This is the minutes of the Australian Communications Group in 2003. These were very high ranking officers of Elan Vital.

Minutes, Aus Comm Group, July 7th 2003


Monday 4th August
Reports to be in by July 29th - all
Catherine G.    
Anne MacDonald
Andrew Moran
Tyn Receveur
Brian Murray
Stuart Hogarth
Karin Conrad
Agenda Item
promised by:
Update on contacts with cities
Cities not having conferences together or sharing information. Possibly unnecessary, may only need to pass on information when they feel they want to. Do not want to overload local contacts with extra unnecessary work.
Contact Greneshan to ask if he would be the person for any city contacts to contact if they want to pass on any information as he already communicates with them?
Update on reports for Aus/NZ box
PR - how much detail needs to be passed on? Facts that impact on PWK only is of main interest. Reports to be brief key bullet points with convienor of each group listed as contact person if more information is required.
Condence what we have to half a page only. (using Brian's latest update) Prepare a useful document that keeps others in Aus still informed of activities around Aus with transparency. To be prepared by Saturday to be reviewed by team by Monday. Based on feed back, if no comments or objections received will be sent out on Aus/NZ box Monday night
Jennifer M. staying in role. Names of board members not needed to be written.
Next Board meeting 20th July at Amaroo.
Members of the Board.
Melb. Ch 31 broadcasts have started - successful
Rob Love suggested we should consider renaming web-site with a more nutural name, from to Making city names the web name makes it easy for people to find if coming to a new city
Is anyone overseeing a national approach to doing TV broadcasts in other cities ? Groups and individuals wishing to follow Melb.'s initiative could cause more damage if not handled
Advise teams of the process Ch 31 went through; these processes need to be followed & should be handled through the introductory intiative team or co-ordinator and PR properly. The process in Melb. was trialled, well thought out, funded in a particular way and organised by very experienced people Preferably to wait and monitor impact, liaise through Melb. team, slow, steady solid steps.
All to spread amongst teams Andrew to contact initiative team
Money tight. Monitoring over next few months where more funds are needed and how projects can be helped
Went to Sydney Aspirant meeting to speak of the possibility of participating through resources
Closer synchronization with local teams
build regional teams and develop action plans
Achieved better clarification to ensure we get an increase of people practising K after receiving techniques
Open Day very successful. 730 people attended (58 PWK +92 Children included). Local community highly supportive. 9 enquiries for functions