Prem Rawat's Teachings about Miracles - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat, or Maharaji (meaning Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself, rarely, if ever, claimed to be able to perform miracles though his followers throughout the 1970's told such stories about him.
  • Miracle stories - from pure trivia to the really remarkable - are exchanged by the hundreds and with delight and laughter. Guru Maharaj Ji and the The Divine Light Mission - J. Messer
  • At other times Guru Maharaj Ji intimates that Grace is a miracle or supernatural reward which magnifies the anticipated consequences of virtuous behavior such as hard work or diligent organizing. Worshipping the Absurd - Foss and Larkin, 1978, p. 161
Rawat has redefined a 'miracle' as being the most ordinary and basic of events, 'life', 'birth', and especially 'breath' and related them to himself and his Knowledge as if he was the source of these. He taught that there was one greatest miracle of miracles: accomplishing the purpose of this life through realizing the Knowledge and devotion to him.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Hans Rawat aka Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj
But without finding his Satguru, he will never know the secret of Truth. After he has found his Satguru, a disciple should serve Him as a son serves his father, opening his heart, and regarding Him as God personified. The Lord God has said, "Know your Guru as Myself, the Lord." We should understand that Guru is the most powerful manifestation of the Lord. If we understand this, our minds will automatically turn to our Guru before we start to do anything. After we have reached this stage, God's form alone remains wherever we look. God reveals many hidden miracles to those who seek for Truth with reverence and devotion.
Hans Yog Prakash

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Guru Puja, Montrose, Colorado, July 27 1972
To spread the Knowledge, one special doctor, special scientist, special man, superman, is sent by God. Jesus was a superman. Krishna was a superman. Rama was a superman. All these people were supermen. They came and did miracles, but actually miracles were not the important thing, because Jesus says, "Who is he who wants to judge the Perfect Master by miracles? Even mighty devils can perform miracles."So that's not it. The way to realize the Perfect Master is through this Knowledge. Receive this Knowledge. Listen, when you come to receive Knowledge, I'm not going to hold you and take a red hot stamp like the cowboys used to do, put it on your forehead, and stamp you saying "Divine Light Mission," with the date you received Knowledge. I'm not going to do that. So you can come here, receive Knowledge, and if you like it, go ahead and do meditation. If you don't like it, don't do meditation.
Perfect Master Tape #003 and and It Is Divine, Volume I Issue 8

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Gainesville, Florida, July 2 1976
And so, life is life. Life is a joy. Life is the greatest pleasure. What is joy if you don't have life? I'm pretty sure that any person who's six feet under the ground, I don't think he's sad, and I don't think he's happy either. He can't experience. But we have something here. And so we have to, for a second, just stop and say, wait a minute. This is an incredible miracle! People say, well, what is a miracle of God? To me, personally, the miracle of God is this life. Everything else that is around, that is also a miracle. But to me, the biggest miracle is this life itself. All the other miracles could have existed and did exist before 1957, but I didn't know about them. So what is greater to me: my life, that miracle, that joy, the way I can experience it, or all the other miracles?
And It Is Divine Magazine, Summer 1977, Volume 4, Issue 2

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Indianapolis, Indiana, July 5 1976
And that is why nobody on this earth right now is experiencing that beautiful miracle. … We look for so many miracles, we look for so many things. I was saying at one of these programs that if all of a sudden, somebody pulls out a dove from his sleeve, that's a miracle. "Oh wow, he's a great magician!" To me, all those magic tricks, they're okay, they're good, but they're nothing compared to what this magic trick is, what this miracle is. This is completely fascinating. There's everything here. It's just that we really haven't seen it in its true form. How can we blame it? It's our fault. We haven't experienced it in its true form. But by the grace, by the process of satsang, service, and meditation, we are helped to see this light, to see this beautiful, beautiful life.
Divine Times - Volume 5, Number 7, August 1976

