time immemorial. And it continues. A voice for peace surfaces again and again, however many times it has been ignored by governments and world leaders. Even in the face of that, the voice for peace
continues to call. This is what we have to acknowledge, to listen to. This voice does not belong to a group of people or a country. This is within every human being trying to find that peace in their own way. That's how
powerful it is.
Inspire Volume 4, Issue 138, downloaded 29 April 2009

Brighton England, June 17 2011
On this journey of life, make sure the heart is fulfilled, experience peace. When you can experience peace, that's when peace will come into your world. People say: "In this world, there needs to be peace." I say: "No, in your world there needs to be peace, because if there isn't peace in your world, there isn't going to be peace in this world." Words Of Peace Global website, downloaded 22 September 2012
The And It is Divine magazines included the following proclamation in one form or another:
Dear Reader,
By the grace of Almighty Lord, we bring you the magazine And It Is Divine. You will find this magazine very different from others, because it shows not only the suffering of the world, but also a way out for all humanity.
There has never been a time when the Lord of Creation did not manifest Himself in human form, and come to this planet Earth to do away with evil and spread the True Knowledge. But history is a pendulum which is always in swing. There have been so many scriptures, but still people have never been able to understand Him.
Divine Light Mission wants to bring world peace by sharing the Knowledge which is within us by the grace of Almighty Lord. In this magazine, we hope to give information about the peace which lives within us, which Guru Maharaj Ji reveals.
And yes, He, Himself, Prem Rawat aka Sant Ji Maharaj, Prem Pal Singh Rawat, Maharaji, Guru Maharaj Ji, Balyogeshwar Param Sant Ji Maharaj was the manifestation of the 'Lord of Creation' and his signature was on every print of this manifesto.