Guru Maharaji Ji (aka Prem Rawat) in Rome 1st November, 1981 Satsang
His speeches were not written or prepared but they are certainly not unrehearsed. The speeches preceding his current one are the rehearsals and his speeches following evolve gradually using the same store of tales, premie gossip, clichés, life events, recent tv shows and stock phrases. He invariably garbles his first attempts at new "insights" and and it is these sections that were edited or removed when his speeches were published. His publisheed speeches have all been edited and give a false picture, His thinking is much more disorderd than they show. My transcripts are word for word and give a more realistic picture of his thinking.
This speech given at the end of 1981 shows Rawat near the end of his phase of ranting and making overt demands for devotion and obedience from his "premies." Within 18 months he will close the ashrams, end the nightly public satsangs held by his followers and change his public persona, name and the names of his organisations. He has a dilemma. His followers have been faithfully following his "agya" for in many cases, over a decade, but the meditation, satsang, service and even the ashram lifestyle have not produced the consciousness changes he claims for them. He has been preaching that devotion to him is greater than liberation, that the love he gives is bliss and joy from the very first day and that he is the only hope for all human beings, whether they like it or not! "The world" gives hate, fear, jealousy, anger, suspicion and ego but he offers love, joy, truth, bliss and harmony that nobody deserves and that no premie has any devotion to give, Gure Maharaj Ji also has to supply that. This message has not attracted many new people to accept him as their Master since the end of 1973, receive and practice His Knowleege and support him with service and donations.
Guru Maharaji Ji (aka Prem Rawat) in Rome 1st November, 1981 Satsang
"Your Love Is Lifting Me Higher" Plays While The Devotees Await Prem Rawat's Arrival
Your love keeps lifting me higher
Than I've ever been lifted before
Keep it up, stretch my desire
To be at your side for evermore
Cause your love keeps lifting me higher higher
Now once I was downhearted,
disppointment was my closest friend
Then you came,it soon departed
and it never showed it's face again
Cause your love keeps lifting me higher higher
I'm so glad I finally found you,
you're the one in a million dreams
I want to put my loving arms around you,
stand up and show the world
Cause your love keeps lifting me higher higher
A Rustle in the Wings and the Perfect Master Appears On Stage
So, premies, this is the last uh day of this festival we've all come from very many different place, in fact, there's supposed to be a plane full of India premies from Leicester somewhere up there still. Didn't quite make it here. In fact we come come, listen, try to have an experience, try to open up, try to let go, listen for somehow in us there will grow that seed of that true inspiration, seed of that Knowledge and bring us truly that joy, truly that realization that we look for in our lives. And yet what happens when we go away from here, when we go to our little, there's an expression "rat-holes", back to our basic business trying to make a couple of bucks here, a couple of bucks there. Live cause there is uh definitely not an even parallel between everything that exists in this world and to the destination that we want to go to. Because we would like, somehow, never to lose that experience, never. I remember in long time ago, in Boulder, there's this little program, just a little program and at this program lotta little people came, you know, a small little thing, seemed a lot at that time, maybe 50 people, 40 people and the questions and answer session the next day and there one of the persons asked a questions "Well how, how do you control, how do you control that mind, how do you control yourself?" Because we know, we know there's something just ready. We sit in a program, you know, and sometimes, sometimes it happens we sit in a program and we listen we listen we listen just an ounce or two gets really gets into that deep place, it happens. All of a sudden you find yourself sitting there almost paralysed, just no mind, no ego, no problems, no worry, maybe a state of statelessness. No problems, nothing, there you are, satsang is happening, it's very tranquil, neither you feel hot nor you feel cold.
