Prem Rawat's Teaching about God - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat or Maharaji (Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's has no compunction stating he is a unique person with power possessed by nobody else alive. His teachings post-2000 appear to have little in common with those of the 1970's but there is at least one thing that hasn't changed. He teaches that God is within each person as well as being the Creator of all and that Rawat's Knowledge can reveal God deep within inside each person. In his early career He openly taught that He was the Perfect Master, the only Master and was an Incarnation of God and a Manifestation of God come to earth to save humanity, like his predecessors such as Jesus and Krishna and Mohammed and Ram. In the 1980's he changed his public image and his public teaching but the core has remained the same so that in 2008 it is still obvious to young students at Bengal University in Kolkata that his claims could be true only if he is God in human form.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj Originally Published by Divine Light Mission, B-19/3, Shakti Nagar, Delhi 7, India - 1970, 8th November, 1970
He was a fearless, realized saint who followed the path of all great seers, shunning traditions, superstitions and rituals. He emphasised the worship of the living Guru.
But the relation of the Guru and the disciple transcends human relations, and are based on eternal bond of the jiva and God. Every individual soul is destined to achieve salvation through the grace of a living Guru.
Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Hans Rawat aka Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj (Prem Rawat's father and the former Perfect Master
But without finding his Satguru, he will never know the secret of Truth. After he has found his Satguru, a disciple should serve Him as a son serves his father, opening his heart, and regarding Him as God personified. The Lord God has said, "Know your Guru as Myself, the Lord." We should understand that Guru is the most powerful manifestation of the Lord. If we understand this, our minds will automatically turn to our Guru before we start to do anything. After we have reached this stage, God's form alone remains wherever we look. God reveals many hidden miracles to those who seek for Truth with reverence and devotion.
Hans Yog Prakash

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Shri Sant Ji Maharaj, July 29, 1966, Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India
Today you people think that Guru Maharaj Ji is not here. Again you have not understood his true form, but I will explain everything to you. If you do not realize God within, then Guru Maharaj Ji, the Perfect Master, will manifest again and again in this world and you will see him in the form you like.
If man had brought the Knowledge with him, then he would have taken the Knowledge and gone directly to the Kingdom of Heaven. But no, a man must find that Knowledge of God. This is the highest religion. Time should not be wasted. Saint Kabir said, "You spend the night in sleeping, and the day you waste in eating. This life is priceless but you are spending it as if worth a penny." Today, I tell you the same thing but still you do not listen. If you do not value the true realization of God, then how can you say that Maharaj Ji should come back?
Christ spread the Knowledge of God in his time; what was that Knowledge? In many places, temples have been constructed, but in each temple the worshippers see the statue of only a single Saint. When they come and listen to satsang, then we say to them, "The God you worship is our God also." When Knowledge of God is spread through the whole world, there will be one religion. The Knowledge will be spread through mahatmas, because, without these great souls, it cannot be done.
Guru Maharaj Ji is in front of us. I have got in me the God who is omnipresent God. Guru Maharaj Ji is within my heart and is everywhere. It is truly said that, "In this world, meet everyone with great love. You never know in what form God comes to meet you."
And It Is Divine, Millenium Program, 1973 and The Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

India Gate, Delhi, November 8, 1970, (before a million devotees)
But what is the purpose of this human life? It is to know something more than this - it is to know God. By obtaining the human body, you can receive Knowledge and meditate on God, and this is the unique purpose. There is one famous poem in which the poet expresses his feelings in very simple words. Which is the blessed home, he asks. That home where there is talk about God. Which ears are blessed? Those that hear words about God. Which eyes are blessed? Those that have the darshan of Guru Maharaj Ji. Which foreheads are blessed? Those that bow down to Guru Maharaj Ji. So dear premies, receive this Knowledge and know God within yourself. That pure energy, God, is within your own heart.
In the same way, dear premies, we seek outside and do not know that He is within us. Dear premies! If God is within us, how will we know Him? We cannot tear open our hearts like Hanuman because even if we cut our fingers slightly, we bandage it. Will you tear your heart? How will you rip open your chest? But, dear premies, that energy, that Lord you are seeking outside is within your heart, so seek for him inside
The Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Boulder, Colorado, August 18, 1971
Q: What is the difference between a Satguru and an Avatar?
Same. What is the difference between H2O and water? Some people say "Mercy," "Lord of Mercy." Some only say "Lord," some say "God," some say "Lord Christ." Same thing.

