On the Road With Maharaji (2005)
In 2005 the Prem Rawat Foundation made a $150,000 donation to the World Food Program of the UN. This is a fraction of his annual spending on kerosene for his jaunts in his leased personal jet. Prem Rawat prefers that lots of smaller donations are made in his name to maximise spin-doctoring PR and making it appear he is a significant philanthropist. This is probably the single largest donation TPRF has ever made but it got Prem Rawat into a small room in the United Nations Building where a minor functionary made him a presentation that allows him to sort of use the United Nations in his phony PR. His eldest brother who replaced him as head of the family business in India has actually been an Indian government delegate to the United Nations organisation among other of his activities.
In 2005, Prem Rawat introduced "2005 - The Keys", another attempt to automate and impersonalise the process of brainwashing and vetting people who might be interested to try his Knowledge.
Tsunami on December 26, 2004.
2004 was the beginning of serious attempts to portray Prem Rawat as an internationally respected worker for Peace. They assumed that if they could give him the appearance of being generally respected then he would automatically get that respect from others. On April 17, 2004 a room was hired at Griffith University so that Rawat could "be invited" to give a speech therein and his paid spin-doctor minions would make it appear he was invited by Griffith University administration and students. On July 22, 2004 the same was done at Harvard University where the Sanders Theatre was rented for a night. DVDs of these "events" were recorded and sold to his premies to watch and give to friends. As this DVD demonstrates at least some of his followers did not know these events were bogus.
What is being taught? The value of each breath is being taught, the value of this existence is being taught. How important it is for you to be in that peace, that is what being taught. So learn that.
There's a gratitude that I have for my Master, that I have for this Knowledge, that I have for this existence. That definitely doesn't get covered in "Thank you, please, smile, this, that" because it's so real, it moves me, it moves me. It involves me, not a society, not an idea, not a concept but it involves me, it invokes me and it invokes my hunger, it invokes my thirst, it invokes my reality, it invokes my existence when I feel that true gratitude because there are no words for it.
Woman: I'm just so happy to see Maharaji. I was so excited and surprised to realize that was actually three days because it hasn't been three days for such a long time.
Los Angeles, California, January 21, 22, and 23rd, 2005 at the Shrine Auditorium.
And when I say all this it is not just meant to be words, it has to be real for you. That's when
it matters when it's real for you. I know that a lot of people have come from wherever you
have come from and you know it's been a while maybe since you've been to a live event a lot
of video events happen and it's wonderful to listen to that it's wonderful to be here, to see
each other eye to eye (applause) to look at each other and say "It's not a TV, it's not a TV."
Because this is what it is, you are alive, be alive because you are alive be alive.
Spanish accented lady: I'd just like to thank you for everything you have done in my life but mostly today I would like to thank you for your human effort towards us. Sometimes I passed through difficult moments and it wasn't easy but your presence and your attention, your commitment, your effort to make this happen, to me it was so, so precious.
If you can be as enthusiastic as I am about Knowledge, propagation will happen (scattered applause). Look what is happening in India. It's it's it's absolutely amazing but what is it? It's just enthusiasm, that's all it is, they're just having a blast. So much fun and my objective is always been to have as many events as possible in the United States. A lot of people don't understand what the United States is all about. United States has a lot of airports, it has a lot of flights every day but that doesn't mean people actually go places. It's funny so on little level, this is the way it was in United States when propagation was happening a long time ago. That's how it started in United States and that's the way it's going to be. And it's no different from India. It is on a micro level that all of this stuff happens. Small small small small small and that's what needs to happen in Europe and that's what needs to happen here.
Emotional voice-over: I was just so thrilled to see that Maharaji has been accepted in universities and parliaments. Why shouldn't the whole world accept him? When I tell people about Maharaji they are very excited.
If this voice over is authentic it shows that Rawat's ploys to appear to be invited to speak at universities is fooling some of his followers who mighn't be aware of the Legitimacy Project even if it fools nobody else.
Daya Rawat sings a Divine Light Mission oldie, Spread This Knowledge, so the audience can relive their youth even though thee know that "the Knowledge" has had negative growth for 30 years:
"Spread This Knowledge to every land
To show them the true love is here
So they can know the treasure within
For their true selves to appear"
She can't reach the notes in the bridge so a group of cheering Africans does that part.
Irish woman: Hi Maharaji, I just had to get up, I thought I was going to explode if I didn't get a chance
MJ: oh it's a good thing you did, we're all very thankful
Same Irish woman:I just wanted to tell you how absolutely beautiful my life has been and continues to be since I first heard you, since I got Knowledge. For 25 years just consistently you know absolutely consistently just being with you and having the most wonderful time. I just feel so proud when I see a press release what you've done around the world or that you're speaking in the Italian Parliament or what you've done for the tsunami. Just everything that you do I'm so proud because you feel like my Maharaji and I really, really love you and that's what I wanted to say. Thank you. (Applause)
MJ: thank you very much and I didn't do anything for the tsunami. What could I do for the tsunami? Tsunami's over. I did do something for the victims of the tsunami. (Applause) -
TPRF is making an effort to make sure that these people have at least food. Clean water and food are very very important. "Thank you very much. Thank you very very much." It is happening and I hope that uh it continues to happen. TPRF is doing some good stuff and trying to take care of people who need the help even though you know the greatest gift you can give anyone is a gift of joy. That is the tops, that is the greatest greatest gift. The gift of peace is the greatest gift you can give anybody. Hungry or not hungry, believe me. Peace rules. (Applause)
The whole idea was that there is an incredible possibility to prepare people for this gift of Knowledge by letting them recognize something very very simple and that their preparation needed to be in a way where it was the same for everyone. The way I have made them is that I'm taking one person, just one person and preparing them for Knowledge. There are some days it was 5 o'clock in the morning till 10 o'clock at night working there for hours, a lot of people, a lot of people putting an incredible amount of effort in getting this done. Working on the keys I can tell you one thing they have driven me towards so much clarity that I can't even begin to explain. It's like anything even the tiniest little dot that was black is showing up. No compromises, no compromises whatsoever.