I mean it's just perfect and yet the slightest deviation from that experience, the mind is just sitting there waiting to get us. Which way it will get us? We don't know. How it will come after us? We don't know. How it's going to manifest in front of us, we don't know. In time, in time, I mean it's like we're even naïve to that fact. Human being is even naïve to that fact. And Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world and says "No, wait. There is a mind and it'll get you." It's almost like that's it's service, that's it's job, that's why it incarnates, to get you. And Guru Maharaj Ji says "I come in this world to rid you from it, from that mind because all that mind will bring you is suffering after suffering after suffering and what I can bring you is that true love, true joy, true peace, true happiness. And you know in this life it's such a paradox, so many times, what to do cause you're helpless against the mind. It's too strong, it's way too strong, it knows, it knows, it knows your nerves, it knows how you talk, how you think and what you are thinking of. It sits there and produces the thought in you, think of this, like a slave, like a robot, think of this, think of this, do this, so that, on off, on off, on off, that's all. And we sit there and we just take it, till there comes the point where we are fried, like now what. And the mind seems to, seems to really take us in a way where it's like "Okay I know everything to do, just relax, I know what to do and it takes us from one point to another point to another point to another point and we say "Wow, this is really incredible. Isn't everything working out for me? Everything is happening, I'm in my mind but huh, it's all happening." The trouble with the mind is, it gets you to the end of the river where the waterfall begins. Takes you just to the point of no return, right where the the water is rushing so fast that you have no chance of swimming upstream and it's so fast you can't tread water, there's nothing to grab onto, that's where it says "Ciao, see you at the bottom of the waterfall. I'll see you, you won't see me. Love to see you devastated." and then just splits. And there you are, I mean, what is there that one human being can do? Who can you call? Who can you look towards? What's gonna happen? Cause that that for that human being, it's doomed, that human being is doomed. It's gonna go down that waterfall whatever he likes it or not. He's been setup, it's all been programmed, it's all been planned.
And there there comes Guru Maharaj Ji, you know, and he says "Don't bother about it. I'll catch you. Just just just flow with it and you say "No, no, no, no, no I can't. I'll die." Guru Maharaj Ji says "You're gonna die either way. I'm your only hope! You go down that waterfell and you're dead. That was the whole game. That was the whole plan, that was the whole setup. You had it but trust in me, trust in me and when I reach out to you to grab you just really catch on. Just extend your arm out and I'll grab it." And how, how does that sound to us? To Guru Maharaj Ji it sounds very, very simple because he sits there and every minute, every second, a soul comes by in that situation and he tells them exactly the same thing, "Just hold out your hand and I'll grab it and you'll be alright." And he does, to him it's a very simple, little technique, he's got it nailed, he's got he knows what he's doing. But how does it seem to us? To us, it seems like, that's it. To us it seems like if this is what Guru Maharaj Ji is going to do to save me, the I'm really doomed. When there is no such thing as really doomed. You're doomed anyway. You're going down the waterfall.
Guru Maharaj Ji isn't going to doom me, he's going to give you that hope and not only give you that blind hope, it's not a blind hope, it's not just a thing where there's a 50/50 chance. Has ever a Perfect Master in this world come and said to a soul, "You have 50/50 chance of salvation." if if the Perfect Master started coming in this world and started giving us a 50/50 business we'd that'd be it. We couldn't take it. We couldn't stand it. Only a 50/50 per cent chance when the odds are 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 per cent against us? Fifty per cent is minuscule, too minuscule, and yet know there is a chance and not even a chance it's a sure fire method, it's guaranteed and all we have to have that trust, all we have to have that faith, all we have to have is that ???? to surrender. Surrender to Guru Maharaj Ji. We surrender to the this Maya every day. What is surrender? What is that effort? Surrender, to believe, to let go, to believe, even for one moment to believe and why, why? I mean it's almost a situation where Guru Maharaj Ji has got us by the hands and he is pulling us but we are so programmed in our heads "Oh I'm doomed, I'm doomed, I'm doomed" that we're kicking and splashing and trying to get rid of his hand from our wrist. And Guru Maharaj Ji says "Look, make it easy on yourself, believe, open your eyes and look, look what's happening, wait a minute, don't kick around, don't thrash around, don't try to rid my my grip from yourself but just look what I'm doing. Of course for any devotee who stands there for one second and says, "Wow, look I'm in the clear. I'm standing on top of a rock, I'm standing on the shore. Everything is okay. I don't need to kick, I don't need to I mean because left to us we would jump right back in the water.
We wouldn't even know where we were, how we got saved because that's all we would be thinking about and in a moment, in a moment's turn we are saved. Maybe too soon too soon for human beings, you know, and yet we are. So what does it mean for us, for every single premie, for every single human being that Guru Maharaj Ji comes and we need to look, we need to listen, we need to understand cause there is no other hope for us, there is no other hope for a human being. Whether you like it or not, that's the way it is, there is no other hope. What am I going to turn to? What can I turn to right now in this world that'll save me? Is it my family? Is it my, you know, friends? They can't even save themselves. They can't save themselves, how they're gonna save you? We need to turn. We need to turn to that source. We need to turn. We need to turn to that place. So deep within, So beautiful, so incredible and Guru Maharaj Ji says "Come with me and I'll show you the garden, I'll show you that life, I'll show you the creation. The creation you've never even seen before. I will show you that love, the love that's limitless. The love that's endless. The love that is not bound by time. The love that is full of grace. A love that is present. A love that's all encompassing." What is there in this world like that? We chase around in this world but what is in this world that can give us that? The real love. The love between two people, the greatest love between two people, makes uh Romeo and Juliet look like amateurs.
