
PMT 012: Guru Maharaj Ji (aka Prem Rawat) Unitarian Church, Los Angeles, April 21 1974

(Bolie Shri Satgurudev Maharaj Ki Jai! Bolie Shri Satgurudev Maharaj Ki Jai! Bolie Shri Satgurudev Maharaj Ki Jai!)

Well, (cheering) probably many premies thought I wouldn't come tonight, huh? Look, uh, really there is nothing to say. Well, there isn't because I think once somebody has received this Knowledge it becomes a little more that what words can talk because you know we all want to experience something, the beauty. The most perfect thing that is and this is why we receive this Knowledge because we want to experience it and knowing, at least somebody tells us, from the very beginning that there is something like God and God is so beautiful and all this, and finally we think, "Oh wow," we should go ahead and you know try to realize Him.

Many people go about different ways trying to realize God. But really, what we have a conception of God is completely different, it's completely wrong because this is what we have experienced and as a matter of fact whatever we talk about God as is more like selfish because we talk as "Oh God, God is like this or God is like this or he's, he's such a way." It's like selfish and man has made up this concept, because, well finally somebody realized this Knowledge and somebody named such a power as "God" and that is the reason why half of the world is stuck there because there is a little more than God and as a matter of fact if you go to these people who are shouting, "God, God, God," and ask them what was the name of God before somebody realized and made up the word 'God? What was His name? What were people calling Him then? Because I'll tell you something this English was not made by Adam and Eve it was made a lot later after that when there was a lotta people on this earth. Well, somebody realized Him, who was that person? How was he calling? How was he pointing out towards that personality, towards that power because God is something you know that we can feel and see that's named now G, O, D and that supreme power that we all want to experience, that perfect bliss because really again same thing goes for bliss because bliss is a little more that what we call it and understand as bliss.

It's an experience, it's a feeling of something that is perfect and again, same thing goes for perfection. Really you cannot say perfection as perfection, because if it is perfect you can't even call it something. Because you cannot name infinity, something that's completely infinite. It doesn't start from any point, doesn't end at any point. It was not created, it cannot be destroyed. It's out of the human imagination, it is let's say out of the comprehension, so, what's perfection? It's like our idea about something that can be like that but really those people who called and put all these words together did they experience? Maybe a little bit, maybe a lot but they experienced something and today the whole point that I am here in the West is because I want to show people, I want to tell plus this particular moment that I am sitting here in this satsang hall because you know it might have been pretty easy to uh have a huge system program and put out a lotta pamphlets and posters, leaflets all these things and call a lotta people but when premies come there really there is nothing we can say to premies there because we are telling people to realize this Knowledge and premies have already realized it and they have to realize it a little more but

I'm sitting here giving you satsang because I want you to understand that you have to still go a little bit and in this perfection because see so many people are getting confused, so many, so many, so many people are getting confused and really that, that point of confusion is also a mark that you are going somewhere because you weren't confused before and now, now you're confused. That means you have proceeded from point zero and you are proceeding to some other point, you're going and then you get out of it and then you know you got a little further and the you just start going more and more and more.

Because really, I cannot, I cannot really explain how beautiful this Knowledge is, how fantastic this Knowledge is and all, all I can say is that realize it, know it for yourself. I wish I could have some words that I could describe this Knowledge to you. Maybe have a little, little screen, something like that, show you how beautiful it is but it's, it's more than what we can think of because what we can think is very, very limited, very limited, as a matter of fact, extremely limited and what this Knowledge is, is unlimited and once we realize this Knowledge we all, also understand that how difficult it is for us to try and make somebody understand what this Knowledge is and that's all my problem because I have to go and sit couple of hours, maybe one hour in a satsang program and give satsang, talk and talk and talk and then have question and answers which are ridiculous questions (laughter) and you don't want to make ridiculous answers for them but they are ridiculous questions! I mean, I mean the person who is asking those questions knows the answers himself but going through all that sitting here, driving a long distance and everything.

It's like because I want people to know about this most beautiful thing because really we say, "Oh, this is beautiful. Oh, that is beautiful," but look if we haven't realized what is beauty itself, how can we say this is beautiful and this is not? Because for a poor man a thing that costs $5 can be very, very expensive but somebody who has realized riches, who has got a lot of riches, for him to spend $5, even as a tip, is nothing. He just gives it away and, and that's, like that's the difference why that same thing that's so expensive, that means so much to that poor guy that $5 doesn't mean anything to this rich guy because he has that riches. He can spend it while the poor guy doesn't, every penny means something to him, every dime means something to him and this is why in this world people are going "Oh, this is beautiful. Oh, that is beautiful. Oh, that is most beautiful." I am not saying it's not beautiful, yes it is, but you have to understand the most perfect beauty that's amongst all of it. It's like and even more and because of that beauty, there is beauty that exists otherwise you can, you can see that nothing would have been existing without this Knowledge.

