Everyone Should Feel It

Maharaji:Jamaica, West Indies, March 17, 1974

So dear premies, I guess it's just not a big meeting. But anyway, how big it is doesn't really matter. The Truth that is within inside of us … it's like -- the electricity is always there, and the bulb is there, and the switch is there. But the question is: why is that bulb not burning? Why is that bulb not lighting up? What is the reason?

And really, it's really a foolish question to ask why not. Because the switches are not on. And instantly, in a split of second, as soon as you turn on the switch, the light is on. And it's not a big deal at all.

And the same way, this Truth is within inside of us; and everything that we have to know, when we are capable of knowing it. But all we really are missing is a Guru. When we go to him and ask him for the Knowledge, he reveals us the Knowledge.

It's like, first we have to find the switch. If we don't find the switch, forget it. We will never be able to turn the light on. Because really it will be crazy if somebody goes to the electric house, and draws two negative and positive wires right out to the bulb in his house, and tries to light it up. Because there is already electricity in the house. There are already wires that are running.

But since he cannot find the switch, it'll be more than impossible for him to do it. Because there will be just an incredible amount of voltage coming through those wires. And even if he for a split of a second is able to light up that bulb, I think instead of the bulb lighting up, he'll light up and explode in a second. See?

That is the reason of a Perfect Master to come into this world: to make us be revealed, to make us realize this Knowledge, this Truth, this Perfectness, which is within inside of us. Because always it is the Truth, you know, that is making us alive right now.

If it weren't for the Truth, we would be six feet under the ground.

But again, there's a question: Why should we realize Truth? What is the reason? Simply, what is the reason? Why should we realize Truth? And there are a lot of good reasons for that. Because we are here on this planet Earth for certain purpose. And that certain purpose, until that is completed, until that is accomplished, that certain purpose -- it's like, if we come to a big fair, to a big festival, and go there -- it's like going to Millennium. Suppose we go to Millennium to see what's going on, don't listen to satsang, and walk out. That is, one person, Mister "A," does that. Mister "A" then looks, glances around, and just hangs out in the hall for about an hour, and leaves.

When mister "B" goes in, he sits, he listens to satsang, and then he goes and asks for Knowledge -- and receives Knowledge. And then he realizes something.

And really what is the difference between those two people? They probably both entered at the same time. They listened to the same exact satsang. But why was one privileged, and why was one not?

Because one went ahead and asked for Knowledge and listened to the satsang because that was his definite purpose to come into this world. That was his definite purpose to go into that Astrodome. Where the other had just gone to the Astrodome, had just gone to the Millennium festival to look around -- to see what is going on.

So that is the reason that we have come into this world. If a man comes into this world and makes his motto, "Eat, drink, and be merry," well, he is going to end up nowhere. But a person who comes into this world, and really does something -- for instance, something that is told to us by our very parents is that we should do something good.


But really, has anybody thought within his heart what is good and what is bad? What should we regard as good? And what should we regard as bad?

And this is the greatest confusion. I mean, the greatest confusion in this whole world is because people do not know what is good! They get the good and the bad mixed up and they end up at a point -- it's like, one religion in this world thinks -- say Christian people -- now they think to eat beef is fine. Means, they don't even care about it. While anybody from the Hindu religion, if he eats beef, he is almost dead. If he even touches beef, it's like, he has to go to the holy river Ganges. He has to take a bath there, and go to these priests and get all this ceremony done, and get 'all- good' back again. And then he is able to live in the world.

What is the reason that, for one person, it is good, and one person, it is bad? Aren't they both the same human beings? I have seen this in one family: one brother, if he touches beef, it's it for him. And one brother goes out every night, every day, and that's all he does. That's his lunch.

So what is the difference in that particular thing? Why is it wrong for somebody and why is it good for somebody? Because really, a human being does not understand universally what is good and what is bad.