What is that love? I mean sure, they were supposed to be really in love, weren't they? And what was their love reflected as? What happened to their love? What came of it? That love that they had brought them nothing but absolute misery. They were miserable the whole time they were in love. It's completely true, you know, "Oh Romeo, Romeo, where art thou?" "Where the hell are you?" That's basically what it means. "What are you doing? Why aren't you standing underneath my balcony? Here I am. Oh but we'll never get it together. It can't happen for us." That's miserable love. Who needs love like that? People get, people got killed in that love. They were miserable for the whole their lives, specially when they started that love.
And yet is that the same love that Guru Maharaj Ji offers? No, completely different. Joy from the very first day, bliss, happiness from the very first day. You see, there's that expression, you know, when you fall, really fall in love you hear the bell ring. Well Guru Maharaj Ji truly makes those bells ring within us because they're really ringing. They're all ringing, you don't hear them and with that love, that mercy, that grace, he takes us inside and we hear the bells.
There they are and it'd be it's it's it's incredible, it's incredible because there is no reason, no justification, why, because look why you? Why you? Why me? I don't even know how many people there are on this planet Earth you know way too many I know that but I'm not too sure how many there are. Millions? Billions? But why me? What have I done? What could have I done? Some people believe in the old karma. Let me tell you one thing. There is no karma good enough to deserve Knowledge. You can't do anything in past life time, nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing that you would deserve that grace in this lifetime. And yet why? And maybe this is an endless saga? Maybe, maybe this is why, 10 millions lifetimes and for 10 million lifetimes have been a devotee and for 10 million times I have doubted and lacked faith and no better than now ever and yet given me the grace the 10th millionth time too. And now and forever to give me that grace, to keep me, you know it really is interesting how much effort do we make to stay with Guru Maharaj Ji and how much effort does Guru Maharaj Ji make to stay with us. We never think of it that way. We never think of it that way because to us it's out little effort and it has to be, it has to be, and it has to be and we don't make any effort. What is our effort? Who comes and gives us satsang? We just sit there doing nothing, doing everything else and thinking about everything else and tryin' to look at everything else except and I see that, I see that for my Guru Maharaj Ji there's no effort that I ever made, no favour that I ever did, no service, no great meditation or satsang that could ever possibly deserve him coming to me and even saying "Well how are you doing?" or "Do satsang, service and meditation." If he tells me to do satsang, service and meditation he's not just generalising and say "Do satsang, service and meditation." He is giving me a remedy for my life. He is answering all my prayers when he tells me to do satsang, service and meditation. That's exactly what I need. I don't know it. Haha and if I knew it and I was doing it he wouldn't tell me that. I know. I know that he knows and yet I have to look, open my eyes and say "He knows, he knows, he knows that I need it.
I know I mean I don't know I don't even even it's even hard for me to even imagine this being one lifetime. I don't even know what a lifetime is and I don't even know what a grace is because how can I even comprehend what grace is? And yet how do where do I begin? Where do I even begin in the path of devotion? Where do I even begin in this love? Where do I even begin to thank? Or where do I even start? And yet you know Guru Maharaj Ji knows. He knows that I don't know how to start. He know, I'm you know I don't how to begin and he teaches so patiently, teaches, he teaches me to begin, he teaches me to start, he teaches me to go on, teaches me to enjoy this life for the first time, fills me up with the devotion, even though I have none to give. He gives me the devotion to give it to him so that it can continue, it can go one, there can be an experience for me. Knowledge, as incredible as it is, not one single day of your life before you had Knowledge did you have any idea that such a thing even existed in you. As incredible as it is, as beautiful as it is, you never ever had an idea that it even existed within us, never leaked and sometimes I feel that yes Guru Maharaj Ji comes and gives the light, even gives the light so we can have the experience of life to begin with something and here we are you know we can we can we can talk about how miserable it is and how horrible it is and how terrible it is and like I was saying you know when after we had that little program those people came and said "Well how do I control my mind? How does it happen? How do I control the whole show?" and Gurucharanand was there and he said "You know if you let your horses run wild all day long, all day long and then in the spur of a moment you just want to go and get them in your corral, into your ranch, into their stables, it's going to be impossible, impossible. And yet if you constantly keep them in a place where they're all together and not just running wild all over the place then yes it's true, it won't take you too long to put 'em back in the stables. It's true. Then we sit there and we just let it all run wild and more wild and more wild and more wild and more wild, not even knowing I mean what we are doing and what we are up to and yet in a spur of a moment we want that pleasure.
