Prem Rawat's (Maharaji) Teaching about Languages - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat or Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's was directed by his father to bring "the Knowledge" to the world. However, despite the constant positive propaganda by his followers, this has not been a great success. He has only a small fraction of the number of followers that he inherited from his father. He has continued to blame his existing followers for this saying they made false claims about him and the spread of these concepts has severely hampered his attempts to "spread this Knowledge" to this day. One of his specific criticisms is they claimed he could speak many languages though there is no apparent reason why they would make this claim. There is no connection between spiritual credibility and fluency in many languages and it was a claim that would provoke ridicule every time the young Rawat or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself would speak in the West as he had a very poor command of English, the only language apart from his native Hindi that he could speak. After 30 or 40 years his English is still obviously a second language and he's still complaining that his devotees sabotaged his mission to bring peace to the world by saying he speaks 24 or 34 or 48 languages. He is such a chump he can't even remember how many languages it is that he doesn't speak.

Fernbank, London, 14 March 1972
All saints have said that before you go to Satguru to ask for and receive this Knowledge, you must have a guileless heart, a heart filled with devotion and love for this Knowledge.
Ask, request, and if He is pleased with you He will shower His grace upon you and give you the Knowledge, and if not, He will not. He is almighty. He is going to give you the Knowledge.
He is Guru. In Western languages He is called Perfect Master. Who is perfect? He is perfect.
Divine Light magazine Volume 1, Number 8, May 1972

Imperial College, 9 Sept 1972
So that's the main point and if you understand it, well and good, and if you don't … see, I can speak in English, and I can speak in Hindi,
but don't know any other languages, and if you speak some other language please get yourself some one to translate for you, understand?
Divine Light Magazine, Volume II, Number 3

Lisbon, Portugal, May 14, 1976
And you say, "Listen, haven't you ever heard about Guru Maharaj Ji? He speaks 24 languages." (And I definitely do not speak 24 languages!) You say, "Well, Guru Maharaj Ji speaks 24 languages, and Guru Maharaj Ji does this, and Guru Maharaj Ji does that," and it's like the guy is standing there saying, "Man (groan) this must be completely nuts. This person must be completely nuts."
Élan Vital Magazine, Fall 1978, Volume II, Issue 3

Paris, France, June 8, 1976
And you say, "This is a spiritual discourse that this Guru Maharaj Ji gives. He knows 24 languages." Then the guy goes, "Yeah?" I mean, he's just amazed; he's just astonished. Then you go on, you just keep on going, and this poor guy is getting all this: "… and then you receive Knowledge, and then you have to have darshan, and then you do satsang, and then you do service, and you can stay in the ashram, and just completely dedicate your life.And to realize this Knowledge, this is really what you have to do. You have to be ready to cut your head off. You have to be completely ready to dedicate everything you have. For this Knowledge you should always dedicate everything you have." The guy goes, "If I don't get away from here, this guy's gonna sell me out." Well, I don't speak 24 languages. And the fact is that okay, yes, we need Peace in this lifetime.
Élan Vital Magazine, Autumn 1977, Volume I, Issue 1

Gainesville, Florida, July 2 1976
And he's telling him, "… and we worship this Guru Maharaj Ji, and he knows 34 languages, and he can speak in any language to anybody, and man, once you receive Knowledge, you completely surrender, you completely dedicate your whole life to him. You give away everything you have, and then you are bound to have liberation by this Knowledge."
I mean, really it has come to the point that people will listen to you if you can relate to them, if you can create an environment so that they can really understand what you are saying. If you really want to give that kind of satsang, about 34 languages and so on and so forth, find yourself a goat and give it to him. Then at least, you won't interfere with my work. It won't confuse all those people.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Summer 1977, Volume 4, Issue 2

Providence, Rhode Island, July 3, 1976
The words may have a beautiful meaning but that person cannot relate to you. And then you go around telling him how Guru Maharaj Ji knows 34 languages. "This is it, man. You receive this Knowledge and you've almost got a ticket to everywhere and you're going to be saved.
Élan Vital Magazine, Spring 1979, Volume III, Issue 1