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

San Francisco California, 17 July 1976
Definitely man has more chances than that little moth to realize the purpose, the goal of life. But we have to ask ourselves what are we really doing by having this life? What are we really trying to do? What are we really trying to say? What is really motivating us? It's such a vast question. But here we are and it's really beautiful, and this is what we have to realize. We have to really realize that opportunity, that we can, in this body, today, now, really experience that process, really experience this life we have, because it's about the most beautiful thing we can experience. People talk about miracles, they want to see miracles happen. To me, this is the greatest miracle. I mean, what more of a miracle would you like to see? This is, to me, the greatest miracle. And here we have it, right there, available to us. We can just completely go on wasting our time, or we have our option of really getting ourselves together and maybe realizing what satsang, service and meditation can do to us and really realizing the chance we have been given to realize this life, because it's so beautiful.
Golden Age - Number 34, November 1976

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Miami, Florida, April 6th, 1978
And yet, what we have within us, that energy that's making us survive, is way out there. It's to the end of the universe, if there is an end to the universe. It's there. If the earth is the beginning, then it's there. And it's everywhere. It's on Mars, it's on Moon. It's everywhere! And making everything tick as it is, day by day by day by day. And that's what I mean by an incredible, incredible miracle happening all the time. And so, premies. just to be able to become a part of His magic is so incredible. And you know, we are a part of His magic. He's given us this. We are one of those things that He has created. Not an illusion, we are real. And that's what we have to understand, and that's what we have to see foer ourselves. And even more. It's just like more and more and more and more, and more, he has taken us back home, and He's taking us back home. And just realize, just open up your eyes, and just see and just realize that you're becoming a part of that miracle every day, more and more and more. And so, don't keep thinking that the curtains are still drawn, and that there will be a time when you'll be called out to the stage … No. You're on the stage. It's you! You have that Knowledge. You have that opportunity to be able to realize Knowledge, to be able to realize Guru Maharaj Ji, to be able to make that effort to accomplish satsang, service, and meditation, to he able to accomplish the purpose of this life, which is the greatest miracle. The words stop short. You can't go on any further. And by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace it's all here. It's all with us.
And you can make that the last day or not a last day, just an everlasting, everlasting, everlasting program to happen, to just keep on flowing with that Grace forever and ever. To keep on flowing with Guru Maharaj Ji forever and ever. To keep being on his boat, just to stay on his boat forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. I mean, it's just like he says, "Okay, here is your destination. You may now get off." And you say, "Can I please stay and go back, stay on the boat, and go back again, still stay on the boat, and go back and forth however many times you want to, and just stay on the boat?" Just to be watching that Miracle worker, and become a part of miracle. And become this little act, this little scene that's just so incredible. And it's our option; it's our choice.
Divine Light Mission publication, 1978 and Golden Age Number 46

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Holi Festival, Miami Beach, Florida, April 8, 1978
Because it's like the connotation is way dropped down in some people's heads when you mention the word, "Guru Maharaj Ji," or "Guru." But nevertheless, what it means is Perfect Master. Nevertheless, it means the one who can take us out from darkness and put us into Light. You can have a million ways of saying that, and you can say it in a million ways. But the point is, every time a Perfect Master comes in this world, he just doesn't go like a parrot, "You need Peace; you need Peace; you need Peace; you need Peace," but he shows the way. He shows the method to that Peace. And that is the beauty of the whole thing. That is the most incredible thing. Because what if he just came here and just said, "Oh, people of the world, you need Peace"? Period. That was it. People would just laugh. I mean, not as if they don't laugh at him anyway. But they would even get a bigger kick out of it. Or maybe even get mad! "Who is this guy? We know we need Peace!" Or, "I don't want it. I don't care what he says; I don't want it." But, no. To go beyond everything, and to even come into that phenomenon where something that's very, very finite meets, not its parallel -- by no means -- but meets infinity. To cross a phenomenon, to go beyond all the miracles. And you know, the first day of this satsang we were talking about miracles. And he really is the Miracle Worker. He really is that person who can make those miracles happen, that we never even can sit down and start imagining them. He can.
Élan Vital, Fall 1978, Volume II, Issue 3