Élan Vital, Winter 1977, Volume I, Issue 2

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Guru Maharaj Ji answers questions in Boulder, Colorado on August 18, 1971
A: You see, suppose I am sitting in a car. It makes no difference if the car has stopped or is moving, but I am still sitting in a car. I was reading even after I received Knowledge. I was studying. Whatever I could do, I was doing. The only thing was that I was having union with God, which made my things more perfect than they were before.
Élan Vital, Volume 4, Issue 1, Spring 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Guru Maharaj Ji answers questions in Boulder, Colorado on August 18, 1971
A: So when this soul again has a union with God, that is the fun of this life. It was separated, and then when it comes back again, that is the fun. When you leave your house, you leave your house to come back again. That is why you come back again to your house.
Q: So it is to have a better realization in order to go back again?
A: Yes! Again to have a permanent union with God.
Élan Vital, Winter 1977, Volume I, Issue 2

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Boulder, Colorado, 17 September 1971
This is the mystery of nature, that there is hidden light in everything, and you have to realize what is that hidden light, what is that hidden thing, what is that hidden current in you that is constant and can never die. These are the teachings of all the saints on record. That thing that is making things alive is the most constant thing in the world because it is the power of God, and this is making everything alive. This is the body, this is a frame. One day something will go out of it and the whole body will become like a plank of wood. You can lift the body now by just holding the legs, but what is that thing that went into this form, and made it alive, and then went out of this form? That secret you should know.
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?, 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Denver Ashram, Colorado, 18 September 1971
And man is attracted, and as he is attracted, he is taken away from that world of God - away, away, away, away till he is now in a miserable position. He cannot think what he is, who he is, and so many things. That's why man was taken away from God, but it was only his fault that he was being attracted. But, because God has made so many things, again God comes in the shape of a Perfect Master, and again takes them to the same position they were in before. People who really have this Knowledge and meditate upon this, nothing seems to be new for them - it really is very ancient.
Holy Ghost is the Perfect Master, Sons are we, and He is the Father. People who are existing on this earth are the Sons of God.
Then Jesus, was He just the Son of God?
Yes, yes, He was a Perfect Master. See, what is the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost is the same spirit as God. But when It has to take a human form It comes into that Holy Spirit. When God takes human form He is Perfect Master. Perfect. Because, except for God, nobody's perfect. So when He is the Perfect Master, He is Himself.
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 1, November 1972

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About the Guru

Central Hall, Westminster, London, England, November 2, 1971
I am a servant of God and you know I have completely devoted myself to God, and how I was able to do this? Not by going to a, a place, putting my hand there and saying "Oh God, I am taking the oath that I am your servant." And so on and so on and then come out and go into ashram and then, you know. That is - I never did that. How to become an instrument of God? Just experiment. Realize which is that thing which is stopping you from being a instrument of God. And I experimented it and I was able to realize, it was my mind. I said okay, I took this knowledge and meditated and all this mind came out. When it came out I thought I was a completely different man. To realize this knowledge even I have to go to a guru.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise and Perfect Master Tape #004

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

"The Knowledge is everywhere, the God is everywhere. We have to only discover the God. I won't make a God for you and show you the God. Everybody wants perfect peace. A man who wants to realize that Holy Name, he will have to need a teacher for it, otherwise he can't hear it. To see your personal face, your personal face is with but can you see it? The God is within you but until you have the mirror of practical knowledge you can't see it, you won't be able to see it. When God is within you, how can you find it outside? It is within you and you have to get your mind, your ideas that are going outside and if we just control them and out them inside that's all. The importance of the Knowledge is for everyone and I've come to bestow the knowledge in London and if you want it I can give you because it is within yourself. I will only show the mirror and you can see the ?? thing. I am going to … all these persons …?"
I Have This Knowledge, Élan Vital video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Central Hall, Westminster, London, England, November 2, 1971
"I believe in one reality and that is the pure religion. Religion word has been started from the word realization and the realization of God is the pure and perfect religion. There is a glorious sun, not the sun that you see in the sky but the sun which is within ourselves, which is much brighter, much, much, much brighter than the sun you see in the sky. People think God is a man. People think God has got ears, nose, teeth and he rises daily in the morning, toothbrushes, washes mouth and he is an old man also so he makes his beard also and all that people think. But no, God is energy, God is perfect and pure energy and that is why scientists say energy cannot be created and cannot be destroyed. And this Knowledge, this Word of God, how, they say in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, now try to understand here, and the Word was God. Isn't it, isn't it a fantastic sentence? In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Now this is that Word and so this is the perfect and pure energy and it has no creation and no destruction and this is the Word, this is God. And he is under our pillow and if we search Him outside, can we get Him? No. We can't get Him, this is a very practical thing before you. It's a very, very practical thing. People try to search God outside. How can we get you? God is inside.
Satguru has Come, Divine Light Mission Movie, 1971

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

London, England, Questions and Answers, October/November 1971
Q: Is God evenly distributed?
A: Well you should call a newspaper about that you know. It would be far out if God was distributed. God is not distributed. God is one, absolutely one. God cannot be cut into pieces and distributed! This is a very simple thing, it is as simple as anything. Try to understand it. Try to understand it.
Affinity, June 1979

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Prem Nagar, India, December 10, 1971
So remember. We have to find that God, that person who is perfect; He is ours and we are His, and we have to find Him. To whom do we belong? We have to find Him, and get together and be one with Him, because if we are two we have got duality. … So remember: we are part of Him who Has manifested Himself as a Guru and who has come into this earth, and now we have to be one with Him. We have to completely merge and make our souls one with Him because He is perfect, and once we merge with Him we will also be perfect.
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Patna, Bihar, India, December 25, 1971
Only the Supreme Lord, Saint of all saints, Omnipotent and Almighty, can close the mouth of the whole universe and shower the Knowledge of self-realization. Otherwise, the small whistles are not heard in the midst of such big drums. Therefore, my dear aspirants, now that you know that Knowledge of Self, fulfill your aim. That is the only aim; that is the only goal. If a man knows that goal and recognizes it perfectly, he can come in perfect contact with God Almighty, his own Supreme Father, whom he has forgotten.
Élan Vital magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 1977