And really the simple, simplest solution to all the trouble in this world is if a person understood, everybody understood, what is good. A man who has seen light can always identify darkness. It is not necessarily so that a person who has seen darkness can identify light. Because he'll open his eyes up, and he won't be able to see anything. You know, it's like, "Hey, what's going on?" And he'll probably be just like an owl. For owl, it's still darkness. Even when the sun rises up, still there is no daytime for him.

And it's the same way for a human being. If he can see light, then he can always identify what is darkness. If he can see good, he can always identify what's bad. Because then he knows: this is good for me, and this is bad for me. See?

If somebody understands avionics, then he can, you know, identify all the planes. But if a person does not know that, then he will have to go to each airplane and try to understand what kind of airplane is this, what kind of airplane is this. Because probably, first he will see a jet, a jumbo jet, and, okay -- that's an airplane for him. Then he will go, and he will see a small, small airplane, with a little fan on top of it, and say, "What kind of thing is this?" And it doesn't have the big hump on it, and instead of these neat looking wings, it has this propellor right in the front.

But a person who understands, he doesn't have to ask that question. He knows it. It's so amazing that pilots, they can just tell what kind of plane is going by and even the planes which look completely identical, they can even identify. Because they have known what it is. See, the word 'good' has started off from the word 'God'. And if we do not know God, how can we know what's good? And so what is God for us? Today it has just become a statue for some people. Today, it's become some kind of mantra, for some people. There are so many different conceptions people have about God. But is God tied up in different conceptions? Does God come out in a mantra for one guy, and for the other it comes out something else, and for the third it comes out something else? No! It definitely doesn't. God is one, and has to be realized the way it is.

And then, if we really want to realize God, the way it is, and really want to see God, the way it is, we'll have to go to somebody who can reveal it to us, who has a technique, who has a way, who has a method, who can reveal us this Truth, this light within inside of us, this thing, and can take away our darkness. And this is the reason why every premie, every man in this world, should receive Knowledge. This is his purpose in this life, why he has come.

There are so many people who are just using the same old motto, "eat, drink, and be merry." And are they happy? They certainly are not. Probably these are the majority of people who come to me. They have plenty of wealth, but they're just not happy. But what's the reason? Why aren't they happy?


Just because you have everything, but you don't have one thing. It's like, you have a whole bulky car. It's like having Lamborghini Espada. You have all the big twelve cylinders. You have all the big six carburetors. You have the whole big body of a car and everything. But you don't have one single thing. And that's called the key. It's very small. With Espada, especially, it's very small. And you can't drive that big thing. It costs about $27,000. And one key probably costs a couple of dollars. If you go to somebody who knows you, he'll probably make it free for you.

And that key stops you, prevents you, from driving the car away. How come? Because maybe it's little, but it matters more. And this is how this whole cycle of human being is. We have to realize the most, the most subtlest thing in this world. And then once we realize that subtle thing, you know, it's like it triggers everything on.

So really, now the premies in Jamaica, I think they should just go out and tell people about this Knowledge. And there is a certain way you tell them about this Knowledge. If you go to somebody and say, "Look, man, you are dying in hell, and you gotta receive this Knowledge," he'll probably respond to you and say, "Okay. Let me die in hell. What's botherin' you?" You know, this is how people respond to it.

But if you go and explain it -- because there are people who have said to me, "Guru Maharaj Ji, you know, it's like, well, fine, you know, let people go to heaven, and all what's left in this world will be for us then, you know?" Because they are just ignorant about it. And really, if you want to follow a car, you will have to follow the trail of that car. You cannot start going the other way. That's not following the car. If you want to follow a car, you have to be right behind it.

It's like, somebody comes and says, "Oh, we have heard that you are Guru Maharaj Ji. You are very popular. What do you give to people?"

And when there is a little satsang going on I say, "Well, I distribute happiness." And people just get off the seat and say, "Well, we don't need happiness. We are happy."

I say, "Okay. But tell me one thing. How come you're happy?" And they say, "Well, I got a lovely wife. I got a couple of kids, and I got beautiful cars, and I got a beautiful house."

And I said, "Oh, yeah? That's really nice. But tell me one thing. What happens if your kids and your wife are going in the car and get smashed? What are you going to do? Think about it, huh?" And he leaves.