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Guru Puja Festival, Tucson, Arizona, July 16, 1978
Because this miracle that happens here, that's happening here, is definitely not the compliments of Tucson Community Center. This is compliments of Guru Maharaj Ji to all his premies. And that's the miracle. And it happens every day in our lives. It manifests every day in our lives. As a matter of fact, it's a miracle that we all get to come together - after just so many things that happen, and we still come together. And just come together, and more and more experience grows, more and more we can understand, more and more satsang comes out, more and more experience just manifests in every person's heart. And that's the beauty of Knowledge. It grows and grows and grows and grows and grows and grows. All you have to do is let it grow. If you let it grow, Knowledge will seek no end to grow within inside of you. Because it's infinite! Where is the end of infinity? Where does infinity end?
Divine Times - August 1978 Volume 7, Number 5

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Holi, Miami, Florida, 8 April, 1979
Guru Maharaj Ji gives us that Grace constantly to be able to even practice that Holy Knowledge. Only Guru Maharaj Ji. Not Knowledge. What is Knowledge? And what is Guru Maharaj Ji? And I'll give you this one example. I've given this before. And maybe this is putting it a little bit differently. There was one mahatma and he had Guru Maharaj Ji's Knowledge. And this mahatma meditated and meditated and meditated, and I guess finally took control of whatever he took control of. And so he was able to lift water and bring it to his lips to drink it just by looking at it, and perform this and perform that. He used to live in Prem Nagar. (For whoever has been to Prem Nagar, at that time the big building wasn't there. There was only the little building, with the arches and the little kitchen-type set-up.) And Guru Maharaj Ji came and everybody got up and did pranam. Except for this one. And it was like, "Come on man, what are you guys doing? Look at me, I have realized it!" Just like that, mind comes, "Yeah, you've got it man. You've got it." I mean, yes, he had been revealed the Knowledge. He had brought his realization to such an incredible level to be able to control the elements of nature. He could have, at that point, just split. And actually he did. His mind segregated him from being a devotee of Guru Maharaj Ji. Now remember. He still had Knowledge. He was still at the ashram. And yet when Guru Maharaj Ji came, he didn't do pranam. He didn't get up and do pranam. So Guru Maharaj Ji took one look at him and said, "What are you doing? What's up?" Guru Maharaj Ji I guess had heard the story and Guru Maharaj Ji said, "Listen, that's my Knowledge through which you think you have attained so much. And when you can't surrender to me, ciao. 'That's it, kiddo. Finished." And Guru Maharaj Ji walked away. And this guy sat there and tried to make that water come up to him and nothing happened! He tried to perform all his miracles and nothing manifested. And that's the difference, right there.
Divine Times, May/June 1979, Volume 8, Number 3