Like really, it's just really hard to explain but after receiving this Knowledge I can really see that how this Knowledge could have made this flower, how Knowledge is making, how this Word, how this vibration is making the whole thing go round and round and round, how this whole universer, universe exists. I can really see that because it's like that beauty, that secret I have realized. If a hall is standing for a long, long time, you know, maybe some people wonder "Oh wow, you know, this is, this is been just standing for a long time but if there's a construction guy who knows how to construct houses, he'll say "Wow, it's gotta have uh really good foundations on it or must, it must have just beautiful gutters on it, beams and all these things." Because he knows what can make the house stand more and for other people it's just "Oh wow, standing for a pretty long time" or there are other people who don't even care about it but this thing that's a mystery to everybody and really I'll tell you, you can read as many scriptures as you like and you know you have seen dogs sometimes and sometimes they start biting their tales. You know how they go round and round and round? That's how you'll be, round and round and round because they come, they come from a point of experience and they let down and they want to tell you about something, they want to, they want to show you something and it's like you are there, the scriptures are here and you are here and you are both like uh talking to each other. You're giving and taking from each other and that perfectness is at thousands and thousands time beyond that scripture and that is why there are many people who come in this world, read the scriptures, learn a few words and get outa here and learn nothing, leave the world and learn nothing.

It's like many people ask me, in India, of course, you know that uh sometimes I go to a press interview or something and I'm giving all these examples out of Gita and all that. They say, "Ah we have heard, Guru Maharaj Ji that you haven't read Gita so far," and I say, "That's true." "So how come you're giving so many examples?" Because to them it's like "Wow, how can he give examples from Gita?" Well, it's so easy because I have realized that Knowledge, same thing with Bible, same thing with Koran, same thing with every scripture. Because what they're trying to point at finally, I have realized and you can also realize. It's really, really easy for even you to realize.

Today I was just sitting, just before I came here I was sitting by this phone and uh this phone rang and I picked it up and there was a premie from Seattle and uh premie wanted to know you know she was confused and everything like that and I said "Look, there are premies who have received Knowledge before you did. Go and ask 'em. They went exactly the, the same stage as you are going and she said, "That's right." I said, "Look so they came to the same stage and they passed. Do meditation and you will also pass from it and it's that, that easy and then she started asking that, "Can we be that, to that point of realization as much as you are?" I said, "Certainly, because the way I reached it, you can also reach it, it's no big deal, it's no big problem. I climbed the ladders, you can climb the ladders. No problem." It's like when a hardship comes and to leave yourself right in that hardship, or to panic in that hardship, will bring you nowhere.

If your car starts skidding, I bet there are a lot of people who panic and who try to turn the car the other way round and it goes into more skid. But you are not supposed to panic at that time. You are supposed to be calm and cool and let the car go where she wants to go for a little while, press on the brakes, pump the brakes a little bit, turn it round and if you got into a mess, back it up, go and this is what happened in Denver. I was driving the Mercedes I went into a complete skid, I was just sitting there, probably some people at the back were freaking out, (laughter) cool and calm let the car go wherever she wants to go, after some time pump the brakes, car will stop and turn it around, go! That's how it's with this life. When there is a hardship, take it easy. You know because uh, well, that's the way it's supposed to come to you. How are you gonna learn, if you don't fall off from a horse? You've gotta fall off from a horse and then you learn how to do it.

It's like uh if you want to become a good bike rider - this is really strange but if you are learning how to ride a bike, you gotta fall off from it one time and once you do you know how to drive it. It's like uh it's funny, it's really strange. It was when I was learning how to ride a bike, I could never get it straight, I could just never get it straight and one day I was riding and this guy was teaching me how to ride. He pushed me a little bit and I rolled for a little while and then I fell off and the next thing I know I'm riding the bike perfectly, fine because, once you fall, you know that how to correct it, how much correction you needed at that time and maybe more you fall, more you know that.

So'll really, this is the main problem after people receive Knowledge, they start getting confused and then they start panicking, you know, "Oh, what's gonna happen? Oh, I'm, I'm gonna die! I'm gonna, this is gonna happen to me." Nothing is going to happen to you. (laughter) It was like it was all waitin' for you, you got to the point, it started hitting you and it's cool, it's okay. It'll stop. It's like in India when there are these elephants and they're goin' on the road and these little dogs see it and they come out and they start barking and barking and barking and elephant doesn't even look around. It just walks and after some time they get sick and tired and the elephant has passed their territories, they go back, elephants still fine and that's, that's exactly how this confusion thing works to the man. He gets so confused, he gets so confused, he gets so confused because most of the time premies come to me with a problem I smile, I laugh about it because it's funny to me, you know. It's like uh I know that, you know, you were going to come to that point, you have come that point, and you have started panicking - it's nothing! Of course you can't see what's going on, but I can see, it's nothing. It's no problem and it could be, you might be sitting there saying, "Oh maybe I, I, I don't know about that, what Maharaj Ji is talking about because my problem is the greatest of 'em all." (laughter)

