Dear A.,
Re: Gold Coast Planning Meeting. 15 May, 2002.
Please forward this letter to those members present at the above meeing or sent their apologies.
I will send to Jennifer as snail mail.
Dear Jennifer,
Re: Your letter 'Gold Coast Contribution to Broadcasts and Materials'. May 12, 2002.
Gold Coast Planning Meeting. 15 May, 2002.
After careful consideration of the above the following proposal was carried unanimously by the meeting.
'The Gold Coast community will effective from April 2002 make a minimum contribution of $200.00 each month towards the Broadcasts and Materials Fund with the aim of directing higher amounts to the fund when we can, based on our ability to pay.
An example of the working of this formula is our April contribution.
This formula was chosen rather than submitting a specific amount that might not be achievable as a consistent ongoing commitment.
The financial contribution formulas received by us in the past, based on false premise, have had unrealistically set goals and proved to be counter productive to our community in the sense of needless energies misdirected and consumed in trying to meet them.
Without these external financial pressures on us and a readjustment of our own event costs, the Gold Coast is again financially viable and concurrent with this is a resurgence of enthusiasm, energy and renewed interest in propagation here.
I would like to add we have and do understand perfectly the responsibilities you and the Resource team has in meeting a national commitment towards the fund. We thank you for your committment and feel this community will best help your efforts through our decision as described above and the application of commonsense.