Indianapolis, Indiana, 5 July 1976
It's like a premie who hears satsang and says, "Oh, man, great. Guru Maharaj Ji says to go out and do prachar, to really, really spread this Word." So he picks up all these pamphlets, goes out on the street, and starts distributing them to people. Then, a guy is just waiting there. So he takes and reads a pamphlet, and says, "Oh, you're from Divine Light Mission, huh? What do you do? What is this organisation all about?" He's just a curious guy. And this is the chance this premie has been waiting for, so he starts laying a rap on him - and it is a rap. What he tells him is not the truth, but instead, he lays this big rap on him, "Listen, our Guru speaks 34 languages, and man, if you can come to satsang …
The Golden Age, Number 33, October 1976

International Community Directors meeting, Orlando, Florida, November 11, 1976
"When I came to America the very first time, if we would have taken the most stupid people we had - because they had a lot of potential - if we would have taken the most active stupid people and assembled them with the maturity of the people who were sitting back at home, we would have something going for us. Something that would be too much. I mean, I can't even imagine. But that never came together. The premies who really knew how to cope with the situations, the premies who were really clear, were sitting back home. And the premies who just didn't know what to go out and say, but had a lot of power, a lot of energy, and a lot of potential, they went out and did propagation and told people that Guru Maharaj Ji spoke thirty-four languages. And here come these aspirants, "Do you really speak thirty-four languages?" "Who gave you that idea" I don't speak thirty-four languages."
Divine Times, May 1976

Excerpts, North American Community Directors meeting, Orlando, Florida, November 12, 1976
We have to really propagate through a proper channel. I am not saying to go out and tell people, bluff people, say, "Guru Maharaj Ji can speak thirty-four languages." I am not saying that. I am saying, tell them the right thing so that they can really come and understand and realize it for themselves, "Yeah. The guy wasn't speaking false. He was really true." Then to really plug them into the community so that when they receive Knowledge they don't have to go through the drastic change of plugging into the community.
Golden Age, Number 28, April 1976 and Divine Times, April 1976

Satsang to Community Coordinators in Denver, Colorado, February 21, 1977
We have to have that clarity, have to have that love flow from the premies, so just automatically, just beautifully, the prachar goes on. And what they talk about is that true experience. Not get into like, "Maharaj Ji speaks 34 languages," or stuff like that. Not to show outward and visible signs of that.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Summer 1977, Volume 4, Issue 2

Geneva, Switzerland, September 8, 1978
And the thing is that there is this door. And beyond this door we know that there is something called peace, tranquility, Knowledge, I mean, what has been described in scriptures. The
ultimate thing. The Yoga of all the yogas. The Knowledge of all the Knowledges. The most divine Truth. In Bible, that "Word." In Koran … I mean, in all languages, that incredible
perfection, that beauty, the thing that we all ought to know, lies behind the door. But we know that we need a key.
The Golden Age, December 1978, Number 50

New York Public Program, 10th November 1982
Am I supposed to know 24 languages? I don't know 24 languages. This guy asked me this in Australia. See, he knew I didn't know 24 languages but he has to ask me did I know 24 languages. I said I know English and I know Hindi, that's about it and if I had to I could say words that nobody would understand and that's nothing magical about it you just make up your own silly words, right? And you can get away with that but no I don't know 24 languages.
Perfect Master Audio Tape 253

"You know and it's a it's a curious little history because there was a time where people would introduce Knowledge to other people and it was wild, it was absolutely, incredibly wild, I spoke 48 languages, in those days, walk on water, walking on water, no problem."
In the 70's the great majority of premies were young and relatively innocent but most importantly they were telling people what they thought was the truth: that Guru Maharaj Ji, though he looked like a fat brat and could barely speak English, was the incarnation of God, The Lord of the Universe and he was revealing the Knowledge of God and allowing his devotees to live with his Grace transforming their lives through the practise of "Knowledge".
Get over it Prem, nobody believes this bullshit. Stop making rubbish excuses. It's all your own fault. Oh and you're crap and your Knowledge is crap.