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Fernbank, London, 14th March 1972
What is God? G for Generator, 0 for Operator, and D for Destructor.
Is that your interpretation? That is what I believe.
But I would have liked a more specific answer. These words are imperfect things. You cannot understand God by questions and answers. God is something practical, that you understand practically everywhere. See His creation, what He has made, what He has done in this world. Just understand it and then you will know what God is.
I do understand, but I don't like your interpretation. I have told you what God is. It is He who generates, operates, and destroys the world. It means, in generation, He has created all nature, and all human beings, and all things. In operation what a beautiful thing He is giving to everyone, and in destruction He destroys everything.
But you have said that you can free people when they give you some measure of devotion. Surely God would not ask for anything in exchange for giving them salvation.
Divine Light magazine, Volume 1, No. 8, May 1972

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Johannesburg, South Africa, 29th April, 1972
People today are so sophisticated they have become foolish because they cannot believe that the Perfect One is here. Even if they have some religious feeling, some inner understanding of truth, they cannot conceive of the Living Master. If you only read the scriptures properly you will see that they all talk about a Living Master. No scripture exists which does not talk about true Knowledge, or divine experience, being imparted to a disciple by a Living Master.
So how are we going to recognize God as He comes on the earth?
We read the scriptures without understanding what they are saying. Indian people read the Bhagavad Gita and in this Lord Krishna, the Living Master of His time, said clearly, "Don't recognize me by my external appearance for this is perishable. My true form has no beginning and no end. Believe it or not, the fact is that God is supreme and pure: The people are lying on a bed of ignorance and dreams and doubts. They expect God Himself to come (they pray for it, they ask for it, they announce about it) but when He comes, they fail to recognize Him. And not recognizing Him in His physical form, they cannot recognize Him within themselves.
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54 and Satsangs, Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Miami, Florida, U.S.A. 15 June 1972
God is omnipresent, omniscient. God existed, and God exists and God will exist. God is all powerful, God is almighty, so why doesn't this peace roll out? Why doesn't peace come to every man? Just because he is ignorant of it, and because we are ignorant a man comes, an engineer comes. For example, there are many scientists and they want to build this Apollo. There is one main fault in the design of this Apollo. This Apollo is going to be sent to the moon, but before it goes, something goes wrong with it, and then the engineers come out and start mending it. This engineer is known as Guru. Now, of course, 'guru' is an eastern word, but Guru Himself is not eastern, because He is a mechanic who represents God. He is a mechanic from God, and God is not eastern, God is not western, God is not southern.
Divine Light magazineNovember 1979 Volume 2, Number 3

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Questions and Answers, Denver, Colorado, August 1, 1972
Because the soul has thrown out this energy to the whole body -- top of the head, right? -- anywhere I touch, there is sensation. Sensation is due to the energy that is vibrating in my body. When the soul leaves, all things go away from it. … But a man who has already been one with God does not feel this pain. Because already he is one with -- his energy is not in the other place but it is floating the other way. It's not vibrating within inside the body only, it is vibrating within inside him and the Perfect Master or the God. When he leaves, he does not have any pain with him. He leaves calmly. That's why when you see some people die -- some Masters leave this body and their body is like they are alive. You don't even feel that they are dead.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 8, May 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Swiss Alps Festival, August 26, 1972
One thing you must understand is who is Guru, and who is God? And what is the difference? God is the name of power, God is a sort of noun. Guru is a complete adjective. It indicates a movement from 'gu', darkness, to 'ru', light, and so this word is performing a very great action. And this word 'guru' is an adjective, and a verb too, because it shows us that some work is being done. So who is Guru? When God Himself incarnates in this body, He is called Guru, because only God is the power who can bring us from darkness and put us into light.
there is an attachment between us and God and Guru, and through this we can understand who Guru is. Because, when He comes to us, we will be directed towards Him. What is the test? Actually there is no test for Guru. Nobody can test Him because He is almighty, He is all perfect.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 4, December, 1972

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Satsang of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji, Imperial College, 9 Sept 1972
You know we can believe that there is no proof that God exists, for until we feel inside of our heart, until we feel inside ourselves the eternal grace, the eternal bliss, the real eternal power that is inside us, we cannot believe that God exists. Now in the same way, there is no proof that God exists because we have not seen Him. But if you want to see whether these lights are working or not, you just go and switch on the switch and they will start working. But there is no switch like that for God. You cannot go into a booth, switch on a button and then God comes and says, "Yes, God exists, it's OK." So how to prove that God exists? In the same way it was said that there will be a time when there will be proofs to prove that God exists. Today is that time when we have got this proof. Still there is something which stops Mr. Nixon from starting a war which will destroy the world, and there's still something which is holding back Russia from fighting with America. There is something which is holding back every nation from fighting every other nation, and this is one of the greatest proofs of God's existence, and of how merciful and compassionate God is.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1972