In a spur of a moment we want that grace to just come and fill us. Never, ever deserving it, never even doing one thing to deserve it that we want it there just waiting for us like a chauffeur. If I ever get tired I'll just hop in the car of grace and it'll just fly me away. I wish it would work like that, it doesn't because Guru Maharaj Ji gives us ever single ingredient that we need, we could ever need, ever could want and yet asks to have faith and it is that terrible to have faith in something that's real? Is it that impossible? I have faith. I have faith in my Guru Maharaj Ji, completely and you know why I have faith in my Guru Maharaj Ji because I have seen that that faith, that faith is the rope. If I let go of it I don't even know where the bottom is. It's gonna be an endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless fall. And that faith is for me, not Guru Maharaj Ji because Guru Maharaj Ji doesn't need to have faith in me. He already has that. Do you realize that? We say "Guru Maharaj Ji, it's hard to have faith in you" and Guru Maharaj Ji has faith in everyone of the premies. Impeccable faith, too. Do you ever think of that? No questions, yes. You can do it. Is that faith? If Guru Maharaj Ji didn't have the faith in you, would you be premies right now? For so many people it's like can I even have that experience of this Knowledge in this life? They don't have that faith. Yet the Creator has that faith, the Creator has given the life, makes us alive, sustains us and that faith is there. I'm the one who is missing the faith and I need the faith. I need the faith to make that bond even stronger. I need the faith to make that bond even stronger. I need the faith because that's the only thing I'm holding onto. ??? What else is there? It's a sheer cliff. There is not even a little nook or a cranny, not even a little crack in which I could slip my toenail and say "I have some place to rest." It's a sheer cliff and yet I have to climb all of it. And Guru Maharaj Ji is saying "Hold on and I'll pull you up. I know you can't do it. I even know that much I even know that. I even have that much faith in you that you just hold on and I'll pull you up."
Again and again that's the faith I feel towards my Guru Maharaj Ji. That's the grace I feel because that's real. I've experienced it. I don't talk about it just because it's nice to talk about it. It's wonderful to talk about it but I've experienced it myself. It's real in having faith in me all I can do gosh is turn around and say "Yes." Because what is my power, I have ego. I have ego in me and you look every human being having that ego in them and they're saying "But you say this but I don't hear. Who am I not to hear? Who am I, who is any human being not to hear? When that word comes down "Have faith" that's it, that's the bottom line, have faith, you better have faith, goodness, who are you? You know because for us you know maybe we could continue on and maybe it's not even real, the whole thing maybe isn't even real. It's real for Guru Maharaj Ji. He has made it real for everyone because it is real. He has taken this whole potion, that whole whole potion and sweetened it with love in which we could experience right now, something we can experience in this body. He bridges every single gap for us so we can walk, continually just keep walking. When he comes around boy, he says "Do you want to get out?" "Yes, I know it's a decision, let me think about that one? Let's see. Let me weigh it. Let me evaluate it. How is it in here? How will it be outside? I want free(?)." When he says "Do you want the drink that'll fill your souls, that'll quench your thirst?" I can't afford to even delay my answer by one one millionth of a second. I've got to reply "Yes" right then and there. It's all got to manifest. It's all got to happen. Happening for me. I am an individual.
