Elan Vital Local Community - 2004 Public Program
3 August 2004: Dear all
You are invited to an introductory event of fun and inspiration. An introductory event will be held at Fradgley Hall, Burleigh Heads Library, on Saturday, the 4th September for PWK, aspirants; and their guests. The event will be publicly advertised and it is hoped new people will respond and come as well. The event will start at 5.30pm and an exciting new format is planned, including live music, a beautiful new video; and food and wine, after the video, for those who want a bit of a night out as well.
There will be a big banner up in the park at Justins Park, Burleigh Heads for two weeks, promoting the event. Let the world know! The Propagation-Invitation tool we used recently was well received so we are using it again. New people came just from reading the invitation! PWK gave them to friends and we found leaving them in places such as health shops was a good strategy. One is enclosed for you to give to a friend.
We feel that these events; with the banner in the park and the propagation invitation; are an exciting way to invite new people and with your support will succeed in expanding Maharaji's message on the Gold Coast. Please help by making the financial donation requested at the door when you attend the event. If you are able to contribute more than the $10.00 asked for this will be gratefully accepted; and a reminder too that your guests are invited to attend the event free of charge."
The PWKs left no stone unturned. There would be a large banner hanging from the pines in Justin Park across the road from the venue and brochures were distributed in the appropriate places. To ensure people could find the venue they draped a banner on the balcony and to keep the feng shui harmonised they got everyone to enter through the front door. They discussed the possible need for P.R. expertise if approached by the media and security if they attracted the wrong crowd. They created a special flyer, further follow-up information and new lapel labels for the pwks doing service:
"Responding to the banner in Justin Park, brochures, flyers, and MC announcements, etc, twenty new people and thirty-six PWK came along and enjoyed themselves. The follow up response since then has continued to be positive, both from people who attended and from others who have heard about the event through word of mouth. Some of the comments received include, quote; 'this is the best introductory event I have ever been to on the Gold Coast' unquote; to phone calls from people both local and further a field enquiring about the next event and telling me that they too intend to come and bring guests."
The organisers and many of the guests were people who went to nearly all the video events to watch M.'s speeches. At this time they could only afford 2 events a week but since 1998 there had been over 1,000 videos shown and some PWKS had watched nearly all. So unwarranted excitement and unrealistic expectations were in the air as despite all results so far being poor the PWKS believed that with all the training, synchronisation, immaculate presentation and divine inspiration they were about to be joined by thousands of new brothers and sisters. A local PWK (and a very nice guy) wrote a little review about the event:
"After a while the MC hoped up in jeans and T-shirt and welcomed everyone very warmly. I felt so emotionally overwhelmed at that stage, even his mention of Maharaji's name brought tears to my eyes. Lucky our guests were sitting next to Cecilia and were one seat removed from me to witness this. I tried so hard to be discreet… The lights dimmed and the DVD of Maharaji started. It was his address from the United Nations in Thailand. I swear I have heard the address a million times before but it was like hearing it for the first time. It was the best I had ever seen … but hey, I say that about many of his talks. I tried so hard to keep in together but by this time, my cup had runneth over and the tears flowed freely while my bottom lip quivered like something out of a Piccasso painting. Lucky the room was dark and no one was aware of the transformation taking place in this one little rat-bag's life"
They held another 2 similar programs that year. Unfortunately, there was little or no follow-up from guests. The cost of the 4th September event was $1,200 and presumably the October and November publicly advertised events were similar. For their direct costs of app. $3,000 they had 7 aspirants registered for "the Keys." The Gold Coast PWKS had already paid out an extra levy of $1,254.00 as their part of the cost of creating the Keys. The community's annual cost to run the regular video events was app. $10,000 and with undocumented extras this made an upfront cost of app. $15,000 for a handful of newly instructed PWKs and as we know there was about a 50% drop-out rate for new PWKs pretty quickly.