Minutes of Key Service Personnel Meeting - 1st March 2000

In attendance: 15 of the usual suspects Apologies: 6

Re-focus and self assessment: A world wide adjustment has been occurring during the last few weeks. People involved in helping have been asked to give deep consideration to their personal level of commitment and desire to do their best. Firstly, reflection was encouraged. This was followed by a period of regrouping in areas where people had stepped aside from roles they had been responsible for. A third stage has occurred. This has been the committed effort to produce steps and guidelines upon which to build strong unified teams that practise ethical and solid commitment and which are pro-active to what is being asked. People in service roles on the Gold Coast have taken part in this process. No major changes have occurred. We have committed to proceed using protocols, the meetings structure, guidelines and action plan that have been devised and in place for some time. Their continual review and the evaluation of all aspects of participation on the Gold Coast will continue on an honest and regularly ongoing basis.

In relation to the above, B. and J. presented the seeds of an idea which would give everyone the opportunity to express their effort to do their best. The meeting agreed unanimously to go ahead with this project which will be the production of a short video tape of local people involved in participation.

Schedule: It was proposed to trial an event for people with Knowledge on Tuesday evenings at the Life Education Centre as it was considered that there is presently a need for this type of event. This development will be reviewed after two months trial at the monthly meeting in May.

Protocols: The monthly meeting protocols have been under review. The following team protocols have now been unanimously adopted:

Respect the role and direction of the facilitator
Be concise and succinct when making your point
Avoid negative criticism, directly or indirectly, when others share their ideas
Raise your hand to speak
Observe the time allocations for each item
Be an active listener

Events: It was suggested that the table arrangements in the foyer at the Life Education Centre be changed. Concern about the proximity of the table for donations was expressed, in particular at introductory events. Rearrangement of some of the tables will be trialed over the next month and reviewed at the next meeting. (Confirmation: The Tuesday events which will be for people with Knowledge, will begin on 11th April)

Finances: The month's expenses have been covered. Joan provided a very comprehensive and informative graph of the income, expenditure, number of events and number of attendees for the latest twelve months. Although the number of events has been reduced, the number of attendees has remained the same per month.

The pre and post activities that the various centres submitted regarding propagation have been summarised. Each centre received a copy of the summary and has been asked to make changes where applicable. Three aspects which had been shown as proposed on the Gold Coast have actually been actioned and so were adjusted and the sheet returned to the organising team.

Guidelines for participation: The manual which defines the procedures selected and adhered to for assisting people to be involved on the Gold Coast are reviewed and updated each year. They are currently being perused by people in specific service roles. When this is completed, the guidelines will be presented to the monthly meeting for their review and acceptance for the next twelve months.

Productions workshops with Didier Vaillent will be held in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. The purpose of these is to boost the development of event teams for major events. If anyone is interested in further details, please see A.

There are now two new part-time instructors in Australia. They are Catherine G. and Lee M..

Calendar for April: Instructor Chris Walker and Lee M. are available between 20th March and 20th April to tour in S/E Qld and northern NSW. Some proposals are being worked on, in collaboration with the other centres. It is anticipated that events on the Gold Coast will be held with Chris on Thursday, 23rd March, Sunday 16th and Monday 17th April. Further details about these events will be announced.

Service positions are continually available for people in which to participate. If anyone would like to assist in aspects such as: AV (see J.), the aspirant team (see M.), chairing meetings (see B.), assistance/ushering (see P.), catering (see Joan B.), information, taking the minutes at meetings, transporting equipment to events, being program managers or assisting with the northern NSW video circuit (see A.). The events proposed for Tuesday evenings need staff and ongoing support for them to be achievable.

The final details for the next monthly meeting will be advised. It is planned for Tuesday evening, 4th April.

Please pass any agenda items to B.