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Tokyo, Japan, October 3, 1972
The greatest problem all around the world today, whether in America, Japan. China. Russia, India, or anywhere else in the world, is that people are not in peace. People want peace. Today, if two people fight, the government is supposed to settle them down. But when governments fight, who is going to settle then down? The only one who can settle the governments down is the Perfect Master, the incarnation of God Himself, who comes to Earth to save humankind.
And these Masters always come into the world to give and give and give and give. So if a man is losing, he can get what he needs from the Master. And if you can't find the Master I can show you God because I have realized Him!
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 9, July 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Tokyo, Japan, October 1972
When we say 'G', 'o', 'd' it's not appropriate word for God. Though we may define it in three forms, 'G' for Generator, 'O' for Operator and 'D' for Destroyer. We might say this but this is not God. God is beyond this, much beyond this. The scientists have defined this power as being energy and they say energy is never created and never destroyed. This is that energy and we have to understand this energy and be one with energy. Then only can we understand, then only can we realize why we have become into this world.
Divine Light Mission film "Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?" 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Prem Nagar Ashram, 14 Nov. 1972
And even countries like Canada and England and India - commonwealth countries - even they are trying to bring in communism by trying to give everyone equal rights in their lives. But they do not understand that there is a standard thing given to us by God which is common for all of us, and that is this Knowledge. They do not understand that the greatest fact of this lifetime, the greatest reality of this lifetime, is the True Knowledge.
When we say it is omnipresent we mean it is omnipresent and when we say that then it is right inside of us too. So you see how the world has been deluded. Why go to temples if God is inside of us? So now, premies, we have to realize how that time is approaching and how we have to do service through which we will he able to understand better how this Knowledge has to be spread to everyone and tell them how beautiful is God's creation and how beautiful is this Knowledge.
Divine Light magazine March 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About His Incarnation

Questions & Answers, Delhi, India, 1972
What is God? See, there is a very thin membrane between us and God, and this is a membrane of illusion. A Guru has a device so he can cut this membrane and it becomes practical and easy for us to see God. … Guru means the one who takes us away from darkness and puts us into Light. He takes us away from ignorance. Whenever our Perfect Master comes in this world, he has never just stayed in the caves or in his room, but has always come out and shouted before people, "Come and realize, come and know, come and understand." It is our duty to understand.
Light Reading, Volume II, Issue 1, June 1979

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Union With God

Delhi, India, December 1972
Man is supposed to be human, but actually he has lost his humanity. That's why there is so much frustration, so much jealousy, and so much hatred between human beings. We have started this mission and it's working very, very successfully distributing love, truth and peace so that the idea of brotherhood can come into the world. All the saints have been trying to give something to people so that they might be in perfect union with God. Jesus came and He gave something. He gave the lesson of love, but He didn't only speak of love, He gave something that put people into love. I am doing the same thing now, giving something to people so that they might be in complete love, so that they might be in the true love which flows towards God rather than the love which flows towards materialism. The love which flows towards materialism is very limited because all materialistic things are limited.
And It Is Divine, Volume I, Number 5, March, 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Los Angeles' Embassy Hall, USA, June(?) 1973
See, people were waiting for Jesus to come before. Before he came they were waiting for him as anxiously, or more, than we are waiting today. But when he came and was standing on this place, and people were passing by, some said, "Oh, we believe he's the Perfect Master," and some said, "No, he can't be Perfect Master." Because you see, so far we say, "Perfect Master is going to come." This is an intellectual thing. Because we think he isn't here, and he is going to come. But Perfect Master is always with us. If Perfect Master is God -- see, it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word was made flesh. And the flesh was Jesus." And if it were the Word that always had existed, how could Jesus come, and how could Jesus go? He was there with them before, and he is with us now. Why are we waiting? Otherwise, he is not Perfect Master; he is not God. He cannot do anything to us, or if he does, and if he is perfect, he is with us, now, in our hearts. Because he's the Word. Because it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh." And then the flesh was sent here to us. And if Jesus was the Word, then the Word was God. And God is everywhere at all times. He is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, and with its every moment, every second, of our life. Then how can he come and how can he go?
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 10, August 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Los Angeles' Embassy Hall, USA, July(?) 1973
But Perfect Master is always with us. If Perfect Master is God. See, it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word was made flesh. And the flesh was Jesus." And if it was the Word that always had existed, how could Jesus come, and how could Jesus go? He was there with them before, and He is with us now. Why are we waiting for Him? Otherwise, He is not Perfect Master; He is not God. He cannot do anything to us, or if He does, and if He is perfect, He is with us, now, in our hearts. Because He's the Word. … we are waiting for God, but God is in our heart and we have to realize him here, in our heart. He's everywhere. He's Omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent; and we have to realize him. This is something I want to explain to people, that if you're waiting for Jesus, fine, you have to wait for him. But if you are to realize him, realize him in your heart. Waiting for him is something else; realizing him is something else. If you want to realize Jesus, if you want to really understand who Jesus is, which is, of course, not his body but he himself, which is the Word.
Divine Light Mission "Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?" film