The world world clings to me to destroy me. Come this, come that, let's do this, let's do that and where where will it all go? Where all where will all these incredibly great leaders of this world take this world? They don't know where they're going. They have no idea. Look at Sadat. There he was sitting down. A soldier started walking towards him. He thought he was gonna salute him so he got up to salute him, he wasn't gonna salute him, he was gonna mow him down and that's exactly what he did. The craziness in this world isn't going down by any means. The hatred that one human being has for another isn't going down by any means. And yet Guru Maharaj Ji and the I know on one hand this world is offering us on a platter you know the hate, the fear, jealousy, anger, suspicion, ego, all the nice candies. And on the other hand Guru Maharaj Ji is offering us the love, the joy, the truth, the bliss, the harmony, the light, cause he has it, he has it to offer, he has it to offer to everybody, it fills them up, It's the it's the business of making people happy. Some people like to do something, some people like to do others and yet I like to go round just seeing people happy. When people are confused I don't like it. Having ashram meeting this morning, there was a guy from France. He was confused, really confused. I asked him if he was really, really, really confused. He said, Yes," he was really, really, really confused so I told him to smile and he smiled. When he did I told him he wasn't confused because if he were confused, I mean here we are, we feel, we want to feel confused. Sympathy? Maybe somebody will say "Oh, look at the poor soul, he's confused." How can anybody be confused in this world? In one sense, it's all very straightforward. The ones that are confused, they don't smile, they've got nothing to smile about, as a matter of fact. They're so confused, they don't know whether to smile or to cry or to laugh or to do what to do. They're confused, now that's confusion, massive confusion. Massive confusion happens, but we, having this Knowledge, how can we be confused?
We like to believe we're confused. That's another story. It's like having the brightest, brightest, brightest sunlight in your hand the sun ah ah ah you know a flashlight in your hand, two perfectly good eyes, clear crystal clear night, shine it on the road and you say "I can't see it." Its there, it's there, the road's there. Light's turning on it. You can see it but if you say you don't see it, maybe somebody will come and say "Oh yeah, yeah, it's there." Isn't confusion make for a good conversation? Then the guy comes in the ash the initiator comes in "I'm confused." The initiators, they're smart, they got their rap down. "You're confused, no problem, do satsang, service, meditation (laughter and applause) and, and talk to the next initiator (laughter) And the next one comes, satsang, service, meditation, talk to the next one. And once in a while you hit this philosopher type and that's the one you gotta watch out for cause that one will really confuse you, whether you're not confused, all you're looking for is a little attention, a little satsang, you know, get to talk to initiator personally, privately, in a room. Isn't that nice? Go through the initiator's brief case, see all the goodies, you know because start talking the initiator starts pulling out cassettes from their briefcases and letting you hear these incredible cassettes and showing you these materials sometimes incredible stuff, picture, incredible pictures and what happens, that's one story right so it's not a little you know confusion joke on the side.
But every all the ingredients are there not to be confused but to be happy. All all the ingredients are there just to really enjoy that bliss, just to really have that bliss in us because it's there too. Every single thing is there, always been there, Guru Maharaj Ji comes and opens it up, makes it accesi Guru Maharaj Ji has now opened the door, he's unlocked it, he's freed it up for you. He says "Now any time you want, just turn the handle and walk inside." Somehow we can't even get that little thing through our heads, "Wow, the door is now unlocked. All I have to do is twist the handle and walk in! And there it'll be, there'll be all that joy waiting for me." Because when my Master my Master tells me that that door is unlocked, I have that trust and faith and I will go and open that door and walk on the other side. Either that or or I'll I'll ??? just sitting there in one place, saying "Well, maybe it's unlocked, maybe it's locked, just having my fantasies, having my day dreams. Letting that mind just walk right into my life, like before. Let it tell me no, no, no, no that was an old trick. He did unlock it, he showed it to you, you locked it. And he locked it again and the you can't walk on the other side. You can't walk through the threshold." And that's never the case.
So it isn't like you, maybe every premie has that idea, maybe every premie has that imagination "Oh yeah, the initiators are going to help me. They can't help you. They can't even help themselves. And every time, every year, once a year at least, twice a year, have try to have it twice a year but at least once a year we have to have get together with the initiators cause if that didn't happen, that'd be it, they'd be out flat, to reset them. Do you realize what it's like maybe you maybe you felt confused but you just wanted to have a conversation so you threw out all these questions but not the initiators. They eat it all up, not the that those are the not the smart ones, the smart ones know, they know the game but not the smart not the not so smart ones toe at up the questions and there they are in outrageous questions, "What about this? What about that?" It's like Knowledge doesn't exist, Grace doesn't exist, Guru Maharaj Ji doesn't exist. There is no such thing as truth. There is no such thing as faith. There is no such thing as an experience. Just "What about this?" and "What about that?"