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Guru Puja Lingfield England June 21 1979
We all have our pictures, we all have our ideas, we all have our philosophies so to speak and yet which one is true? Which one is in fact true? Who can paint a picture of the ultimate, of the ultimate union. Who can paint a picture of the perfection? Who can paint a picture of what's always been there? You see the world is! A miracle is performed every second in this world. Every second a miracle happens. Every zillionth of a second a miracle happens but nobody calls it a miracle. Do you know why? Cause we have understood how it works. To me, it's still a miracle. I know why it rains, you know, and yet it's still a miracle. I know why the sun shines, why it's warm and why does it have to be a clear day for the sun to shine and yet it's still a miracle but people in this world think for themselves they know it too good. "There's no miracle in how when it rains! Don't you know it's so simple, it's just the ocean, the water, it gets hot, it evaporates, it becomes a cloud and then it travels over and then it rains." Well, why don't you do it? Why don't you try making it rain?
Guru Puja Lingfield England 1979 video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Guru Puja Lingfield England June 22 1979
They were throwing these rocks in the ocean and they were floating. Now tell me something. When Hanuman saw this big, huge heavy rock thrown in the water and saw it float, what did he think? Did he think it was a miracle? Did he think it was a hoax? What did he think? What went through Hanuman's brain at that time? Hanuman was the devotee who was helping Ram build the bridge. And it's a very good question. What did that poor Hanuman think? And he didn't - I don't think he thought it was a miracle. How could it be a miracle? What is a miracle? When you have recognized the Creator, nothing is a miracle. Everything is very common. You can see incredible things happen every day and you can never call it a miracle. It's like a man trying to create a mold of a body. And if this man takes his knife and makes a moustache in that statue it's no miracle. Is it? He is making it. He can put ears on. Big ears; small ears. He can put on a moustache or he can erase the moustache. He can do whatever he wants to do. It's not a miracle anymore because there is something that he has got to do to go beyond that point. It's the true realization. It's that unity, that unification with yourself - getting rid of your ego, your barriers, your amazement. The impossibilities and just having that complete faith and complete surrender - then you can never call it a miracle. Right now it's supposed to rain. According to BBC 1 and BBC 2 and ITV. Now it isn't raining. So what is it? It's not a miracle. It's not. It's just not. You know this one thing that they have? It's called a hanging mouth expression. Your lower jaw drops down and your eyes sort of pop up and a voice out of your stomach goes, "Huuh?" It's called a dumb expression. The guy is so stupid, he doesn't know what's going on. Now miracle, in the actions of a Perfect Master, of a perfect being, creates the same expression. Lower jaw drops, eyes sort of wide open and a voice coming out going, "Huuh?" Is that what our miracles are? But if we know, if we have surrendered ourselves, if we have joined ourselves, then what miracle can there be? We have understood everything is a miracle and nothing is a miracle. Everything is a surprise; nothing is a surprise. Because everything is then love. Everything then is peace. Everything then is tranquility. Everything is real.
Divine Times - July/August 1979 Volume 8, Number 4

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 10, 1979, Evening
I have seen things that, for this world, would be miracles. I don't care a toot about miracles. To me, you know what miracles are? A perfectly good tire blows up. That's a miracle. There's no reason why it should blow up and it just blows up. A perfectly good light bulb that's been glowing and giving light goes off. That's a miracle. The way we have taken these miracles and clung on to them - everything is a miracle. This is a miracle. These guys take a picture; it's a miracle - freeze everything right there.These guys can play music; it's a miracle. For that matter, what isn't a miracle? I see so many premies here are wearing glasses and some of you are probably wearing contacts, too. That's a miracle. Your eyes go a little funny and you put these things on and you see straight again. But what Guru Maharaj Ji does is his Grace, which is beyond all miracles. Miracles don't stand up to Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace. Miracles …where miracles stop, at the farthest end, that's where Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace begins. And we get caught up in so many miracles.
In Shri Maharaj Ji's satsang, he was saying that one day he locked himself in a room and he just said, "If you are really Guru Maharaj Ji, if Guru Maharaj Ji is really real …" -- and this was before he was Guru Maharaj Ji and he had his Guru Maharaj Ji -- he said, "If Guru Maharaj is really real …" I guess for him devotion was that strong, his love for his Guru Maharaj Ji was strong, that even when he prayed from his real heart, "I want to see you," Guru Maharaj Ji came and gave him darshan in that way. What is a miracle? You cannot call this a miracle. You have to call it Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace. Because it is a little bit one step beyond it.
Even our arti, the way we sing, "You are my brother, you are my father, you are my … you are my everything." And we have to make that a reality. Guru Maharaj Ji really has to become everything to us: our friend, our life. We have to somehow disappear. And that is the only way we can disappear: by our devotion, to be completely locked in Guru Maharaj Ji's love; by our devotion, to completely merge in Guru Maharaj Ji. And so then comes the part of, "How do you have devotion?" Again, devotion is the miracle which is beyond all miracles. Devotion is that thing that so many saints and so many people have constantly thirsted and thirsted and thirsted for.
Affinity, February 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Darshan