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Third World Peace Tour, Louis Armstrong Stadium, New York City, July 28, 1973
The whole world wants peace. Everybody wants peace. Maybe we don't call it peace, maybe we call it peace of mind. Maybe we don't call it peace of mind, we call it Knowledge. Maybe if we don't call it peace, we call it God. Maybe we don't call it God, we call it the Word. If we don't call it the Word, maybe we call it the primordial vibration. But it all comes to one point, that we need something. And that something that everybody is looking for is peace.
You see, we come into this lifetime, and there'll be a time when we go. There is some purpose. God made this beautiful body and sent us here for some purpose; definitely there is some purpose. … Well, God made this beautiful body, gave it everything possible, made the whole entire world for it, made the whole entire nature for it, made this body the crown of all nature, of all God's creation. Man comes here and falls asleep, says, "All right," and presumes his own aim
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 12, October 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Interview with Guru Maharaj Ji in Newton, Massachusetts, August 3, 1973
Q: Would your role be analogous then to John the disciple or to Jesus the Christ?
A: Well, I just don't put myself in any of those. I'm just a humble servant trying to preach this Knowledge to people.
Q: A humble servant of …
A: Of God. Of this most Supreme Energy. I don't say I am a Messiah, I don't say I'm a prophet, I don't say all those things.
Q: They are said of you.
A: People say, people say … actually the most common thing they say about me is that I am a Perfect Master.
Light Reading 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Millenium '73 Invitation Letter, Bonn, Germany, September 31, 1973
In the world there is suffering, hatred and dissatisfaction. That fact does not need proof. It is understood by all that the world is passing through a great moment. No one has satisfaction of mind nor can they find the solution to this. The world is looking for the Perfect Master to come and reveal the Perfect Knowledge of God. There is a supreme energy constantly vibrating in everything making it survive and all the Perfect Masters come to reveal this Knowledge to people. We can attain all materialistic things and still not have peace, for peace lies inside not outside in materialism.
As you all know Millenium '73 is being prepared for now. This festival has been organized by Divine Light Mission each year since 1967, in the memory of the late Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaji on His birthday. This year the most Holy and significant event in human history will take place in America.
Special Millenium '73 Edition, Divine Times

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

1974 or earlier
We must become God's servants; we have to be His servants, doing His service when He is here, and then everything gets taken care of.
Sayings Of Guru Maharaj Ji

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Los Angeles California, January 27 1974
So this is it premies we have to do it by ourselves it's like to do it and it'll, it'll give you such fantastic bliss and such fantastic tranquility of mind that you will be completely amazed with it, completely amazed with it and I hope and I think I should tell you that if you want to it's like um if you want to you can really do this meditation, if you really want to, if you really want to you can also receive this Knowledge because where there is a will there is a way so if you want to understand God now there is a way. If you want to be with Jesus now there is a way because where there is a will there is a way. I didn't make it, that proverb was not made by me, it was made by you people and I'm telling it to you people back so if you want to really know Jesus it is very possible now and if you want to know God and be one with God it's very possible now. It's up to you, the rest is up to you. It's like what can, what else can I say to you? What else can I do?
Perfect Master Tape #010

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

John F. Kennedy High School, Denver Colorado, May 12 1974
Many premies even think it's a very spiritual thing to think, "Why was this world created?" To tell you the truth, you didn't create it, and it's none of your business. Somebody created it, so-called God. If you think He is a fool, so He created it, so it's wrong; if you think He has some power, if you think He has some brains in Him, and He created this whole world, so, there was a definite purpose for it. And He has sent you down here, and there is a definite purpose for that. You should solve that purpose; you should try to accomplish that purpose.
Perfect Master Tape #16 and Brotherly Love Newsletter, November 1974

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Denver, Colorado; October 12, 1974 Highly edited, next quote is original
It's been said that Guru Maharaj Ji comes, or God comes into the world, when there is a decline in religion. God comes, Guru Maharaj Ji comes, and helps the world. Why? Realize how much importance there is to it when Guru Maharaj Ji comes and tries to help you through; how much importance there is to it; how small you are compared to the whole world, and the whole world to the whole universe, and that whole universe to something called infinity. We have no idea how big it is, and how small it is.
The Living Master: Quotes from Guru Maharaj Ji

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Denver, Colorado; October 12, 1974
Premies, you know when its told to premies that why does Guru Maharaj Ji come, why does God come into this world, is anytime there is a decline in religion He comes, Guru Maharaj Ji comes and helps. This is why you know premies just get blissed out and say that's so fantastic. But that's about it. But realize how much importance there is to it. When Guru Maharaj Ji comes and tries to help you through. How much importance there is to it. How small you are compared to the whole world. Then the whole world to the universe, and that whole universe to something called infinity. That we have no idea how big it is and how small it is.
The Golden Age No. 15, November, 1974