To me that that's the essence. Guru Maharaj Ji has given me that key, Guru Maharaj Ji has given me a Knowledge. Guru Maharaj Ji has given me that agya "Heck I should try it. Nothing else give it a chance once." Once do it his way. And you'll like it, you'll love it, it's wonderful doing it his way cause it's straight, smooth, direct, gets you to the destination the fastest, its beautiful and that's the way it needs to be for every single premie. That's truly when sat chit and anand are going to make any sense to us. Cause these days you know jaisatchitanand, jaisatchitanand, it's a code word. Somebody calls you up, "Jaisatchitanand." Guy says "What?" He's not a premie (laughter) and premies just blab it out "Jaisatchitanand." What does Jaisatchitanand mean? 'Jai' glory be to, 'Sat' the truth, 'Cit' consciousness, 'Anand' the bliss. Glory be to that truth, the consciousness, that's in me, that's me, I'm alive and like I was saying every the truth is everywhere and I'm alive, consciousness is within me and Guru Maharaj Ji has got this connector, a connector we don't have, it's missing and he takes that consciousness and plugs it into the truth, the bells ring, the lights spark, things happen, (hands waving) 'anand' bliss takes over. That's it. That's his way.
Our way, there's the truth, there's the untruth, right? There's the consciousness, there's the consciousness. There's bliss and then there's misery so now instead of having three things we have six things. So we take a combination of each. Take the unbliss and plug it into the truth and see if the bells ring. (laughter) No, nothing happen. Then we take the consciousness and plug it into the untruth and see what happens. Then we go on, go on trying, go on trying, go on trying and you know sometimes it's like if you testing bulbs. You've got a little flashlight and you're testing them and you're testing them and you're testing them and you're testing them and you're going so fast, none of them are working and you get to the one that's working but you've programmed yourself so fast to disconnect it, you just touch it and let it go so that when that bulb even goes on it doesn't even register to hold the wires there to really make sure the bulb went on and then you have to do it all over again. Touch it and make sure "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, it works, it happened." We get so fast into trying all our little combinations that when we really, finally, by accident, totally by accident put the consciousness up to the truth and get the bliss. Before the bliss ever gets there, we disconnect it and then we say "Gosh, is this really real? This Knowledge really real? How can this all be?" Yes it is.
Guru Maharaj Ji says "Look there is no untruth." Guru Maharaj Ji says "Look there is no mind. I don't believe in mind cause there isn't." There's a shadow, there's me. But no me, no shadow. So what exists? What came first? The shadow or me? For 99% of the people, it's the shadow. For Guru Maharaj Ji it's "No, no, no, no, you got it all wrong. It's you that came first. If you weren't there, there would be no shadow." What is mind? Not knowing the opposite of knowing. Knowing came first and then void of that is not knowing. Truth, truth is the essence. The void of that is the lie, the untruth. So Guru Maharaj Ji says "Don't even believe in that. Forget about it. That's a void. Don't get caught up in voids." What's real is the truth. What's real is the consciousness. What's real is the anand, the bliss and so are you. And you are the one who manifest so forget about the mind, it doesn't exist. It's a void. ??? doesn't exist but you do so believe in you. Believe in the truth inside of you and believe in that bliss and Guru Maharaj Ji says "Believe in it all because you experience the bliss. Believe in it because you experience that bliss.
You experience that bliss, now you know because you experience the bliss that the source of it is the truth and why it's happening is you're conscious because you're alive. And in that you have experienced the entire creation. The absolute infinite. Finite is no more. Finite has been linked, it's like like I was saying, you know, just just don't shoot for the whole perfection, that's the key, if you shoot for the whole perfection, you're really asking for it. Shoot for a pinhead, perfection. But if you got the pinhead perfection, you've got it all. Perfection can't be split up into pinheads. You can't split it up, you can't split up infinity into little pinheads, can you? But we shoot for the "Oh we want the ultimate infinity." Hey, infinite is ultimate. We shoot two things, the ultimate, the infinite. Infinite is ultimate and whatever is ultimate is infinite. Guru Maharaj Ji says "No, just shoot for a little bit cause that's very easy to do and yet, when you get it, you get it all. You get every bit of it, every bit of that essence, every bit of that truth, every bit of that grace, every bit of that joy."