Holi Site, Miami Florida, April 12, 1980
First day, you know, they just wanna take in as much as possible, as much as possible. And second day that love really starts to wind up and starts to flow out and that experience starts to manifest, you know. And why is that? Because there, there becomes a chance for us, another Grace in our lives manifests, another way how Guru Maharaj Ji manifests and in itself, it's the ultimate miracle, it's the, the miracle. Miracles are nothing compared to it. To fulfill the purpose of every, I mean I don't know sometimes I feel like Holi happens, or satsang happens, in all these places.
Holi festival of 1980 video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

July 25-27 1980
And yet Saviour comes to save us from everything, give us a new life, give us a new meaning, give us a new hope, give us a new light. Makes us strong because we are weak. We become weak, we become tired in this world. He makes us strong. We become blinded by the obsessions of this world. He gives us the eyesight, he gives us the light. He gives us the energy to walk. He shows us the direction. Miracle, we look for miracles. That is the ultimate miracle.
You Are My Saviour video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Follow-Up Program, Washington DC, 26th November 1981
It happened to me many times, you know, I remember one time that this is all I could say, "God if you really exist perform a miracle" and somehow we all anticipate miracles out of God you know if he can perform a miracle he's God. That was the whole story with Bernadette, same thing happened, a priest told her, "If your, if your vision is really real the God the that that power that that comes to you is really real let it perform some miracle. What you tell me, why should God the Creator be obliged to do any kind of a thing for anybody? And when we start looking towards miracle we have obviously looked over something, a very basic, fundamental thing we have overlooked and that is everything that around is a miracle to begin with. you know we can look at that miracle that exists here, there is no other miracle, there is no greater miracle to keep me alive, me alive, that is the biggest miracle there is man. Nobody else can do it and that Creator is doing it giving me every day that power to be, to remain and that is the biggest miracle so we get fat fed a lot of things that have no foundation to it what so ever and then, all of a sudden, that realization comes and they can understand, they can have that experience and something happens.
Perfect Master Tape #216

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Melbourne, Australia - March 23, 1982
And yet there is one more grace, the grace that Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world to present us, to give us that Knowledge, to show us the experience of this Knowledge.
Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world in a physical form. Why? Why, what is the reason why a physical form is taken? To be able to come in this world and help us human beings that look like human beings. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing outrageous, nothing, nothing. Just a human being to come to take that form to help every one of us. And where do we look? That is the biggest miracle, that is the biggest grace, that is the only thing that has happened because through Guru Maharaj Ji, through that grace of Guru Maharaj Ji, he can open that inside heart, he can open that lock and show us show us what really exists. Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world to help us.
Audio tape

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Maharaji's Gala Evening, New York, March 1986
Knowledge has allowed a miracle to happen in all our lives. It is therefore necessary that we feel that gratitude in our hearts as clearly and profoundly as Knowledge has brought us an experience. I do receive some other very interesting letters from around the world. I am always astonished by people's attempts to qualify the experience that they are having. I travel a lot. I go to a lot of places. I do a lot of things. But there is nothing like Knowledge. From coast to coast, from any corner of the world to any other corner of the world. Human beings accepting, understanding, and knowing in their own hearts that the beauty of the Knowledge is the only thing that's really "radical." It's time we started understanding the true miracles, that miracles do happen.
In View - Summer 1986

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

Public Program, Los Angeles, February 21 1988
Oh no, I'm not talking about being able to move a glass of water without lifting it. No you want to move glass of water, move it. Pick it up and move it. I'm not talking about you know people say what about magic? I don't like magic, I don't like all that stuff. What about things happening all by themself? I really hate that, (laughter) I really don't like that at all. Food burns all by itself. I don't like it, I don't go around jumping in the kitchen "A miracle happened, a miracle happened, my food burnt." No, none of us do that. I don't like it. I don't like things what happen all all of a sudden, all by themselves. That's, that's strange. No I wanna be in control. At least if the food burns, I wanna burn it. I don't want just something to come along and burn my food. That way I I can keep the scores. I did that, not good but I did it and to me yeah, we can, we can go on. You know some people see the answer to life, the mysteries of life. Life isn't that mysterious after all actually. Ah so far I have seen, you can do anything and get away with it.
Élan Vital video and In View magazine, Spring/Summer 1988