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Auckland, New Zealand, October 24, 1974
Really, everything can be really, really beautiful. Many people face personal problems and many people face this and that. But really, Knowledge has got it all; it's a solution for everything. It's like there are three things: the doctor, the medicine, and you. Or suppose this is God over here. And I am just a human being. That is how this world exists right now. The problem is to make three into one. This is what Knowledge is; this is what the Truth is; this is what is the connection that has to be there between me and God. God is there, and I am here, and that connection is way off somewhere. I mean, it doesn't make sense at all! But, when that connection is brought and connected between me and my God, the three things are one, the problem is solved.
And It Is Divine, Volume II, Issue 8, March 1975

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

In this Knowledge you can get to a point where you open your eyes, and you see nothing except Light; all you hear is Music; all you can feel is the Word vibrating; all you can drink at that time is Nectar. And it's so beautiful. Because that whole energy which is in our bodies just comes together completely, just fills us up, and there we are, feeling just so beautiful.
God is divine, God is pure. God is energy. Energy which cannot be created, which cannot be destroyed. Which dwells amongst all, and all dwells amongst Him. It is that energy, and we, our souls, are broken parts of that energy who have eventually to go and reunite with that energy. It is the energy which was never created and which will never be destroyed. On the basis of that energy, this world is existing. And on the theory and formula of that energy everything has been created. This is the supreme and primordial vibration, and from that primordial vibration everything is coming out.
Any man can be identified by three qualities, and these are that his body is space, his mind is time, and his soul is infinite energy. So he can be divided, he can be analysed, into three parts. His body lives in space, his mind lives in time, and his soul lives in infinite energy, in the infinite Self. So by meditation you will be able to cross the limits of space and time which all human beings exist in, and once you do that you will be able to find out who you really are, and that is the energy by which you are sustained. This energy is yourself.
The Sayings of Guru Maharaj Ji, 1974

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Guru Puja Festival, Caracas Venezuela, 23rd July 1975
You know, I was in Denver, and I was giving satsang about Perfect Master. And like, a Perfect Master, when we call him a Perfect Master, we have just said something that we really don't sit back and try to understand. When we say Perfect Master, when we say this, this person who is infinite, call him Guru Maharaj Ji, call him Perfect Master, call him Lord, call him anything you want, he doesn't need to come into this world. You see? He doesn't. Because he is perfect. All he has to do is one day get up and just scream through the blue skies, and say, "You! Everybody! Realize Knowledge. Otherwise I am going to do something to you guys you never dreamed of." And then he could do something that would sort out every person who realized Knowledge and is meditating, and every person who has not realized Knowledge. He could do anything he wants, because we just called him perfect, and he is perfect. And in fact, he could very well do that. He could, with a blink of his eye, make the people who haven't really realized this Knowledge, who are really into darkness, stand up two feet from the ground. And so you can trace them exactly, wherever they are, and turn them this funny color. And then you can really imagine what a big ego hit that's going to be, what a mind blower that's going to be. Because everybody will be able to see: "Oh, you didn't realize Knowledge, eh? See what you get for that?" But he doesn't do that. He comes into this world, and bears a body just like everyone, and comes in and knocks at everybody's doors. Doesn't pressure anybody, but begs them. Doesn't make a rule, but begs them to realize this Knowledge. Tells them what it can do to them. Tells them how beautiful it is.
Élan Vital Summer 1978 Volume II Issue 2

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, Afternoon, November 9th, 1975.
There are so many scriptures, there are keys to scriptures, and there are so many people who love God, who want to talk about God. They have not necessarily ever seen God, but they want to talk about it. They are sincere people, they are good people. They know that the power exists, and they want to bring a portion of humanity to that understanding so that they can realize God. They want to give them a little start, a little lead. Now what we are trying to explain is that we know that we have a fantastic experience. We have something which is Knowledge; we have something which is meditation. And meditation is the lead, the cable, that connects the two things, God and us, together. We have that. And not only do we have the television, but we also have the video camera, through which we can really bring an object which is extremely far away into our own room, into our own bedroom as a matter of fact. See, God is something so beautiful, we all know that. We have experienced it when we look around and see the beautiful skies. i mean, people who have been living in Florida are very lucky. You have very beautiful weather here, nice and warm. Sometimes it's raining, and on the other hand it's sunshine and beautiful rainbows, beautiful sights, beautiful beaches and a beautiful ocean. When a man looks out to all those things, there is no excuse for him not to bend down and accept an authority, a power, that has created it. He has got no excuse. He cannot deny the fact that something like that exists. And what our approach is, what we are trying to do, is bring that Knowledge to you that all the scriptures talk about, through which peace can be with you all the time. Because it is within inside of you. That Lord, that power that we are all so desperately searching for, we also call it "omnipresent." And I am pretty well aware that all of you understand the meaning of omnipresent. "Omnipresent" means present everywhere. So, when it is omnipresent, why go look for it outside? We are also a part of Him. That power is also within inside of us. Because it's everywhere, it's also within inside of us.
And It Is Divine, Volume III, Issue 1, March 1975

