Australian Cities Report - June 2003

Recent activity highlights
Issues or updates; Help Needed.
-    Special PWK Event (with Inst Catherine) with special videos.
-    Special Asp Event on 22 June (Catherine spoke, 10 Asp attended)
-    Perth's RIL currently in 'business section' of phonebook under Elan Vital. Change needed soon. PR deemed "The Prem Rawat Foundation" was not appropriate in view of permissibility.
-    2 Regular PWK Events each month. 2 beautiful events when we watched Augsburg…with a huge feast at Belmore and gourmet cakes at Bondi …
  • Ins Catherine & Chris attended Intro and Learning More Events in different parts of Sydney.
  • Flyers & posters are used to promote events.
-    Newspaper ads trialled in Syd Morning Herald to advertise regular local events as well as community newspapers.
-    Miami DVD Presentation (Catherine)
-    Producing booklet (will be available for other centres).
-    Regular Intro Events at new venues each week.
-    Planning for "Mind, Body, Spirit Festival" (Darling Harbour, Nov 2003).
-    Updated request sent for PWK Event with M
-    Limited response for any vacant roles in Syd Team to to take on any regular local commitment.
  • Seems like small team trying to do a lot.
  • Seems like far behind in becoming a selected city.
-    a small trickle of new guests from the Intro events at new venues.
  • A booth is being planned at Sydney Body, Mind, Spirit Exhibition at Darling Harbour in November.

HELP needed: yet to be worked out.
  • 3 centrally located Intro Events:
1 June - Fol Up to Mind Body Spirit Festival - 1 person has followed up from this and 500 received printed information. 71 people watched the video.
7th June Introductory event. (10 guests attended) as culmination of
Beyond Words Exhibition at Oracle Cafe The Exhibition was promoted
through local newspaper, MBS and PWK's. 10 guests.
14th June Follow up to event at Library - 11 new people.
-    Direct Access people offering homes as venue for satellite broadcasts
(advertised via e-mail)
-    First Young People initiative in 'groovy' cafĂ©

-    Many people fired up and 'raring' to go
-    Groups of individuals taking on responsibility to hold Intro Initiatives
  • Optimally, the Brisbane Team is a support (legal etc.) for these.
  • All pwk's are being reminded of the importance of the 1-to-1 interaction between people and are being encouraged to bring guests to our intro events. PWK's are also being encouraged to support events even if they don't have a guest to bring.
  • June 14 and 21st Inala walkin walk-out acitvity. 14 people got introduced.
  • A "media" team overseen by Francis Turner will work in sync with rest of Australia, PR, Legal and overseas to research the possiblities of using various media eg radio, TV, magazines, newspapers etc.
-    SEQANN Connect website nearing completion
  • Propagation meeting held with Chris Walker
  • Plan afoot for a new exhibition …more later as this develops.

Any recommendations national teams may have from their experiences, any new ideas that worked etc would be a great help. As far as local help goes, at the moment a lot of people are very keen to help.
Gold Coast
(including Mt Tambourine)
-    PWK Event with Chris and Lee,
-    Chris and Lee met with aspirant team
-    Asp Event with Chris Walker.
-    Monthly Planning Meeting preparing for Catherine's visit in July
-    Mt Tambourine: Special Intro Event (5 new people out of 13)
-    Local Video Lending Library main propagation tool.
-    Recently, many PWKs stepped forward to help with local events
-    Looking positive with Catherine's visit in July focusing on participation
-    Instructor visits and effort of great assistance
-    24 May- Special Intro Event at IRCC, "True Colours", including music, poetry, comedy, dance, and M's own expressions (90 people, 10 new).
-    A 'DVD' QuickTime film-clip of True Colours was made and is being taken to Maharaji at the European events.
-    High enthusiasm: Planning for next Intro Initiatives in the area.
-    A steady flow of new guests coming to the events (2-3 per week)
-    Increase in aspirants attending local events (7)
-    Special PWK Event at IRCC. Guest speaker, Chris Walker. Whole SEQANN invited included update on proposed Public Event with M.
-    People didn't know if they could trust content and style of "True Colours". More people may come next time as now content and style is known.
-    13 June - Special Intro Event, guest speaker Gwyn Piggot. (On what has influenced her work and introducing M, 72 attended, including 10 PWK)
-    Follow-Up: 1 week after with Chris Walker, one person FU.
-    Only small team organising Intro event with Gwyn Piggot. Would probably have benefited them to ask for help from other communities
-    Has its own "Portal" (
Still in development stage, would like feedback. It is a tool for propagation and for PWKs & Aspirants to keep in touch.