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

The Storyteller video 1997
To me it always fascinates me how that connection between a Master and a student clicks. It always amazes me because here are two individuals who are so very different and yet they share something not on the surface but they share something very deep within and when they step into that realm of the heart, miracles happen.
The Storyteller video 1997

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Miracles

The Thank You 2002 CD
Track 5, The Perfect Instrument: "For me, it gets fuller and fuller. Do not measure the tree, instead admire its glory. Stand back, come close, sit in the shade, love it because it is a miracle. This life, this existence, I can't say enough. Don't you realize there are no divisions, no separations? Don't you realize it is the same thing? Don't you realize how simple it is to be given an opportunity to appreciate? Don't you realize how simple it is to have a human body? The perfect instrument to play the perfect notes of gratitude, of glory, of contentment, of satisfaction.
Thank You 2002 CD

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Miracles

The Thank You 2003 CD
Stay in love and it will remain magical, be in love with this breath and it will remain magical. Do you realize that all along in the path of this Knowledge this is what you have been asked to do. No miracles except to enjoy and let your heart fill with gratitude and now I'm also telling you something which you can do which is fall in love. Fall in love with this breath, fall in love with this Knowledge, fall in love with this life and that's the secret again and again and again, again and again and again and again and when you fall in love with this life, this life will fall in love with you and then you go places (some laughter), then you really go places, then it shows you things you never thought even existed. Then you soar to new heights and that's such a sweet reality, sweet, sweet, so remember that (laughter and scattered applause).
Thank You 2003 CD

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Miracles

The Peace 2004 CD
Track 1: "Be excited to know that peace is within you and always will be within you. Be excited to know that this is your opportunity. Be excited to know that the greatest of all miracles has taken place, you are alive. Alive."
Peace 2004 CD & ADI magazine #1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Miracles

November, 2007
First breath. Most amazing thing. Before that, you were blue. Then you took a breath, and the process of life started to unfold. Powerful. And another breath and another and another. The unfolding of the same power that unfolds the universe is what just came and touched me, bringing me this gift of life. Bringing me every day, every moment, every star. This is a miracle. Every baby that is born is a miracle. We do not understand that, and that's why we suffer. Having everything, we think we have nothing. Burdened by our problems, we hobble through life. Yet how beautiful it is in this moment. I cannot go back to yesterday, however hard I try. And no matter how much I try, I cannot go to tomorrow. To me, that is supreme wisdom. Here I am in this moment, and here, everything is wonderful.
The Voice of Maharaji Website

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

ADI magazine #6 downloaded 1st April, 2011 from Words Of Peace Global website
You want to hear about a miracle? You are a miracle. You are this moving, dancing miracle of all miracles. The breath comes into you. Do you know from where? It's the kiss of the creator touching you, bringing you life. Do you know what life is? The very magic that allows you to see, to hear, to feel, to think, to smile, to be, to feel happiness, to feel joy, to feel peace - that is what life is. The breath comes into you. It allows you to exist, so all these beautiful things can unfold for you. Tt's yours. You cannot give your breath to anyone. You cannot rent your breath to anyone. And no one can come and steal it from you.
ADI magazine #6

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Miracles

3 Brothers downloaded 1st April, 2012 from Words Of Peace Global website
Do you know the greatest miracle that will ever happen in your life? The coming and going of the breath is the greatest miracle. It happens right under your nose, and you don't know it. The day it begins to stop is when you will recognize its value. Then you will know how important it is.From nowhere breath comes and brings the gift of life to you. Then disappears, then comes again, and brings the gift of life again, and again, and again. This is your symphony. This is your story. One breath at a time. Not two, not three, not five - one at a time. That's your beat. That's your rhythm. Do you understand what a miracle that is? The miracle is your existence, your life.
3 Brothers found Gold - Published on Jul 29, 2011