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Indian Centre, Denver, Colorado, February 19, 1977
As I said before, this world was not made for problems. Therefore there are no solutions. This world was made for one reason. And there is only one reason. And the reason is for every individual to come together, to come into one, to become one, to really understand this Knowledge. Tell me one thing. People might say, "Well, why would God create such a fantastic earth? Why would a Creator create such a fantastic environment just for people to come together?" Tell me, what did Jesus do when he came? Tell me, what did Krishna do when he came? Tell me, what did Ram do when he came? Bring people together through Knowledge. Through this experience that he gave, he brought people together.
The Golden Age Number 41

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Miami/Florida, Sunday, April 9, 1978
I mean, is it like what some people really think it is like, to just come into this world and do whatever you want to do, and this is why God, the Creator has put you here, this is why the Creator has given you everything? Or do we go a little bit beyond, and find that satisfaction and find that happiness"?
Divine Times Volume 7, Number 3, April-May 1978

Maharaji's Teachings About the Creator

Guru Puja festival, Lingfield, England, June 21 1979
God. Everybody has a picture of God. You know, children (sucks snot up nose) they have a picture of God, This bi-i-i-ig, hu-u-uge man, you know, that's got, that can fly in a leap you know able to cross tall buildings in one leap, faster than a speeding bullet, just immaculate thing, immaculate being. We have it, in our own ways. People who believe in Ram, people who believe in Krishna, people who believe in Mohammed, people who believe in Christ, people who believe in, in Buddha have their own Gods in their own different formats. I mean, everyone of us has our different ideas of what that Creator really is. Everyone of us thinks that we know, we are right and yet, all it is, is just our painting. And Guru Maharaj Ji comes, you know, Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world and everybody thinks that Guru Maharaj Ji is also going to pick up a piece of canvas, a bunch of paint brushes, paint and start painting a picture and we'll all see the picture and Ta-da, that'll be it. And ??? Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world and we all think that we know the kind of picture that Guru Maharaj Ji is going to paint and when Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world, that's true, always comes into this world but he doesn't paint a picture, no. We translate, after a Perfect Master leaves, disciples take what he has said and try to paint it into a picture but never the Perfect Master. Perfect Master never paints a picture cause he knows there isn't a picture to paint. That picture that he would paint is already within every one of us. That thing, the ultimate goal of life is already within all of us and yet we're ignorant. We do not know. We are unaware and that's no sin, that's no crime. If we do not know, we do not know and that's the why every time the Perfect Master comes into this world to give us, to give us, to teach us perfection. If we all knew, do you think a Perfect Master would come? Guru Maharaj Ji shows us something which is real, which is true because Guru Maharaj Ji brings us into this world and shows us something, gives us that realization, shows us what God really is. In its true form. That God that has no religion, is bound to no religion, is not abducted by a religion because that's what the religions do, they abduct God, they steal Him, get a copyright on Him. If you don't do things a certain way you don't believe in God. You have to go to a church every Sunday. If really we knew, us human beings knew a place where God lived, wouldn't we all move there? God, the Creator, the omnipresent, the omniscient, the omnipotent.
Guru Puja Lingfield England 1979 video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Evening, October 10, 1979
Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world - of course, I don't think there is anybody living at this point in this whole world that understands Guru Maharaj Ji. Because to us, we have a concept of God. And then when somebody tries to tell us what a Perfect Master is - just as we have to acquire, for some reason, a concept for everything and I don't know if it's necessary or not, but somehow we end up having a concept about everything - we also end up having a concept about Guru Maharaj Ji. What Guru Maharaj Ji is, how Guru Maharaj Ji is, what Guru Maharaj Ji does.
Yet remember one thing: that that Guru Maharaj Ji, who is Creator, who is the Sustainer, and who is the Destroyer, has love enough for his devotees to come onto this Earth for his devotees; then absolutely, unquestionably, there are no bounds to what can happen. All we have to do is to become that devotee, to have that devotion. That's all: that faith, that surrender, to Guru Maharaj Ji, that love that is sincere, that comes from our hearts for Guru Maharaj Ji. Not in our imagination, but in reality. If we can become a devotee … If there is Guru Maharaj Ji and then a devotee, when they join, then there is devotion. And it is said that when that happens, when Guru Maharaj Ji and a devotee are bound together by devotion, then the purpose of that soul that devotee has been completed. That's it. There is no more to be done. There is nothing left to be done. It has received the stage beyond liberation. It has received, it has joined, it has merged in the state which is beyond, above and beyond -- joined its Creator. It has joined its Owner. It has joined where it came from; it has joined back to its own.
Affinity, Issue 54, February 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Hollywood Florida, April 10 1980
When that Perfect Master comes in this world and you give an excuse and you have a reason - I don't care what that reason is, it's wrong. How can you justify, in that sense, that every time the Perfect Master has come, people have been believing in God? And because they have made all excuse of believing in God so much, they have failed to recognize, to see, the Master. That's wrong. Even though it is what it is, it's wrong, because that God is not up there anymore. And when that God comes down and you look up, well, obviously you're making a mistake.
Golden Age Number 57 May 1980,