But look again remember, we're the ones who are gonna benefit from it, somehow we get this concept Guru Maharaj Ji is gonna benefit from this. If I meditate, it's for Guru Maharaj Ji. No, hah. I don't, I already have Knowledge, you know, I already have an experience of Knowledge. I know it. I'm I'm very square about the whole thing. I understand it, I accept it, I experience it, I have no doubts, no confusion, no questions about it, everything is okay for me. Ha ha and please don't meditate for me. This is for Guru Maharaj Ji's benefit (mimics someone meditating) You can't do anything to benefit me. I've made it ha ha. I'm trying to get you to make it too. Pursuing you, you take it, you know you guys are hard customers (laughter) It takes a lotta talking to pursue you, to budge you an inch, to say "hey, it's real, it's real, it's real." To pursue you to accept it, pursue you to get to the place, pursue you to make it and not to break it cause one that cord, once that tie is broken of devotion let me tell you one thing, now this is this is the dangerous part, this is not so nice. When that tie of devotion is broken once, you can't replace it. That's it. It it's just an irreplaceable little piece. It can't be repaired, it can't be mended, it can't be altered, it can't be adjusted, nothing can happen to it. It's fused, it's blown, it's blown. We can never afford to do that. It can never happen for us.
I mean it's so beautiful. I go, this is what fills me up, you know, I go and I go to these places, small little programs and people come, people who are so empty, so dry, their soul is so dry, it can hardly even speak "I'm thirsty" and I start giving them a little satsang, a little satsang and a little satsang and a little satsang and little satsang and all of a sudden there is hope for that soul and the soul knows it, "Hey there's hope for me. Maybe there's somebody who's gonna give me water after all." You see, you see that, you see a smile on their face, it's genuine. They're not smiling because everybody's smiling, they're not smiling because something funny has been said but they're smiling because their soul's smiling and that fills me up. That's just beautiful to go place to place doing it, doing it in every place no matter what country it is, no matter how old the people aren't, how old the people are, and how young the people are and how you know educated they are, whoever they are, one little hope, giving them that and it's incredible and there is that grace always manifesting you know and for all of us premies to just look to that grace and catch on.
Catch on to that manifesting grace, just feel it cause you know we should pursue and try to get every grace that manifests in every which way. Go for it. Just go for it. And when this grace manifests, go for it. And well anyway I've already said enough, enough pursuance. Don't bother I'll be around to pursue you some more, maybe another program somewhere or some place. (applause) Try to talk you into it. All you have to do is listen, listen good and just in a few days this program happening in India as well quite a few of you might know and it's really beautiful but I've a small announcement to make about that Wow if you have any ideas about going there, cause this year there are so many premies going there and that's pretty much the limit and you have any ideas of going there on your own, you may try after the 20th of November. Okay? But don't try it before that, that's 20th November. You can visit Kashmir, Hyderabad, ???, Nepal but don't show up in Delhi. That's just a little announcement for those guys who've been thinking about attempting it.Don't. It'll happen, someday. It doesn't make any difference if it happens in India, happens in Miami, happens in Rochester, New York, Warsaw, Moscow. Make any difference where it happens and to those, you know, it makes a big difference where it happens. Think about it. Drink some cold water. Try an Alka-Seltzer if something isn't fitting right, something isn't happening in you so anyway you know this is not a general warning, do satsang, service and meditation. Everybody needs to do satsang, service and meditation, that's our remedy, that's our hope, that's our agya from Guru Maharaj Ji. Not doing this and don't do that, no, no, very simple, do satsang, service and meditation. So thank you very much, blessing to all the premies I hope I see you soon, somewhere. It's been wonderful to see you again, it's been a long time, huh? It was wonderful, hopefully not too much time will lapse and I'll see you again. So thank you very much. Good night.
At the conclusion of Rawat's speech he remained on stage while the audience of premies (i.e. devotees) sang Arti. This was not unusual but filming it and distributing it on video was unusual and provides evidence that at this time Rawat (Guru Maharaj Ji or Maharaji) was still leading his followers further into an Indian inspired devotional worship of him as a divine figure as do the words of his speech. As the audience was not miked, their singing is only just audible but the song can be easily recognised by the sound of the guitar accompaniment and faint snatches of the song. Click here for the video segment showing arti.
After Arti the band sang "Teach Me Devotion" and Rawat left the stage.
