From: J. S. - Aus
Subject: Re(2): Advertising
To: Hans-Christian Kleist - Aus
Cc: A. G. - Aus
Greg Curtis Flynn - Aus
M. G. - Aus
Lee M. - Aus
Friday, 17 September 2004 4:53:03 PM

Hans-Christian Kleist - Aus writes:

Dear J.,

You ask me a question that Lee M. is a lot better qualified to answer. Since you ask me I will try to answer but invite Lee and everyone else to collaborate.

What is the goal of your invite?
You want to draw the attention of people to sth totally different from mainstream, an unheard of possibility to finding inner peace, joy, contentment, to fulfill the deepest longing of the heart. You want to invite them to an event where this, and nothing else is the topic.

What is the goal of Maharaji talking later in the video?
As he said during the Griffith event, to invite them to the possibility that inner peace, fulfillment exists and that it is totally possible for every individual to connect with the source of it within during their lifetime, and that he specialises in facilitating that.

The process of how to connect with the inner source of that and firstly to prepare for it, will not be the topic. This will be taken care of at yet another step, by the "Keys"

Self Knowledge is a very old term that has been used by the Greeks already. It is neutral as it does not point to the process of preparing and receiving Knowledge. That is my take
Maybe everyone else can fill in the blanks

Cheers Hans

J. S. - Aus writes: Dear Hans,

In your role as 'Materials' person in Brisbane can you confirm for me that the use of the terms 'Knowledge' and 'Self Knowledge' are no longer appropriate in the advertising and presentation of Maharaji and his message; and that you understand this to be at Maharaji's request. Greg Curtis Flynn said you could help me here. I ask the question as the Gold Coast is in the process of planning for an important introductory event with comprehensive advertising supporting it's promotion. There is uncertainty and diverse opinion in the team as to the current use of these terms. Your clarification would be welcomed. While people want to follow implicitly the direction of Maharaji, there is some healthy scepticism here these days regarding uncorroborated input; on matters such as this, coming from other communities.

We have a meeting tonight to discuss the budget and advertising of the above event and I would appreciate your reply ASAP.