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about God

Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, Hans Jayanti celebrations, November 9 1990
Actually the guru is such a personality about whom it is said: I bow down to the lotus feet of my Guru Maharaj Ji who is the ocean of mercy and is actually Hari (God) himself in human form. And whose words are like sunbeams to disperse the accumulated darkness of gross ignorance. So Tulsidas says that he bows down to such a Guru Maharaj Ji, the Master, who is really Hari (Supreme Power) in the form of man. So the main thing to understand here is that he bows down to the feet of that guru whose utterances, whose expressions are able to illuminate. And what is that which is illuminated by his words? It is the heart which is illuminated. His words are able to sever and dispel the spidery web of illusion, infatuation and ignorance.
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 2 April-June 1991

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Visions International booklet 1994
In this slot - this God, this being, this energy, this kindness, this Grace, this love, this divinity, is allowing you to exist.
Maharaji's world wide addresses

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Millenium 2000 festival
It is possible to be in that peace, it is possible to be in that joy, it is not a frivolous desire, an unsupported desire, an unsupported thirst, an unsupported want. The Creator gave us the ability and the need to breathe but air is provided as well. The Creator gave us the, the wants to have water and the thirst and water is being provided to satisfy the thirst. Too many times, of course it gets very complicated. The human beings they, they don't want to see that simple relationship, they wanna see the "Why is it that God is so cruel? Why is it that God is unjust?" What? There is no reason to believe that God is unjust or God is cruel. Cruelty would be, like I was saying in Hindi, you need to breathe and the air that exists is on top of a huge mountain and every time you need to breath you need to climb that mountain. That would be unjust. Only if the assumption is that that which you require is furthest away from you, that which you need is the furthest away from you on some Holy Land, on some Holy Place, some Holy Mountain then yes, you've got a problem.
Élan Vital '4 Days in November' video, 2000

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

July, 2008
Did God create the problems in this world? No. We did. It is about human beings. If you could just know that this life is the chance to spend time with that which is the truest, unconditional love … This is the opportunity for every living being to spend time with the Beloved within, to feel gratitude for life and rejoice. When that happens, you feel alive, and you begin to live. And the most magnificent movement is the coming and going of the breath. It needs no proof, no buildup. Its blessing is obvious. Is it obvious to you?
Voice of Maharaji website (downloaded 1st April 2012)

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

September, 2008
Some people say, "If all the children were taken care of, there would be peace." God takes care of that child for nine months in the womb. That's not where the problem begins. It's when the child comes into our world. Nine months - food, water, sleep - everything is perfectly taken care of.
Voice of Maharaji website (downloaded 1st April 2012)

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

January, 2009
Does God need hands? That power, that energy is everywhere: nowhere to come from and nowhere to go to. Does that power need legs? Think about it.
Voice of Maharaji website (downloaded 7th February 2011)

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Brisbane Australia, September 14 2011
We ignore the obvious. What is the obvious? That your God is within you. Always has been, always will be. That your truth that you are looking for is within you – always has been, always will be.
Words Of Peace Global webcasts (downloaded 1st October 2012)

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Downloaded 1st April, 2012
Find that God. Which God? Not the one that lives over there, or there. The one in you. Then you can feel the peace. The tranquility. The reality. The beauty. The simplicity of life. Not the complications. Not the complicated. Not the duties. But the richness. The abundance. The preciousness of what has been given to you. You've already been blessed with it.
Young Peoples' Initiative website (downloaded 1st April 2012)

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

Downloaded 1st April, 2012
Peace is felt in this temple of our heart. The one and only God dwells in the temple of our heart. This is the only place that God can be close to you. It is not bricks and mortars, wherever you go that God will be with you and when you need that God the most, that God will be right there, in good and in bad. I am here to tell you, what you are looking for is inside of you and this is not a puzzle. These are not empty words because I have a way so that you can feel the reality that is inside of you, so that you can feel the peace that is inside of you, in this life.
Young Peoples' Initiative website (downloaded 1st April 2012)

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

ADI Magazine #10, created 21/5/2012
It is not about explanations: it is about feeling. Love is not about explanations. Truth is not about explanations. Those things can only be felt, not written down. God is not about explanations. If there is one thing that is most misunderstood, it is God. That is why there is so much trouble in the world in the name of God. When I feel the closeness inside me to my God, I smell a perfume. The perfume of God is peace. No more dualities. No more confusion. Just understanding. No questions. Just answers. I feel gratitude because truly I have been gratified. Fulfilled. And then I walk this earth knowing and understanding, even through all the bumps. Life is not about the bumps. Life is not about the storms. Life is about being a human being. when you're not being, you're still human, but you're not being.
ADI Magazine #10, created 21/5/2012 © Words of Peace Global

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God

(Translation by Prem Rawat's translators)

Student: Truly in this world, it is said without a Guru there can't be Knowledge. So, if there is God, I think it has to be you. (applause)

Rawat: Ha ha hmm, hmm (tickled pink) God (Hindi: Bhagwan) is God and I am me. (applause) I didn't create God, God created me. There are rules for everything these rules cannot be crossed, these rules cannot be crossed. God is God and God is very beautiful and is present in my heart and my Master (Hindi: Guru Maharaj Ji) told me a way by which I experience God within me. For me, this is greatly profound.

It is simple to compare this statement from a recent Rawat video with the many conflicting statements he has made extolling his own divinity.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God
Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About God