And in twenty minutes, the next thing you know, he is coming back to you. Because that thing just does it, you know. That thing just makes him realize, makes him understand, that, "Yeah! Really if my happiness is based upon that thing, and if that thing is gone from the world …

Because those things that a man's happiness today is based upon are the materialistic things which have to eventually go away. So what then? What's the next thing he is going to do after that?

It's like making a whole big statue on one pillar. If you knock the pillar out, statue is not going to stay there, is it? The statue will come down with the pillar.

And the same way is man. If we can explain to him slowly, in a way that he can relate to, then he can really understand. And I think all the premies really should go out. Because whatever is happening in Jamaica is actually a quest for Knowledge. They want this Knowledge. They don't know what it is.

It's like a man comes into this hotel, and wants to get ahold of a person called, maybe, Mr. F. And he goes. So he looks into one room, into two rooms, into three rooms, into four rooms, into five rooms. But then he has to search more than a hundred rooms. He is searching in the lobby; he is searching everything.

After some time he can get so excited about it, he is just going to get so mad about it, he is just going to get so much aggravated about it, that he will just say, "I don't care about it. I


don't care; I'm going back." Then he is completely frustrated. He sits in his car, slams his doors, and he turns his key the wrong way. Means, everything becomes wrong for him. And then he has to work that way because he has to live. See, though things are going wrong for him, that doesn't make him stop. He has to live in whatever is happening.

Here they are showing that they really need Knowledge. Because they do something. They are interested in trying to find something nice. But they have been trying to find it in a wrong way. And that something nice has become damn hard for them to get. And now somebody can come and tell them, and show them, this nice thing. This is what they have been looking for all their lives long. They are frustrated now because they can't find it.

And this is not the condition only in Jamaica. I can bet you that it's all over the world. And that's why the whole world is kind of freaking out. Because they all want Knowledge. They are all searching for Knowledge. They really need Knowledge. They don't know where to get it.

You know, this is all that is told to people: "God is beautiful." Now, how to get hold of Him? Where is He?

How beautiful He is, and who gets you to God, is never told because those people telling you that God is beautiful, don't themselves know. It's like something that has been passed on from one person to other person to other person to other person.

And now, if we can make people explain about this Knowledge, we can really make a strong, strong center -- I mean real strong center, in Jamaica, you know? Because once you get it going, it's like, once you get the prachar going and people are meditating and everything, everything becomes so beautiful! You know, it's just incredible. And some people see that beauty, and they completely respond to it.

This is what happened in America. It started out with three people. And they used to give satsang in the morning, and every night, in Los Angeles. And it's like, people were just coming. And they had never listened to satsang before. Just maybe a word or so. And they just poured in! You know, it was like, first day maybe five. The next day, you see ten. And the third day you see fifteen, and we ended up having, right from three people, to fifty people within a week. And it was completely incredible, because people were just pouring in. They wanted to listen to what was going on.

And those fifty received Knowledge and they went out, and then they went out, and you can't imagine. It's like in a year we were having the Guru Puja function there. There were thousands of people assembled.

See, you have to go and dig for a diamond. Once you have started digging for the diamond, people can see a little activity going on, so they get a little attracted.

But once you get the diamond out, you don't know how many people get attracted. When you get the Mission going, maybe some people get attracted, maybe like you people got attracted. But then once you really get it going, and you are like a couple of hundred people or something like that, then it becomes so beautiful. It becomes so strong. It's like everything is just rolling perfectly.

So, you know, this is, I think, what you people should do: try to make the Mission here. Because, really, people should understand who they are and what is their purpose of life, their definite purpose of life. And it's something that they should feel. Not be told.

Because, you see, this Knowledge is an individual experience for everybody. And everybody should feel it. Not be told. Not be told, "Well, this is the way it is," and "this is the way it is."

But everybody should actually feel it within their hearts. And then they'll be able to understand and become much stronger and become really firm in this Knowledge.

Thank you very much.