Aus Talking
From: D. B. - Aus
Subject: Gold Coast event with a difference
To: Aus Talking
Saturday, 11 September 2004 8:24:48 PM

A bit of history:

With almost all of the Gold Coast out of range of the Briz 31 TV broadcasts, there was a need for propagation to grow here. We are living in this fastest growing city, in the fastest growing region in Aust. People were moving here in droves and yet the local events reflected an introspective approach with very little outreach activity.

Earlier in the year, it was decided 2004 needed a change and a renewed focus on propagation. A new team looked afresh at ways to lift propagation. A number of introductory events were planned spanning a 6 month period. They were professionally organised, traditional in format and held in a 5 star hotel. Quality invitations were printed and distributed … it was exciting … there was a sense of anticipation. It had been a long time since we had taken a step like this.

A moderate number of guests attended and the events were hailed a success (probably because we had actually made a step, the events were very "professional" and some guests had attended).

Something had started … but … was it all too safe and a bit too familiar?

But then there was the event that was planned for 5.30pm Sat 4th Sept. It promised to be different. A huge 3 meter banner had been flapping high between trees in a popular park facing the main road where thousands of cars pass every day saying "What you are looking for is inside of you" … along with the event details.

So what was so "different"? It was billed to have live music … food … wine … happy hour … and hanging out. It all sounded intriguing … and maybe a little risky. I was excited. So much so, I invited 2 of our most conservative friends, H and L. We arranged to meet at our place for a chat and coffee and then all drove together to the event.

Maybe it is just me, but when I invite guests to an event, I can be a little nervous. How would it feel? Would those at the door be friendly and welcoming or stiff and awkward. Would there be a cold silence or hushed tones (like in a library or a funeral), while we sit and wait for the event to start. Would it all be a bit formal and a lack of eye contact with others? Would there be applause for the MC…etc, etc, etc.

We arrived! My first impression was good. Those at the door smiled, said hi and then resumed their conversation. We walked up the stairs. I could hear electronic music that was welcoming and upbeat. Looking around the room it all looked so relaxed. People sitting here and there and others standing up the back chatting away. "This feels good", I thought. On the small stage was 2 musicians with a smorgasbord of electronic amps, mixers and speakers behind them and an array of musical instruments on stands at there feet. They were having a great time, Martin Handley on guitar and lead vocals while Kim was playing sax and harmonising vocals. We chose our seat and it no time I found myself tapping my feet and stretching my arm over the chair next to me realizing that this was something different indeed. I even sang along with "Oooo, baby I love your way". And there was applause after each song which is always a healthy sign.

After a while the MC hoped up in jeans and T-shirt and welcomed everyone very warmly. I felt so emotionally overwhelmed at that stage, even his mention of Maharaji's name brought tears to my eyes. Lucky our guests were sitting next to C. and were one seat removed from me to witness this. I tried so hard to be discreet …

The lights dimmed and the DVD of Maharaji started. It was his address from the United Nations in Thailand. I swear I have heard the address a million times before but it was like hearing it for the first time. It was the best I had ever seen …but hey, I say that about many of his talks.

I tried so hard to keep in together but by this time, my cup had runneth over and the tears flowed freely while my bottom lip quivered like something out of a Piccasso painting. Lucky the room was dark and no one was aware of the transformation taking place in this one little rat-bag's life …

Before I knew it the DVD finished, the lights came up and the MC hoped back up to invite everyone to stay on and "knock the tops off a few cold ones" and enjoy more of the music. Everyone seemed to oblige. The food came out and the 20 or so guests along with the premies chatted in one of the most relaxed environments I have seen in a long time. We stayed on for a while too, chatting away. This gave time for Lynette to pick up 2 complimentary videos before we left. H. and L. joined us for dinner at a restaurant, and we parted company around midnight. What a beautiful and special night it was. 2 more events like this are planned for Oct and Nov. I can hardly wait …

Now, who can I invite this time …

And don't forget your tissues next time, you piss weak wimp.

Cheers, D.