Well, so good, you are proceeding faster (laughter) and it's like many people say, "Oh, we can't meditate. Our mind is troubling us." Well, that's even better because mind, you know like that's a sure indication that mind is freaking out. (laughter) It's flipping out because of the Knowledge. When you had, when you had no Knowledge you were doing pretty okay. Now you have Knowledge, it's freaking out, that means Knowledge is something. That should be the first indication to you. You know and it's like uh if you take a lemon and squeeze it in hot milk, and if it starts uh making cheese out of it, then don't panic. That means it's a good lemon. (laughter) It worked fine. If it doesn't, then it's a sweet lemon, no good.

And this is, this is just how it is and I'll tell you, when these problems come and mind is completely up to you and he is really strong at you and he is just like all serious and everything, just look up and smile at him and he'll get a little more jealous and smile once more at him and he'll get a little more jealous and smile at him once again, he'll get a little more jealous and then burn off and then you are fine. Because this is how it's always worked, you know and, and if you can't smile then do some meditation because that's going to make you smile, so you can experience some bliss because look, there is darkness in this world and there is light in this world and it's completely up to you what you want to take.

I was giving that example the other day, this world is round, you can take a flight from Los Angeles and within an hour you'll be in dark, you'll be at night time, it'll be night and you can take a flight from same Los Angeles International Airport and you can travelling, you can be travelling for hours and hours and sun just won't set and it's maybe for about half an hour, 20 minutes of sunset next thing you know it's rising back again and it's completely up-it's really, really it's up to you, what you want to take, it's your, your choice and like uh many, I have been hearing many things, "Oh, premies have been freaking out about this. Oh, premies have been freaking out about this" and it's like, really, ask yourself what are you freaking about? About a mind that you haven't seen? The mind that, the mind, the mind that just comes and goes? Has got nothing to do with you? It doesn't even belong to you? Means, you are freaking about something that's completely ridiculous. Really, that's the way it is. It's completely ridiculous to panic about a mind. Because it doesn't even belong there, you know, it's got, it's got to go, it's got to come and it's got to go. Once it's gone, then premies become very, very, then they become kind of blissful. Then they say, "Oh, Guru Maharaj Ji, you are so right." So I'm telling you right now there is no big deal about it. It's gonna come and it's gonna go.

Just take it easy and if you have, if you have experienced something in this Knowledge, then just go ahead and meditate and if you haven't, still go ahead and meditate because you are bound to realize something. Because there is something. Because see, denial of a fact doesn't make that fact a lie. If I say that there is no sun, maybe I am blind, there is no sun for me but it's a fact. I deny the sun, but it doesn't become a lie. Sun doesn't hide away for ever and ever because I said so. Sun, sun is still there and it's like maybe due to some circumstances,

a person may deny the fact of this Knowledge but that does not make the Knowledge disappear. It's still right there, right within inside of you. Try once again and it'll be there. It'll be right with you and really every premie is going through a stage.

I tell you it's not new, it's not new, it's come to other premies and it's coming to you and everything will be fine. Everything will be really, really beautiful. Because then you see, you can, you can see so many things and still be right on the track. It's like a roller coaster then. You can ride-if you take a cart, have you been in a roller coaster? If you take that cart and unhook it from the tracks and ride it, next thing you know, you'll be thrown off it. But once that little hook's there on it and you just don't have to bother about anything. It's goin' up, it's goin' down and so far the hooks are there, all good, you don't have to bother. But if those hooks got released, if you release those hooks, the next thing you'll be thrown out and this Knowledge is like a hook. Then you can go, you can have ups and downs in your life but still you'll be hooked to the track, the track of truth.

Because really, I've, I've come to such a point that I think it'll be a lot better for premies to have meditation programs than a satsang program and maybe once in a while a satsang program but usually you should have meditation programs because they should realize something there. They should. It's like talk, talk, talk, talk. I think I shouldn't even give you satsang anymore. You should realize it yourself. You have Knowledge, do it! You are on your own but maybe it's fun for me, so I come. (scattered clapping) Really, you know, I am saying really really too many times, I know, but it is really, it's really real and after realizing something real, that's all you can say, 'really' and uh really. Now it's like do meditation and understand and really, everything is gonna be, everything is gonna be fantastic and beautiful. Thank you very much. Blessings to all the premies.

(Bolie Shri Satgurudev Maharaj Ki Jai! Some chatter)


I love you my Lord
Your grace is overflowing
I love you my Lord
You are all knowing

You have given me life
Out of your mercy and compassion.
I am so grateful my Lord
For the gift of devotion.

(Cheers. Bolie Shri Satgurudev Maharaj Ki Jai!)