Seeks Fame, Will Do Anything, No Road Too Low
If you are not famous enough, wealthy enough, beautiful enough or interesting enough to have reputable magazines want to write stories about you, or intelligent, experienced journalists with integrity wish to interview you, there is still hope. There are publishers who publish magazines which contain articles that the person being written about supplies the articles and pays to have it published. Welcome to the world of Maharaji's magazine puff pieces: VANITY PUBLISHING. If that didn't totally fill Prem's bill, there was another avenue available to Maharaji, those obscure magazines that struggle to make a profit and fill their pages with interesting articles. They will gladly accept pre-written articles of a professional standard if they are provided at no cost. A little baksheesh or ego-stroking won't hurt either or as Elan Vital put it "colloboration." Once you've read a few you'll start to imagine that it was always the same interviewer.
These are 16 examples of Rawat's vanity publishing published in the years 2000 - 2005? "Prem Rawat" was mentioned 180 times and 'Maharaji' 66 times.
- Business & Class - Peace Is Within You, interview for Spain's Business & Class magazine on April 27, 2006.
- Bharat Ratna - Peace Needs To Be Felt, interview
- Capital - The Universal Quest for Peace, An interview
- Canarias - The Island Within
- Economias - A Successful Life
- Elanadu - Every Breath Can Be Filled with Peace
- Leaders - Prem Rawat Unlocks the Door to Inner Peace
- Les Avenues - An Encounter with Prem Rawat
- Living Now - A Message of Hope
- Manufacturing Today - A New Way Of Thriving
- An Open Letter to the Black Maharaji
- The Tatler - What You Are Looking for Is Within You
- Time of India - Give Peace a Chance by Prem Rawat
- Varsity - Peace Needs to Be Felt
- Venture - The Wealth Within
- WOPFE - Words of Peace for Europe 2010
TPRF collaborated with journalists to develop articles about Prem Rawat's message, which appeared in Excellence (Taiwan), Leaders with a Life and Health and Healing (Australia), and Valeurs Vertes and Nouvel Ouest (France).