If you want to wander and roam
Go on, go on
Till you're tired and you want to come home
Come home, come home, back to Maharaji
Maharaji holds the key
Our father has come to lead us along the path of perfection
He's come to make us understand why we're alive
He's pure and his love is deeper than the ocean
Come and take control and make us all one
Our Father has come to lead us along the path of perfection
He's come to make us understand why we're alive
He's pure and his love is deeper than the ocean
He is taking control and making us all one
And we're asking please, please, please
Teach me devotion
Oh Maharaji please show me
I'm ready to start
I can see that your love is deeper than the ocean
Come and take control and making us all one
Our father has come to lead us along the path of perfection
He has come to make us understand why we're alive
He is pure and his love is deeper than the ocean
He is taking control and making us all one
And we're asking please, please, please
Teach me devotion
Oh Maharaji please show me
I'm ready to start
I can see that your love is deeper than the ocean
Come and take control and making us all one (repeat)
The world stops when I look into your eyes
Always takes me by surprise
Feels so familiar, like I've already been there
To another world, so still, no place I'd rather be
Feel your gaze just melt me
Bringing me from all my fantasies
Just disappear, leaving me here
Meditating on your love
Puts me in your place
Meditating on your love
Puts me in your Grace
I'm riding on the rhythm of I love you
This is no place on earth that you're taking me to
But the heaven in your heart
Puts me right where you are
I know, I managed to walk away from you
Never know what drove me to
In a moment I'm miles away
Lost in the wild blue yonder
Is it any wonder
Why you try with all your might
Just to keep me in your sight
Cause you know what's right for me
All through the day, all through the night
Meditating on your love
Makes life complete
Meditating on your love
Make life so sweet
I'm riding on the rhythm of I love you
This is no place on earth
That you're taking me to
The heaven in your heart
Puts me right where you are
Meditating on your love
Nowhere else I need to go
Meditating on your love
Nothing else I need to know
Just to let this feeling grow from me to you
From you to me eternally
Meditating on your love
Makes life complete
Meditating on your love
Makes life so sweet
I'm riding on the rhythm of I love you
This is no place on earth that you're taking me to
But the heaven in your heart
Keeps me
Meditating on your love, etc, etc.
The camera focuses on the stage and then at the end of the song, "Bolie Shri Satgurudev Maharaj Ki Jai" and Rawat returns with a message: "So premies (shrieking and laughter and cheering). I'd just like to tell you I love you." He hadn't dressed up in his Krishna costume but was he going to dance? Prem Rawat, the Saviour and only hope for humanity, whether you like it or not. Rawat sits quietly seeming to accept with equanimity the song being sung: "You Are My Saviour." Why not, his followers even produced a movie starring him, called just that.
You Are My Saviour
Show me the way
Free me from myself
Take me away from the dark and misery
Open my eyes to the beauty that lies inside
Don't make me waste this life when in you I need to dwell
I've already spent my life on the borders of heaven and hell
Now I know who you are
Please open my heart to you
Take me to the highest mountain
And bathe me in the purest fountain
Cause you are my savior and I couldn't save myself if I tried
You are my savior and I pray
I never walk away
Cause I've been tempted by so many things
Pain and separation is all it ever brings
But you give me your love
And you lift me above this hole I'm in
And you take me to the highest mountain
And you bathe me in the purest fountain
Cause you are my savior and I couldn't save myself if I tried
You are my savior and I pray
I never walk away
From you (are my savior)
You never let me walk away from you
I'm lost without you
Running around in an empty world
Believing that something here going to comfort me
Trying to put it all behind me
But you keep coming back to remind me
That only your love can set me free
Your love is everything to me
And you take me to the highest mountain
And you bathe me in the purest fountain
Cause you are my savior and I couldn't save myself if I tried
You are my savior and I pray
That I never walk away
From you (are my savior)
Don't ever let me walk away from you (repeat)
That song wasn't enough to get Prem Rawat, the Lord of the Dance, up and waving his arms so the band breaks into some South American rhythm with a song that includes a lot of 'senors' and 'satgurus'. Should be irresistable and sure enough, once again, Rawat dances though it's a pretty lame performance lasting only a couple of minutes.
The highlight of his followers' lives is kissing Prem Rawat's feet and watching this freak show.
Prem Rawat calls his children up on stage to share his triumph.
The Master leaves the stage and the band finishes the night repeating "People of the world join hands, form a love train" but with Rawat behind the controls it wasn't to be and the aging remnants of the crowd that gathered in November 1981 are still waiting for the world to join their train to nowhere.