
Dear Everyone,

Re: KEYs Project - Initial Funding Drive.

To support the new 'Keys' project communities throughout Australia and New Zealand have each been allocated a targeted financial spilt to try and meet by June 30th.

For example the target asked for from Brisbane is $2,525.00, Melbourne $3,798.00 while the amount for Byron is $1,925. 00.

The target sought throughout Australia is $17,660.00.

The amount set for the Gold Coast is $1,254.00.

All the above figures are compiled using a formula based on the maximum number of PWK attending any one of the live broadcast events held in a community.

Some of the $1,254.00 asked of us has already been paid as individual contributions ($350.00 to date) and the five dollar levy at door will also be included so perhaps we are looking at a figure of seven to eight hundred dollars needing to be raised by the end of the month.

If twenty five people (24 less me) in the community are able to contribute $30.00 each we will be able to meet our target.

Your contribution can be posted to me, J. S., 26/10 Lenneberg St, Southport 4215. Or alternately handed to myself, (or P. at Tugun), at one of the events.

Cheques, money orders need to be written to 'Entelechy - Gold Coast Inc'

Lets hope we can do it.

Many thanks,