The keys do talk about participation. A lot of people haven't been told about participation lately, they've been just told "Here's knowledge, have it and go enjoy it." But they haven't been told that there is a natural thing that happens, when you love somebody, there needs to be a connection. The connection cannot be just an arbitrary connection. The connection needs to be real. Participation is a beautiful expression of that connection. To participate in a way that is going to help the propagation take place throughout the world.
And in this life you have the most wonderful thing to do, to be reminded of this existence again and again. Listen to what the Master is saying. In earnest, go find and do some service. This is about us, that is about being alive, this is the opportunity. Take that opportunity. You're not going to be here forever. You're not. Don't be under any illusion and don't let that sat in you. Don't let that sadden you, don't let that madden you, just feel the urgency of today, that's all. Just put the sharpness on what it means to be alive today. It's the master. What is important? It's this breath. Look at that, look at that.
So a lot of exciting things I hope this is an exciting you. A lot of events happen and I think that a lot of events are going to be happen. Indians, not the most together people in the world but when they comes to this they did just outdid themselves, I tell you what. I mean when it comes to driving, mmmmmmmmm. Space program hmmmm (waggles hands and grimaces) but when it came come comes to this uh it's been just really wonderful because they really came together, got their vacations together, got all that stuff together so they could come, they could really help out and you know some of these uh events you see there's a hundred thousand people there, 5000 people with Knowledge. Yes, 5000 people with Knowledge, 100,000 people are sitting and 95,000 people all new, all guests that have been invited.
I have sat at a stage, 250,000 people looking at me. Now you may have gone to a football game, 150,000 people that they're not looking at you (laughter). I've been at a place where 250,000 people they're looking at me and I am looking at them (applause). Just seeing human beings. I really just like to see a person just as a human being. Not man, woman, rich, poor, educated, bum, this, that, just human being. This is a human being.
Question from Audience: I would like to know from you Maharaji what message do you have for millions of poor people in this country who don't have two square meals to eat in the evening. They don't have enough resources to educate their children. They're ridden with diseases and lots and lots of problems. How. What kind of the message you have for them?
MJ: My message to them is exactly the same as the message is to the guys who have two square meals every day and have not 2 m but 2 miles of land to themselves. Because after you have eaten and your hunger is gone there is still inner contentment to be had. It is up to us, up to us to take away the poverty off the face of this earth and maybe that solution begins when a person can feel the peace in their life, when they finally look around to see what is possible.
(English translation of Hindi Speech) Within your life bring that peace an experience that peace which is within you which is your real nature.
Indian lady: Happy Diwali to you. From all the people from Dehra Dun I wish you a happy Diwali. The premies of Dehra Dun are really waiting for you, we're hoping that every year we can have an event in Dehra Dun.
Young Indian man: please come to my city too. Many times, many times Maharaji over and over.
Older Indian man: You have made such an effort to bring this Knowledge throughout the world. For that thank you so much. Thank you for your effort Maharaji. Till now that not been any Master like this like you who has brought this Knowledge throughout the entire world, thank you so so much. (Applause)
MJ: I'm still making an effort but more can happen, more can happen and it's happening, it's happening in such places where before I could even think that it could happen there.
Song: You have taken care of me so far.
You have protected me.
We have no one else like
You have taken care of me so far.
You have protected me.
We have no one else like you.
Find that position. Find that commitment every single day of your life and be fulfilled. What a beautiful tool that you have been given, that Knowledge is. Be, exist, enjoy. This is all good news. This is good news (applause) that see your path, see your path and if there are obstacles remove them. Clear that path. Clear so that your journey will be simple, that your journey will be beautiful, that your journey will be most, most enjoyable. So I hope that the next event happen soon so you can come (applause). It was nice to be able to do this event and I hope that they'll be quite a few events coming up. Enjoy your life. Enjoy this existence. Be careful and most importantly, be in that place, know every breath is a blessing
Daya Rawat tries to sing a Divine Light Mission oldie, the Geoff Bridgford / Blue Aquarius classic, At the Feet of the Master, the crowd goes wild thinking they're young again: "We're all love, we're all love, we're all love, love, love, by your Grace." Unfortunately she's out of breath and can't manage the ascending notes on "love, love love" so it loses that inpiring upbeat ending and settles like a collapsed soufflé, like Prem Rawat's Mission to bring love and peace to the world.